
May 13, 2019
I try to be active here when I can... today's Sunday so I have some extra time.

Yeah we really gotta add saving ASAP. The UI art and masks are still placeholders, so we locked it, but I'll ask our scripter to jury-rig something. I know it can get annoying playing for hours without a save... As for the inventory, that's locked as well because we don't have the art for all the items. There's a couple thousand icons that need painting, and there's no way in hell we could've finished it in time for release, so we just locked the whole thing. It'll get done... eventually.
Theres hours worth of content? I think I got one conversation with a barbarian thing and then teh rest of the people had blank text bubbles. Theres no more sex scenes aside from the first one right?

Thanks for the femdom content hope for a lot more in the future!

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
I think I got one conversation with a barbarian thing and then teh rest of the people had blank text bubbles.
I think this happens if you don't install the custom font, or you alt-tab in/out of the game... or both! :p
Theres no more sex scenes aside from the first one right?
Not in this build, no. They'll be in the full release. Teasers are .
Thanks for the femdom content hope for a lot more in the future!
You're welcome! (y)
The Maledom/Romance/Femdom trifecta is basically our version of the Good/Neutral/Evil moral compass in D&D, just applied to lewd content. It's one of the core pillars of the game, so yeah, there'll be lots more femdom to come! ;)


Active Member
Nov 24, 2018
The Maledom/Romance/Femdom trifecta is basically our version of the Good/Neutral/Evil moral compass in D&D, just applied to lewd content. It's one of the core pillars of the game, so yeah, there'll be lots more femdom to come! ;)
Ah so the games morality system will determine what content you get? Interesting, I like it...
Now I gotta ask, Dark Elf (Drow) dommy-mommy femdom when? lol ;)

EDIT: Last suggestion (from me at least); please consider adding in some shemale/futa content in the future, it's not a make it or break it kinda thing for me (I'll be buying your game on Steam regardless) but it would be nice if that content was in the game...
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Apr 14, 2018
One suggestion, Crimson Delight Games ... it's incredibly easy to accidentally click or select an option when you are clicking through text, and then you accidentally select something and can't get back to it and have no idea what it is you just clicked. Surely there's something you can do with the interface to prevent this issue?
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Aug 17, 2017
I'm actually surprised there are not that many people aware of this project considering the quality and that it started in 2021, I just discovered it and thought "how could I miss this one?", lol. I'm gonna wait until saving is available tho not a fan of starting over several times.
I wish the best for the project and I'm going to be waiting for steam release.
PD: Lowkey I just don't know how itchio works :v


New Member
Dec 24, 2019
EDIT: Last suggestion (from me at least); please consider adding in some shemale/futa content in the future, it's not a make it or break it kinda thing for me (I'll be buying your game on Steam regardless) but it would be nice if that content was in the game...
I'm like pretty sure there is a futa character already in the works, as in they've already designed her, so don't you worry.
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May 30, 2019
Wow, cannon pictures! And unusual gameplay. I'm surprised and intrigued. I will follow the updates for sure.


Nov 19, 2018
Does your game have some furry/monster scenes at the present point of its development cycle? Preferably gay or NTR (furry/monster male on human female) but not necessarily. Honestly thinking about chipping in if it does. The art looks really good and the whole premise seems fun.
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Sep 10, 2019
The game crashes and gives errors in various places - the first time I got an error when I asked to repeat one of the questions from the riddle man, the second time I got an error when talking with another party of adventurers, due to dialogue rewind, because after the first crash without saves there is no desire to read everything in the second round, the third time the game gave an error when falling from a rope when trying to climb a wall, the next time there were no errors in these places...

All this time I tried to find at least one lewd scene, but it turns out that there are none in this build))) Of course, for people who do not know English fluently (as myself), such a size of text in the game is very difficult to perceive, especially considering that in RPG of this genre this is the whole point. I don’t really understand the tons of renewable loot at every step, which the captain, running circles, loots, chiseling rocks, digging the ground, and so on. Somehow it does not really fit with my personal perception of old-school RPG games. Nevertheless, the game is excellent, despite the very long development and the amount of content currently available, which, in principle, can be explained by the small number of people working on the game. It is interesting to look at the combat mechanics (dice 20, saving throws?) and character leveling. I'm waiting for this game on a level with Baldur's Gate 3 :)
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Jul 25, 2018
The first scene is realy good. I think everyone can choose what he/she/it likes. ( but it's old scene )
" open world " is little bit confusing i would say. You pick up a lot of stuff, but there is no way to access it. I Didn't find any button to open inventory or something like that.
There is no way to save my game. When i was climbing on the tower, i died and whole my progress was lost. So when i started new game and skipped most of the text to speedrun into point where i died, game crashed and i lost progress again.
There is too mutch talking and no action by my opinion. I was hoping for some new scene, but i didn't find any.
Would be good to have something like quest log or journal.

So far game has a decent and original base to build on new content. I am looking forward for new updates.


Jun 11, 2017
This game has much potential, the story is very good the gameplay is decent the only thing that is lacking is that it has no way to save, My game crashed twice and I dont want to go through it all over again until there is a save feature


Aug 25, 2021
If I would be you, I would immediately add the save option. I played it twice, in the first playthrough I died because I tried to climb over the tower. Okay, I am not surprised that I ended up like that, so I began again (enjoyed a new scene) and progressed and game crashed. Closed game and didn't open again.

Otherwise, the art is god-tier and I do not want to reduce points for the game just for not being able to save.


Apr 11, 2018
Interesting premise, good world building and I like the freedom of choice involved in interactions. But, the interactions are also way, way too long-winded, and the lack of saving makes it feel tedious- I played for about two and a half hours, only to have it crash from a bug, and I'm a little unsure if I accomplished anything in that timeframe?

That being said, the pieces are all there to make a game with a good amount of replay value. Being able to track and save progress will be huge improvements in and of themselves
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Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Now I gotta ask, Dark Elf (Drow) dommy-mommy femdom when?
We have a fem-drow companion you can recruit, but she's in the wilderness areas after you leave the Fort. There's also a whole drow city we want to make (with a bunch of femdom content, since it fits with it thematically - think Menzoberranzan, from D&D), but that's midgame content.
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Last suggestion (from me at least); please consider adding in some shemale/futa content in the future, it's not a make it or break it kinda thing for me (I'll be buying your game on Steam regardless) but it would be nice if that content was in the game...
Exotic encounters like dickgirls will make up about 5% of the overall lewds in the game, so yes, there'll be plenty of those girls if you're into that sort of thing. Though it's all optional. The green orcess from the game's main menu is one... she's inside the Fort, and you'll meet her when you enter Ninevus.

One suggestion, @Crimson Delight Games ... it's incredibly easy to accidentally click or select an option when you are clicking through text, and then you accidentally select something and can't get back to it and have no idea what it is you just clicked. Surely there's something you can do with the interface to prevent this issue?
You don't actually have to be clicking inside the textbox to progress conversations - you can Left-Click anywhere on the screen, and that way you can't accidentally pick a reply you didn't see or want. I actually blame our scripter for this because in all the vids he records, he's clicking inside the text box, so people who've seen them think they have to do the same. Another way is to tap PageDown, but this is very, very fast and it's possible to skip through multiple chunks of text if your finger holds it for too long. When I play, I just hold the mouse pointer outside the dialogue UI border, and left-click there.

I'm actually surprised there are not that many people aware of this project considering the quality and that it started in 2021, I just discovered it and thought "how could I miss this one?", lol.
You didn't see the game in the general discussions part of the forum? :unsure:
I bump ToLLA's development thread at least once or twice per week.
As for Itch, you just sign up for an account and that's it, they've very simple.

I'm like pretty sure there is a futa character already in the works, as in they've already designed her, so don't you worry.
Yeah, the green she-orc is a dickgirl. She plays a part in the main story for a while, then you can decide whether to keep her in your party or not (we don't force companions on you once they've finished their role in the main quest).

I may sound like an idiot, but how am I able to access menu after leaving cabin?
You can't, it's locked. Even says so in the post-cabin intro.
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Wow, cannon pictures! And unusual gameplay. I'm surprised and intrigued. I will follow the updates for sure.
Thanks! :cool:(y)
But what do you mean 'cannon pictures'? ToLLA takes place in an original setting, it's our own IP.

Does your game have some furry/monster scenes at the present point of its development cycle? Preferably gay or NTR (furry/monster male on human female) but not necessarily. Honestly thinking about chipping in if it does. The art looks really good and the whole premise seems fun.
No furry/monster scenes as of yet, but they'll be added when the time comes... tho it's all with female characters.
There's no plans for gay content, or NTR... sorry, it's just not that kind of game (if I had to classify it, I'd say ToLLA is a power fantasy harem game). But you can always play it for the RPG content, even if you don't like the lewds! ;)

I don’t really understand the tons of renewable loot at every step, which the captain, running circles, loots, chiseling rocks, digging the ground, and so on. Somehow it does not really fit with my personal perception of old-school RPG games.
All that loot is the building blocks for a crafting system we'll be implementing later on, once the core systems are done. And you don't have to pick up every last shrub or rock, just ignore them if they get on your nerves! :p
I'm waiting for this game on a level with Baldur's Gate 3
Thanks! But you gotta be realistic - Larian has a couple hundred people working on BG3 full-time in multiple offices around the world. On the other hand, we have a team of 4, and all of us work on ToLLA part-time after our regular jobs. :LOL:

When i was climbing on the tower, i died and whole my progress was lost.
Nice. The Tower claims yet another fatality: +1 to its kill-score! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
There is too mutch talking and no action by my opinion. I was hoping for some new scene, but i didn't find any.
Would be good to have something like quest log or journal.
Yeah, I get you. We still don't have combat implemented, so all the talking can get a bit boring. The way it's supposed to work is you'd do a dialogue quest, then go kill something, then fiddle around with your party's inventory a bit, then do some resource gathering, then craft a little, then explore the area again, and then re-start the whole loop by talking to an NPC again. We just haven't had time to implement all those systems (they're incredibly art-hungry, all of them). But we'll get it done in time, and then the game will really shine. ;)

This game has much potential, the story is very good the gameplay is decent the only thing that is lacking is that it has no way to save, My game crashed twice and I dont want to go through it all over again until there is a save feature
Fair enough. We'll probably add saving in the next mini-update, so players can continue where they'd left off.

I played it twice, in the first playthrough I died because I tried to climb over the tower.
Lmao, +1 kill count for the Tower! :LOL::LOL:
Do none of you read Meredith's warning? :unsure:
Otherwise, the art is god-tier and I do not want to reduce points for the game just for not being able to save.
Thanks! Like I wrote above, we'll add a manual save option in the next content update we put out. ;)

But, the interactions are also way, way too long-winded, and the lack of saving makes it feel tedious- I played for about two and a half hours, only to have it crash from a bug, and I'm a little unsure if I accomplished anything in that timeframe?
Yeah, the RPG game loop is talk-explore-kill-loot-talk-etc. We're still missing a good chunk of those systems, so all the yapping tends to blend together. Also, the way the conversations are written, you always have an option to exit/complete them early (the blue-colored replies). The idea was to let players finish them quickly... and for those who want extra rewards and game lore and NPC interactions, they could keep talking to the characters to learn more and get some additional stuff.

OK, I spoke briefly with our scripter today, and he sent me a list of possible crash issues.
I want all of you who reported a crash to read through it, and think if you've done everything...
  • first, the custom font has to be installed, otherwise things get messed up!
  • the game has to be played in fullscreen mode, you should not play it windowed!
  • alt-tabbing causes all sorts of issues, and is probably behind most of the crashes/glitches
  • if you see blank boxes with no text, then just press SHIFT again to restore it! (it toggles text ON/OFF)
  • if you're on a laptop, make sure your primary graphics card is running the game, not the integrated one!
  • make sure your primary display drivers are up to date, and that you have all the latest libraries
  • you should be running the game from your desktop, from the original folder (do not rename it!)
  • you shouldn't have any non-latin characters/symbols in the game's filepath, nor javascript identifiers (ex: $)
  • Windows Defender and other anti-virus programs are known to work in the background and sometimes interfere
  • you could have an older or faulty version of OpenGL, so downloading a valid version from the net may help
  • try running the game as Admin... in fact, you shouldn't be running it from guest/unauthorized accounts!
  • there's a known issue with MV and double monitors, so switch to a single-monitor setup while playing
  • temporarily set your language to English in Windows... don't give your MC a crazy name (ex: $#Fuxx00rMan!)
  • close any internet browsers running in the background, and temporarily disable your anti-virus auto updates
  • if all else fails, add an exclusion for the game to Windows DEP (Google it, it looks complicated but it's not)
We've left ToLLA running for hours, and it's not crashed once. In fact, I can't even reproduce some of the bug reports in this thread on my own machine! We did multiple stress-tests where we tried to break the game by running around the map and just spam-clicking on everything, then holding PageDown to blitz through the text nodes... and it still didn't cause a crash. We'll keep looking into the issue, but in the meantime make sure you're following the instructions from the list above!
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Aug 28, 2020
want all of you who reported a crash to read through it, and think if you've done everything...
I was guilty of some of those things
1. Initially I was running the game in windowed mode
2. I always had Chrome running in the background with multiple tabs open, Discord was open too
3. I was running the game from the E drive

I am hoping that you guys will take steps to ensure that the game becomes more stable with every release. Since people won't like it if the game comes with a list of do's and don'ts attached.

P.S: How did so many players die after falling from the tower? I had one look at Jerren and instantly knew that my Jerren won't be falling for that trick. I mean, the man is a mountain of muscle. That body is suitable for cleaving heads off torsos, not climbing towers like he's Ezio from Assassin's Creed. :KEK:


Sep 10, 2019
P.S: How did so many players die after falling from the tower? I had one look at Jerren and instantly knew that my Jerren won't be falling for that trick. I mean, the man is a mountain of muscle. That body is suitable for cleaving heads off torsos, not climbing towers like he's Ezio from Assassin's Creed. :KEK:
Yes, he looks like mr universe... But rpg games works with other rules - if this is custom character, he easy can be master of acrobatics and dexterity, not only tank with only strength and endurance :sneaky: But yeah, with such a look tank build is canon, in my opinion)


Jun 6, 2017
just to clarify, there's only one lewd scene so far, right? the (very good) meredith scene with multiple paths? any estimate on when we might get additional lewd scenes?


Jul 17, 2017
The game is constantly freezing mid game when playing on a 244hz monitor it seems to work alright on a 144hz monitor except for the crashes
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