You mean like some kind of pre-game menu where you toggle which kinks you wanna see or skip?

No, not really. But you don't need that - we decided early on in development to never force any sexual scenes on the Player. The game always lets you know what kind of fetish is coming up, and you can just skip it entirely. I know people are used to these kink menus and whatnot since a lot of you play semi-linear VNs, but
ToLLA is an RPG, so choosing what kind of content you want to skip or experience is baked directly into the gameplay loop.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the game!

I'll try to address your points one by one...
That's only for the super important ones with critical info - most of the other ones will play on top of the screen while letting you move. I know it's a bit annoying if you're a fast reader and get through the text before it disappears, but we had to do that to make sure players would read them... And it's just in the first area.
You're hitting the SHIFT key, which toggles text ON/OFF. If it disappears just hit SHIFT again to restore it.
The UI needs a ton of art so it's currently disabled until we get around to it, which is why we put in a dedicated save icon that can be accessed from the game world. This is a temporary setup, we'll change it later on.
There's not much to change, except sound/volume loudness. We tweaked all of that already, but you can always customize it from the main menu if you want.
We'll get around to that once we do itemization & inventory. There's like 500+ item icons that need painting. Just treat the game like a sandbox visual novel for now... RPG systems will come later, once we're done with the story content for the first major chunk of the game.
Personally, I actually prefer having only 1 save-game icon per map. It disincentivizes save-scumming. You're supposed to role-play your character, not constantly save-load-save to exploit conversations for the best outcome. But that's just my opinion - we'll be adding a "regular" save system like I wrote above, so you'll be able to do all that if you really want to.
Yeah that's a fair point, and a legitimate downside with the current system.
Thanks for taking the time to type all that out, we always welcome feedback!