- Jun 16, 2022
- 411
- 506
Holy shit, there's an update!! 

Bueno, veo que recibimos una reseña de 1 estrella por no tener suficiente contenido en el juego...:inseguro::JAJAJA:
Supongo que eso es F95.ag
Kapap Hasta ahora, hay tres escenas obscenas. Puedes viajar a las Tierras Salvajes del Sur por el camino del sur y explorar un poco, pero no hay contenido allí, excepto el inicio de la misión de Trixie.
Reezo El juego se juega como una novela visual de libre recorrido en este momento, puedes ignorar libremente todos los nodos de recursos y objetos si lo deseas.
middude Sí, actualicé la imagen del banner. No te estás volviendo loco.:JAJAJA:
labmouseblues ¡Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de escribir tus comentarios, te lo agradezco!En cuanto a tus puntos...
Inventario y registro de misiones: el problema es que todo eso requiere mucho arte y programación... especialmente los elementos del inventario. Pero está en nuestra lista de tareas pendientes.
Lascivos: La introducción de CYOA tiene unas 65 imágenes, si no recuerdo mal, no es posible hacer eso para cada escena de sexo. Si tomáramos esa ruta, obtendríamos tal vez unas 5 o 6 escenas lascivas en todo el juego. También recuerdo que la gente se quejaba de que el libro de cuentos ( CYOA ) tenía demasiado texto, que era pequeño y denso, que es lo opuesto a lo que intentamos hacer con las escenas más nuevas... pero ahora estás diciendo que el formato CYOA era mejor. Es imposible complacer a todos.:Me parto de risa:
Densidad/color de los nodos de recursos: En realidad, probamos diferentes esquemas de color con los íconos, muchos de ellos tendían a mezclarse con el arte de fondo (especialmente elementos como los nodos de plantas que son verdes, o los cofres del tesoro que son marrones/negros). Esto limita severamente dónde podemos colocar los íconos en el mapa, ya que al colocarlos en ciertas ubicaciones era difícil verlos entre los fondos. Es por eso que optamos por el sepia: resalta y se destaca. Estoy de acuerdo en que los mapas necesitan una revisión en cuanto a los íconos, la densidad es exagerada. Haremos otra revisión una vez que se implementen las otras áreas.
Grupo de aventureros: esos tipos son un grupo de némesis recurrente, te los volverás a encontrar ysubirán de nivel .
zuri12 Le pediré a nuestro scripter que mire el código... pero por lo que recuerdo, es posible recolectar 100 nodos.:inseguro:
Thanks! I thought it must be a bug since the game starts talking about going to see the general and just when I'm really excited to complete the quest to see what he wants, I can't get to 100 nodes no matter how much I keep collecting, to the point where I've collected ALL the nodes on both mapsWelp, I see we got a 1-star review for not having enough content in the game...
That's F95 for ya I guess.
Kapap Three lewd scenes so far. You can travel to the Southern Wildlands via the south road and explore a bit, but there's no content there except Trixie's quest start.
Reezo The game plays like a free-roam VN right now, you can freely ignore all the resource & item nodes if you want.
middude Yeah, I updated the banner image. You're not going crazy.
labmouseblues Thanks for taking the time to write your feedback, I appreciate it!As to your points...
Inventory & Questlog: Thing is, all of that requires lots of art & scripting... the inventory items especially. But it's on our to-do list.
Lewds: The intro CYOA is ~65 images IIRC, it's not feasible to do that for every sex scene. If we went that route you'd get maybe like 5-6 lewd scenes in the entire game. Also I remember people complaining the storybook (CYOA) had way too much text that was small and dense, which is the opposite of what we tried to do with the newer scenes... but you're now saying the CYOA format was better. It's impossible to please everyone.
Resource node density/color: We actually tested different color schems with the icons, many of them tended to blend in with the background art (especally stuff like plant nodes which are green, or treasure chests which are brown/black). This then severely limits where we can place the icons on the map, since putting them at certain locations made it hard to see them amidst the backdrops. That's why we went for sepia - it pops and stands out. I do agree the maps need a rework icon-wise, the density is overdone. We'll do another pass on them once the other areas are implemented.
Adventurer party: Those guys are a recurring Nemesis Party, you'll run into them again.They'll level up as well.
zuri12 I'll ask our scripter to look at the code... but from what I remember, it's possible to collect 100 nodes.![]()
Yeah, I imagine it does, especially if you want to have icons for everything, but even the most basic, no frills journal would go a long way towards making the player feel like they're interacting with a narrative.Inventory & Questlog
I wouldn't expect all scenes to have the level of branching or volume the first one did, I was mostly commenting on presentation. And while you're perfectly justified in taking a direction influenced by the majority of voices, if people found the text "too dense" in the opening sequence, then first of all, Jesus Christ have mercy on us; second, I don't know how they'll deal with every other dense block of text this game tends to throw at players. Some of the conversations are pushing Planescape levels of text scrolling.Lewds
I think giving the special icons, like tutorials or quest markers, a glow would be enough to avoid 90% of pixel hunting. Tab highlighting would obviously be best, but I guess your coding time is almost certainly better spent elsewhere at this point.Resource node density/color
Kapap Three lewd scenes so far. You can travel to the Southern Wildlands via the south road and explore a bit, but there's no content there except Trixie's quest start.
Reezo The game plays like a free-roam VN right now, you can freely ignore all the resource & item nodes if you want.
middude Yeah, I updated the banner image. You're not going crazy.
labmouseblues Thanks for taking the time to write your feedback, I appreciate it!As to your points...
Inventory & Questlog: Thing is, all of that requires lots of art & scripting... the inventory items especially. But it's on our to-do list.
Lewds: The intro CYOA is ~65 images IIRC, it's not feasible to do that for every sex scene. If we went that route you'd get maybe like 5-6 lewd scenes in the entire game. Also I remember people complaining the storybook (CYOA) had way too much text that was small and dense, which is the opposite of what we tried to do with the newer scenes... but you're now saying the CYOA format was better. It's impossible to please everyone.
Resource node density/color: We actually tested different color schems with the icons, many of them tended to blend in with the background art (especally stuff like plant nodes which are green, or treasure chests which are brown/black). This then severely limits where we can place the icons on the map, since putting them at certain locations made it hard to see them amidst the backdrops. That's why we went for sepia - it pops and stands out. I do agree the maps need a rework icon-wise, the density is overdone. We'll do another pass on them once the other areas are implemented.
Adventurer party: Those guys are a recurring Nemesis Party, you'll run into them again.They'll level up as well.
zuri12 I'll ask our scripter to look at the code... but from what I remember, it's possible to collect 100 nodes.![]()
Thanks, it feels great to be working on the game again.good to see you guys continue development ...![]()
Will do! Thanks for the support, it's much appreciated.Subscribed on Patreon. 61 USD is paid! Go and do this game, man!
With specific/femdom content? Or just dark elf girls in general with "regular" lewd scenes?P.S. More Dark Elves mistresses please!
Same here. I read a lot faster than most VO, and playing games like Pillars of Eternity was a bit of a chore with the emphasized narration there (someone evenI'm not the biggest fan of VO in text-heavy games since I read much faster than the dialogue. Unlike mainstream games where animations/player agency complement the dialogue, here you have to wait for it to finish. But voicing the banters is something I can get behind. Loved companions talking among themselves in BG3 too.
I've checked our Patreon page setup, and the builds areWishlisted the game on Steam. Wanted to know what tier gets instant access to the new builds on Patreon?
Heavy spoilers below:P.S: Saw Meredith say that she hated elves. But she is a half-elf herself, meaning one of her parents is an elf. Or is she more removed from her elven ancestry and pointy ears are just the dominant gene?
Noted. I'll bug the team about it, hopefully it gets implemented soon.Yeah, I imagine it does, especially if you want to have icons for everything, but even the most basic, no frills journal would go a long way towards making the player feel like they're interacting with a narrative.
Ah, my bad - I assumed you meant *every* lewd scene should be the size of the intro CYOA. But yeah, people complained there was too much text in the storybook setup even per page, not just overall. I imagine most of them aren't used to playing Western CRPGs... espcially not in a lewd context. We've discussed this as a team, and to make things more accessible to players we'll: (1) implement VO for plot-crit dialogues & events; (2) color-code NPC trigger-icons so players can visually parse what *type* of interaction they'll get (most of the really long dialogues are all tertiary quests anway, so if that's not someone's cup of tea they'll be able to skip it at a glance).I wouldn't expect all scenes to have the level of branching or volume the first one did, I was mostly commenting on presentation. And while you're perfectly justified in taking a direction influenced by the majority of voices, if people found the text "too dense" in the opening sequence, then first of all, Jesus Christ have mercy on us; second, I don't know how they'll deal with every other dense block of text this game tends to throw at players. Some of the conversations are pushing Planescape levels of text scrolling.
I think that we can start with the classic domination of a drow woman (They are all from a society with a strict matriarchy), and then have the opportunity to continue the relationship as a subordinate slave, and gradually the styles of pure love on equal terms. But the possibility of our domination over a drow companion is hardly possible... well, I can't imagine how a human man can conquer a drow woman.With specific/femdom content? Or just dark elf girls in general with "regular" lewd scenes?
Same as every other woman, I presume.I can't imagine how a human man can conquer a drow woman.
VO is also quite expensive from what I've heard but if you believe that it will enhance the UX, then I'm all for it. There was another game on here recently, Bloodcrave that has VO and it does add a certain gravity to some scenes.Same here. I read a lot faster than most VO, and playing games like Pillars of Eternity was a bit of a chore with the emphasized narration there (someone evenYou must be registered to see the linksto remove it, lol). But overall, having VO for plot-critical scenes adds a lot to the game, imo - players are more likely to retain the information, and it also livens up the dialogue exchanges.
Banters are always good tho.I absolutely adore the ones back in Baldur's Gate 2, they made the game feel so alive.
As long as there are not massive time differences ( imagine multiple weeks). I will see if my card works on Patreon ( had some troubles occassionally ) and pledge when the new month rolls in.I've checked our Patreon page setup, and the builds areYou must be registered to see the links- it's accessible to every pledge tier. The higher tiers should get access a couple days earlier but since we were on hiatus for a long time and hadn't released new content we're gonna give everyone instant access for the next couple of releases.
The Watchtower still kills you, don't click on it!can i see now, what's up on top of the ladder this time ???
Not surprising if Elven Switzerland has the same prices as its non-fantasy counterpart. Google says Swiss milk prices are 67% higher than EU!
Yeah, they're total dicks - Meredith is 100% right in hating them.And while I dont fault them for maintaining neutrality, it probably will be infuriating to those in need of help and kingdoms just refusing to help despite being able to do so.
Your elves seem like they'd depose Elrond and Arwen since they're half-elves themselves!The Watchtower still kills you, don't click on it!
Yeah, they're total dicks - Meredith is 100% right in hating them.We wanted to move away from the LoTR trope where elves are mostly benevolent and take an active part in helping guide humanity against dark forces; in ToLLA, the elves sit out most major conflicts while humanity gets rekt. They wouldn't piss on a human if one were on fire!
If Elrond were a ToLLA elf, he'd try to steal the One Ring from the Fellowship while charging them all 600% markup for room & board while they're staying in Rivendell because they're not elves. He'd also smoke all of Gandalf's weed, then act like he forgot where he left his wallet.
Also, Arwen would marry Aragorn only if he simped for her 24/7!