VN - Ren'Py - Tales of Unity [v0.11] [Stronkboi]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Daiju Fuma

    OK, about the game:

    Interesting story (can't wait for every new update because I wanna know what happens next)
    Good character creation (lot of different looking girls with different personalities as well. And so far if I understood the dev right, there are even more girls planed)
    Your decisions have enough impact on story and provide with different scenes (main story as well as for the girls, so you might be interested to play the game on different routes)

    The only reason to not play the game is if you don't like the anime looks but even then I recommend you to give it a try because of the well developed story.

    Last thing to say, the dev is a really cool person, communicating with his fans is normal for him and he tries to answer most of the questions. He informs about his game progress on a regular basis on patreon and his updates of the game are frequent. So do me a favor, play this great game and support Stronkboi on patreon, he really deserve's it!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The story is very interesting and the characters are unique and likable, I love all of them. Writing is good, It's understandable and simple, well done! Each character has his own personality, approach, and beauty!.. Absolutely one of the best games to play with this engine.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is Amazing, i really liked it, Keep Up the good work Stronkboi, You r the best, i m willing to see more updates for this game it is really cool, and now that its in ren`py its even better, coz my PC isnt good with Unity games
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game....the story is good, the characters are great, and the story is flushed out and makes more sense as the story progresses...some mistakes regarding lore and stuff or inconsistencies if any are also looked into and fixed

    the dev listens to the feedback of his player base to improve everything regarding the game....easily my top 3 ongoing games to play
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game you should play if you have desires to fulfill ;). The story is very interesting and the characters are unique and likable. You get to decide how you want to play the game, wether it be in an evil manner or as a genuinely nice person. If you're into harem type games, this is for you, no doubt about it. Although, my only criticism is that it's still early in development, and I'm not much of a patient person to say the least. Although, that's not to say that it won't be updated frequently, for I have high hopes that it will. I can confidently say that THIS is a game you need to play.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Diverse relatively vanilla harem stuff but well executed, decent animations and dialogue isn't a cringefest. There is a bit of a lack of real choices afaict but if you're looking for something which isn't suffering from "stupid minigame syndrome" and has solid visuals then I'd say look no further. Looking forward to an update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was really surprised with this one! This is my subjective opinion but:

    I enjoyed the plot, got me quite engaged. From the start I was expecting clichés, but the characters are well written and no one is wasted (though some do get more focus than others, but it makes sense regarding the story, and even this is somewhat a choice of the player).

    I find the author put a good ammount of effort in all the renders, they're consistent with decent composition and lighting, and you can see as they progress their quality improves as he gets better at making them.

    You can expect a good VN experience with this one, where the choices have weight, you can customize your experience with the behavior of the MC and how he treats those around him (and how in moments of weight he decides to take action, to destroy or protect, be cunning or impulsive).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay Art great.

    Story here are the issues the start is rough i did not make it though the first time I tried the Dev responded to a post i made and told me there were reasons for that. While I have seen some of what they said be proven true not all but to have even some of the issues proven to have reason means that in the newer patches of the game other will be answered too.

    Please give this game a shot a real shot get past the issues at the start and you may like what you find.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. It contains something that makes it quite unique from other games which is "an actualy story".

    Gotta say there are lots of game where you train/corrupt girls around you but this isnt one of them. This has an intriguing story the introduction is very good. Chracters have personality and they are not (finally) f*ck toys.

    Story 10/10
    Characters 10/10
    Dialogues 10/10 (Because they are not so long or so short)
    Music 10/10
    Animation 8/10 (Dont get me wrong animation is the least of your problem when you have this good story)

    Overall 9.7/10

    You deserve a raise lol
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Tales of Unity... I like it.

    Animation 4/5 some of the slow animations aren't smooth so far
    Story 5/5 and beyond
    Gameplay 5/5
    Characters 5/5
    Music Choices 5/5

    A very nice game. The story is very well done, the music fits the game perfectly, and the combination even gave me goosebumps at one point. All of the characters are memorable and I love their personalities. There are more things that I just can't express in words about this game, but I love the way that it makes me feel.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Porn games have a real tendency to have a bunch of indistinguishable same-body sluts running trains on some "everyman" with the only significant difference between each scene being positioning, hair style, and coloration.

    Sometimes, if you find a well-designed japanese game which was labored over by ancient masters who trained for 100 years and folded the code for the game 1000 times, you break that mold and get a bunch of different bodied sluts running trains on some "everyman" with the bodies generally running on a spectrum between "That's no titty that's a moon" and "Literally actually a child".

    Fortunately, Tales of Unity doesn't run into that problem too badly. While there's certainly a bias towards the larger sort of women the girls manage to look distinct for reasons beyond their hair and color. The girls also have mostly distinct personalities - while they're all rather eager to jump on your dick and are friendly folk to a woman there's a lot of emphasis on their unique character traits which really helps sell that you're banging someone different this time.

    The story's not unique, but it's also solidly outside of the realm of cliche, with Man having lost a war to the Elves a generation ago and only slowly having been reclaiming their place in society, much to the Elves' chagrin. The cast is majority monstergirl (if you count elves, at least), but that doesn't come off as cliche either, with each girl having her race help define, but not entirely define, her character.

    All in all it's a very solid game despite Stronk sometimes losing his grasp on English (to be fair, it's a wily-ass language) and thouroughly deserves all four of the stars each review has given it thus far. Given Stronk's rate of improval since the beginning of the project, as well, I suspect it'll be a five-star game soon.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    story: very good.

    gameplay: good.

    characters: nice and colorfull.

    scenes (all of them): really well done.

    music: nicely done.

    conclussion: is a really nice story with lots of memorables characters, i really like all the though that are in the "choices" and the diferents types of personalities.

    this game deserve your time and money.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played Tales of Unity v0.3 by Stronkboi.

    First of all, let me say that I didn't go into this expecting a whole lot, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I got. As of v.03 the game can basically be said to offer a 1 hour demo with enough story material and cg content for one to determine if they're interested in the finished product or not (even if the dev also promises some early cg scenes, whichever those are, will be updated).

    The graphical presentation is pretty good. I normally don't like 3dcg but I can stand these models. One thing that really annoyed me is the overuse of fading between frames. Fades are good for making background changes less jolty, but are normally skipped for simple things such as someone changing a facial expression. The game looks its best when characters are juxtaposed to the evening sky, as seen in the first picture, while other backgrounds are less appealing. The animated sex scenes don't do a lot for me personally, I often feel like there is a lack of friction, but largely that is a matter of taste.

    The writing is a lot better than I had dared to hope from the title post. There are still a lot of duds and it is clear that the author is not a native English speaker, but it is readable and I believe that with continuous feedback that could be resolved. The characters are well written and make you care about them in a surprisingly short time. They all have distinct personalities, albeit to some degree reliant on stereotypes. Relationships advance a bit quickly, but if it's revealed that the succubus girl plays a part in that I might actually approve of it. So far the game has been really sweet and I almost feel bad for dating multiple girls at once.

    What made the experience unique but also confused me the most was the worldbuilding. A lot of it is explained eventually but there are also many questions as well as general background information which I feel should be addressed sooner. A lot of it relates to the fact that these people with knowledge of worldchanging events simply happen to go to the same high school, and no plausible reason is really ever given as to why. But there are also other things like the relations between races and the societal stance on interracial relationships. These things could easily be conveyed by showing a few more trivial interactions or just having the elf girl at least mention it before she sleeps with you. A lot of things like the Succubus girl just popping out of your head and the next day going to the same school as you really need a proper explanation.

    In all if you like games oriented around developing relationships that also try to tell a story outside of the sexual encounters, this might be worth checking out. For future versions I hope someone proofreads the dialogue and that there will be clarifications of a few things in the story. As of now it's a 4/5
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    i really like this game, its cute, the premise is neat, characters are adorable, really would like to see this get more reviews, plot is somewhat interesting kind of underrated. i encourage you guys to check it out .