I'm stuck can't pass Chapter 6, the emojis clues are awful, giving big fishes to the cat, sleeping and no clues at all, can't go up to the plane, what to do? This game needs a Walkthrough...
I'm half drunk so sorry for any misspellings
The entire game is just collecting stuff, to get up the plane you need to hit its door with rocks, then use some twine(that thing you make from leaf) + part of the plane to make a rope and hook, then something happens and you need to use some rocks and bamboo, now you can go back to your home and build a ladder or build it in the plane, honestly don't remember, from bamboo and more twine, I don't remember but it was something like 3-4 days in total to finish it, you get to see some cat pussy while you build, if you're having a hard time just stop "playing" at all and stockpile in supplies, is not the most rewarding experience but thats part of the charm.
Offtopic as fuck but: I know that people like me that love challenge are the minority but still would love to see more games being hard and reward winning rather than losing, my favorite H-game is Tobihime/Breeding princess, I remember spending a long time winning the entire game again in Lunatic difficulty while naked and unnarmed, so
asmodeev if you plan to make another game I just want to say that the difficulty is appreciated, also I would suggest for the next game lewding the crafting process as an example: you could have the cat "helping" around by being eye candy or if you want to go all out, have her sucking the MC off as he craft.