For the website of Save editor. just type "save editor" on google it should take you to it.
Savefile can be found on
ToS folder > game > save
I did not edit primary stats of Eywind(str,agi,etc) due to bug which causes Eywind's HP drop to 0 whenever you load the game (easiest remedy is to just eat jerky or drink hp potion but thats annoying to remember)
Stats are almost at the buttom.
Do not forget to replace your old save to the new edit save file and LOAD it once you are in game.
View attachment 948173
dunno if anyone answered this, but i found your problem
You sky-rocketed the stats too much without balancing it with other points
For example:
You put your attack point at 900, meanwhile your level are far too low for a 900 attack point, that triggered the error because you forced the game to be at it's unknown number. if you want to put your power at 900, increase your level limit to 100 and balance the other value (MP, HP, MATK, MaxExp, etc)
I tried with a more balanced points. Like increasing it's Level limit while increasing it's attack point etc
For example; i increased my level limit from 15 (Original maxed out) to 20, while it's attack power on 120, then i increased it's health & MP point as well while balancing the DEF & other value, and the game started normally with the increased power and others without having your trouble