Others - Completed - Teen Witches Academy [Final] [Drunk Robot]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I keep coming back to this game due to how good the girls and how much I enjoy the sandbox aspect of games and the story actually is written really good too...

    And then remember how terrible the combat is due to the grind for spells, trying to figure out who's weak to what and what spells defends against what and having to fail the fight takes so long when you know you are going to lose and having to waste spells that have no effect... it's just not fun at all.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the grindiest games i've ever played, and i've played silkroad online.

    Graphics were fine, the game is just base around grind power, grind mats etc and it's soooo very repetitive that it kills any intention to keep playing it to be honest.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Well it could be a really good game.

    OK I know! MC looks like witcher-dude who drunk to much of his potions mixed with strong drugs... But hey it actually fits for horny warlock who dreams about great magic power and lots of sexy girls to fuck.

    So we have Harry Potter style universe - magic school with cute and sexy teen witches and bit older witches. We have also some quests, major plot, stat grinding, magic combat system.

    So what went wrong? Well game is simply uncompleted. It's like some demo alpha version with very limited content and some bugs instead of final version.

    Sad. Sad. Because it had potential to be really decent sandbox with lot of sexy ecounters. I had great hopes for this one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR; Looks are deceiving, play the game that inspired it (Witch Trainer Silver).
    This is what I would consider a game for no one. The screenshots look great, but it's the most painful paywall I have ever seen, baked into the whole game.
    Basically, the game is set up that you NEED the cheat codes. It's a past the level of grindfest, you need to cheat unless you want to spend days to accomplish the smallest of tasks, and the cheats don't help that much because everything was set up to be so tedious that it ruins the game as a whole.
    I gave it 2 stars because time and effort went into this, but it's hard to list out every aspect of why this could be amazing, but is ruined by the dev's choices.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Janky ass game with one of the worst combat systems I've ever seen. Also you buy spells with f*cking stats so you have to grind them back. It's like he was trying to create a bad combat system on purpose.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game isn't all bad but it gets very monotonous and boring. The combat isn't explained, objectives seem clear, but even reading the walkthrough it's hard to know what you're supposed to do. The English feels like it's been trough google translate 3 times, and all the got damn transitions that you can't skip. It's just slow, boring, and unclear.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Now that this is completed I guess I can say what I've wanted to say. DON'T TRY THIS GAME! The grind is worse than FotM's and that's saying something considering it'd take you hours of your time to even do anything in that game. In THIS game however, there is ZERO payoff. There are some okayish models with a neat idea, but this game fails at EVERYTHING it does.

    UI: Bad.
    Game: Buggy Mess from Hell
    Story: What story?
    Concept: Fantastic
    Execution: Below Zero

    I've played some bad games in my time, I've wasted more time on other games, but no other game has made me feel more like I wasted my time than this game. It's like watching a 1:30hr movie for 24hrs. It's that bad.

    Please don't let it fool you with the Geralt looking MC and the Harry Potter like school. It'll make your life worse guaranteed. Literally stare at your wall for an hour that is a more interesting and worthwhile activity.

    I think the Devs models are fine, some I really like, but he needs to do two things to improve his next game.
    One: Actually give a $H!T about their audience
    Two: Use an engine that doesn't fall to pieces and you actually know how to use!

    It says 1 star at the top of this review, but it's actually a 0 Star. Don't even temp me to go into negative numbers...
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Every feature included in this game maximizes grind.
    Every feature excluded in this game minimizes efficiency.

    - Time --> any action you do (apart from exploring) advances time even though it has no gain and/or is a repeat.
    - Combat --> combat needs skills --> each skill needs one or a combination of stats --> 1 type of stat can be obatined once per morning. Guess how many mornings you need only on stat collecting.
    - Map Travel --> I traveled all 9 places of all 3 time periods several times to realize they do nothing but collect items that appear at a certain point in the story.

    - Skipping --> Nope. To realize whether something gives progress or not, you have to fully redo it.
    - Undoing. --> Nope. You have to save and load. This forces you to save every 2 minutes because of misclicks.
    - Pages --> If you are going to have a hint list of only text that's 9? 12? pages long, you should be able to skip to a certain page.
    - Cheats. --> You can type "hero" and get corruption/stat points. That's it. You still have to USE those points to progress the multitude of grinding and grinding and grinding.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible grinding monotony with no eye candy to even make the grind interesting. I had high hopes and was sorely disappointed. There is no clear quest goals and the paths to corruption are the same tasks over and over and OVER.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    The game is marked as final, and yet, there are still items with "work in progress" all over the place.

    The combat system is atrociously bad, this was talked about for a long time, and the dev's made no changes to it at all.

    The game still gets "stuck", like a crash, but never actually crashing properly, for no reason...

    Items appear and disappear before you can grab them, gets teleported on other maps and stick there for a long time.

    The English level is rather poor, with many dialogues not making any sense what so ever.

    Don't waste your time with this ... thing.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the concept and I like the voyeurism the game clearly needs more work though. I do wish that there was a little more help in knowing what to do next. The combat system works well on my laptop however the random hit or block on the opponent is frustrating as they can often block all your attacks and in some cases can cause you damage when you block but I win most so I can live with it and I think it makes the game interesting.
    I like the animation although not an expert.
    I love the fact on a few of the characters you get to see all of their body asshole included and although not to most peoples tastes there is a bit of testicle kicking.
    It is a bit buggy and it is a grind sometimes having to repeat actions and the characters dont change when an action has taken place an example is one gets a diary brings it to you and you can select her again and ask her to go get the diary.
    The other thing is you only get one decent action per part of the day and thus makes it grindy but I can live with that. I cant wait for this game to be updated again as there is a fair bit of dead ends but look like they can go somewhere.
    Overall I think this is a good game. I'd look to get the other characters more involved but also please please please can you show us Bikilu's tits!
    I think this game is worth a download and a play. It's got a bit of everything.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is very buggy. The game got stuck with the fireball animation overplayed over the entire game in one attempted playthrough, So, I started a new game and progressed a little further than before but eventually entered a room which just didn't load the content of the room or the GUI which meant I couldn't progress or leave the room. So I had to load an older save and lost some progress. Additionally, how to progress in this game is super uncertain. the game doesn't move forward smoothly at all. It's essentially all guess work where you hope to move the story forward by talking to some girl for the umpteenth time hoping for a new result
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.20]


    Art's alright. Faces are potato-y like many 3d renders are, but tits are nice.

    Writing is bad. Scenario's been done, voice is nonexistant, fluency is that of a fairly skillful non-English speaker speaking English. Narrative is disjointed and characterization waffles between absent and I wish it were absent. If you can make it past the technical troubles in the intro the cringe factor of the writing and dialog may have you click out anyway.

    NSFW content was fine, but let down by cheesy two- or three- frame animations that brought everything down to Bangin' Dollies Together levels.

    Gameplay was where this project really hit the wall for me. The engine slogs even under the load of a v0.2 amount of content, the UI is a mess, the animations are bad every time they're shown, the 'combat' is a waste of time and nothing is introduced or tutorialized. The logic is flawed in a way that makes me feel the dev and I have fundamental differences in the way our brains work which may not be reconcilable (Why would the authoritive head of a school need to sneak to patrol his own school? Why does the MC keep spazzing between Win-em-over McNiceguy and Shouty Prickstain? Why does the vice principal cave so easily and put up with his shit?)

    TLDR: Sadly, another example of bad gameplay gettin' in the way'a muh boobies.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Game comes unhindered by explanation and get stuck at fight with Briel, at least the latest Mac version does. Unplayable. Perhaps in time this will improve but Drunk Robot tends to release untested game versions that do not work an all stated platforms. The experience with Leisure Yacht should have made me wary. Nevertheless, I will keep trying with each new version in the hope that I can eventually play this game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    the cgs looks nice.

    but dear dev please read the reviews and remove most of the grind.
    at the end of the day this is a porn game, and no one like having to grind for hours without direction with a flaccid dick for only a hand full of slides.

    if you explain the combat and give more direct quest indicators and reduce the grind you got a decent game here. for a porn renpy that is.

    sooooo pppppllllllleeeeeaaasssse remove the grind. i want to like this game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    First of this is on paper a really nice idea, that is just poorly executed.

    The renders are fine, but my first minus goes to the models, of which some are unrealistically barbiedoll like and dubious age, but that in itself isn't the reason for this grade (that's after all tastes).

    The grinding - this is horrible, you die, you get back and continue grinding for the grinding sake, horrible horrible mechanic!

    The time - the day seems to last so long and theres nothing to do virtually half the time, this means it gets boring pretty fast!

    The bugs - the game is unfinished and if you press the wrong thing you get time spent without doing a goddamn thing, which is annoying as heck!

    The story - stereotypical, unsurprising, the pace is slow...

    Great idea to be honest, but poor execution, this game has a possibility to be a great game, but there's work needed to make it shine as it can.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice idea, horrible execution.

    Leaving the Engrish aside, the whole experience feels clumsy and decidedly unfun. The grind is punishing and repetitive, scenes can't be skipped, dialogues make my head hurt and whoever created the engine should probably do something else.

    I'd love to play a version of this game that I can actually enjoy, as I like the general setting and concept, but this is clearly not it.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just awful. It could be an ok game, but the implementation is terrible. The gameplay is slow and clunky and there is little to know direction given in the game with regards to how some things work. You're also left to just wander aimlessly at times with no real instruction as to what to do next.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    The idea is not bad but it has been badly developed. Renderings are not bad but there is still much to work on.
    The mechanics force the player into an unendless grind. And overall, the typical slow pace of Tyrano is frustrating.
  20. F
    5.00 star(s)


    Phahah it was my first 3dcg adult game I ever played, like I found about zone95 only thanks to this lil game (better have not lol). Now, how it all begin...
    I was like, I wanna fap to smt, oh what is it, off-brand Witcher in Harry Potter academy? Pahahahah this shit seems funny, lets try this one. And despite all the bugs and other problems that happened, I was very satisfied by humor, characters and the plot. Seriously who have not wanted to be a principal of magic school with tons of hot girls whom you can blackmail punish and fuck.
    3D models are also nicely done. If the dev can implement the same punishing system as in Headmaster, and add more content, it will be awesome.
    currently the game is only 7-8/10, but I give 5 stars because you guys degraded the rating, like seriously, this game is really something in the grey mass of similar 3dcg game with the same cliche plot, characters, stuff and no humor. Give it a chance