Others - Completed - Teen Witches Academy [Final] [Drunk Robot]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    at first glance the game seems ok, but the more you play (and with every update) the more annoying it gets.. the engine sucks, the dev sucks - he makes everything about the game unnecessarily complicated, old saves don't work, progress makes no sense, grinding is through the roof.. i presume the dev is an arrogant kid with no friends that just doesn't care..
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok after kicking this around over the course of several versions I have my thoughts on this. Bear in mind I know it's not finished so take this as a "state of the union" for current (0.10) affairs.

    1: Harry Potter meets The Witcher. Not very original but interesting nonetheless. I'll call this a pro. +1
    2: Time management. I like this type of game but this one is a bit... restricted. Not many phases per day makes you question how some of these activities can possibly take so long. Maybe the protag actually IS a grandpa and takes naps between. -1
    3: The Grind. This grind is so grindy you have to grind in order to access more grind. Aanndd the word has suddenly lost meaning. -1
    4: Punished for trying. If you commit the sin of clicking on certain things that are not yet in the game or available at that time the day moves on as if you did something anyway, Really? It takes the MC several hours (see item #2) to figure out he can't do something? They should have left him in lock-up. -1
    5: Plenty of characters and they have their own things going on rather than it all existing to cater to the MC. +1
    6: Live, die, repeat -- and repeat -- and repeat. The grind is bad enough without going through the exact same events over and over without making quick versions for subsequent viewings. And the skip function is difficult to stop once activated unlike more commonly used engines. -1

    Overall (-2): This is where we part ways. It's just too grindy and not very user friendly for my tastes. For those who can enjoy it, more power to you. That's a good thing. But I'm all set with it. Good luck, have fun.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    A really fun idea, a depraved story, quite good renders, models ranging from very nice to hubba-hubba, gonna get me some of that (depending on taste).

    Nice funny engrish translations, a La B-Movie.

    All in all a fairly good game if not for one simple fact...

    It is complete and utter garbage, so poorly coded that if I had the coder here, I would be tempted to do extreme violence upon his body as a punishment for destroying a promising game!

    For example, one of the quests tells you to do thing 1, then get thing 2, learn thing 3, do thing 1, learn thing 3, get thing 2, in an infinite random loop. Many quests have the same flaw.. Do the deed, be asked to do the deed again, get credit for having done the deed... I have not yet, as far as I know been denied to atempt to do deed, because I have already done it and gotten credit for it. But just because the game knows you have done it, don't expect further actions depending on deed done to work.

    I reiterate: Utter GARBAGE! And the reason I am so upset is that I actually wanted to play the game.

    So my advice to anyone wanting to play the game... check if the creator have apologized for fucking up his game... and if he claims to have fixed the bugs, try the game... Otherwise don't.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The engine choice for this game is extremely bad. It is slow, unresponsive, often hangs and generally gives a really bad first impression.

    Geralt the witcher as mc ? In a Harry Potter clone magic school? So weird. I'd really like to know what was the thought process behind this.

    As for the art, models are passable, but the animations are so bad maybe there shouldn't be any?

    Overall quite a mediocre game, in a slow and shitty engine.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    detailed characters appearence - promising set up - easy to understand - lack of main story and character story development (probably due to early stage of developing)
    The corruption in the hogwarts look alike facility is realy interesting with our character to be like The witcher 90%
    In this point its a 2-3H gameplay with not much to go, but i like where this is going
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I think I will give up on this game until it is a bit further developed. Love the Girls but game has become EXTREMELY monotonous. I used saves from v0.1 so not sure if that has impacted but progress is almost non existent . Shame

    I also notice the "Achievement" images don't carry from one version to the next with the save files making you repeat everything over and over without any progress.

    Version 0.2 has made improvements on earlier versions (such as ability to mute music etc) but playability is killing what should be a great game.

    I would give this game 8/10 for potential, 7/10 girls, 3/10 game play as of v0.2
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The game looks good, interesting renders and interesting story. The problem? I couldn't play it. The menu is really slow because start showing animated credits with the name of patreons and you can't select nothing until the credits end. And the worst part the game don't show text, the textbox appears but don't show text, I changed the text speed and nothing change. The only way to see the text was rolling back.
    The solution?? Move the game to Renpy, Unity or RPGM. No matter what engine while he change it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I inserted my name
    I wish to cast a waterfall of lava?
    Watched artifacts in the renders, I've seen them in two other games before and these aren't DAZ-grain. This must be something else? No in fact, this is another DAZ-game.
    The principal has mysteriously disappeared, this must be a good thing. Because the text is in capital letters.
    What is the she saying to hims, Maybe I must study more informations?
    Gawd! No scenes in any form can be worth the time going through all this.
    Then we must not forget the music, which can't be turned off in game but only by other means and full screen mode which only is enabled after you begin playing. There's no way from the game to shut it down either...

    I'm sorry but this game isn't doing anything at the moment. I suggest everyone to come back later.
    In the meantime, to the devs I wish you a happy "Water fall of Money"

    Rating based on. v.00