A really fun idea, a depraved story, quite good renders, models ranging from very nice to hubba-hubba, gonna get me some of that (depending on taste).
Nice funny engrish translations, a La B-Movie.
All in all a fairly good game if not for one simple fact...
It is complete and utter garbage, so poorly coded that if I had the coder here, I would be tempted to do extreme violence upon his body as a punishment for destroying a promising game!
For example, one of the quests tells you to do thing 1, then get thing 2, learn thing 3, do thing 1, learn thing 3, get thing 2, in an infinite random loop. Many quests have the same flaw.. Do the deed, be asked to do the deed again, get credit for having done the deed... I have not yet, as far as I know been denied to atempt to do deed, because I have already done it and gotten credit for it. But just because the game knows you have done it, don't expect further actions depending on deed done to work.
I reiterate: Utter GARBAGE! And the reason I am so upset is that I actually wanted to play the game.
So my advice to anyone wanting to play the game... check if the creator have apologized for fucking up his game... and if he claims to have fixed the bugs, try the game... Otherwise don't.