RPGM - Completed - That Girl Quest ~Back Alley Angel [v1.01] [Sakuragi Company]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well this is actually a very huge redflag xdd

    The game is short and is like the clasic pgmake game story is kinda good at the start then becomes boring Nice pixel art an good animations scenes But it only has like 7 animations at thats all. very mid game 4/10 (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Very original and bold game, same as with other Sakuragi games. Pixel Loli's doing funny things. It's pretty short and I didn't really enjoy this one as much as the rest. Still i believe it's good for anyone wanting to study an anatomy of a child.
    Art 3/5
    Story - 3/5
    Gameplay 3/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 4.5/5
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's been a while to find a good loli porn after Naedoko Demon's Ground.

    Quite grinding to extend the game shelve life

    The girls have number rather than names, which means the Dev sucks at naming as much as I do.

    Too much text and not even comedic one.

    Repetitive blow jobs. I know that's almost the only this the girl learn about sex, but really? This is how you want to sell something?

    Too few sex scenes despite her fictionally high libido.
    It's good, but also disappointing. This is one of the bad example of “quit while you're ahead” are used.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Briefly, it has way too much text and pretty repetitive content, but good content nonetheless

    The amount of text made me have little care for the actual story, so I don't know about that front, but the animations are great and everything is simple enough to do
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    A very unique game about a little girl with an overactive imagination discovering the hidden side of children heroes thanks to a yaoi doujin.

    It has a charming and very-well executed atmosphere done through a retro aesthetic. A sweet story where every mundane little thing is distorted into an epic quest with a sense of childish wonder. There's even a little mind screw at one point making you, the player, rack your brain to rationalize what happened.

    The sex scenes are all animated pixel-art and pretty hot. They maintain the same charming and light-hearted atmosphere as the rest of the game.

    This game is short and not ambitious in the least but does what it set out to do excellently. Unless you happen to really hate loli you should definitely play it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    summary: cute, innocent roleplaying loli finds ero manga and get "inspired" to "help" the people of her local village, just like the heroes in the manga.

    this game is as short as it is sweet. absolutely adorable and incredibly hot at the same time. the scenes are all animated in 2d and feature well written dialougue to go with them. there are several of them.
    just expect it to be over with long before you want it to.

    obviously features underage characters. if young people discovering their sexuality is offensive to you, stay away. but its NOT rapey - its very sweet and dare i say heart warming, if you have an open mind.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my favorites of all time, the content is great and the protagonist is a hot girl willing to do all the naughty stuff.

    Really wish a second part of this game, the plot itself gives space for a continuation so maybe if we are lucky we may got more of this amazing story.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Just 100% completed the game. It's alright. Naive characters are my favorite but there weren't that many good scenes tbh. If it had more scenes with boys AND they're doing the fucking then it would've been great. Only bestiality scene is a horse hand/blowjob scene. Would've been better if there were multiple dog mounting scenes instead.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    in few words:

    a good 16-bit lolicon animation game, it has strong and weak visibles

    technical aspects:

    the story, for me, is the key aspect of this game, a very convincing and well constructed story.

    the art of the game is the basics of all games in this style, nothing special, but I found it to be above average.

    the difficulty of the game is a bit ... boring? the game is not difficult, in short it is going to get a mission and find things on the map, only that the back alley is full of useless monsters and on top of that it makes your vision very difficult, the most negative point of the game.

    the game is a good diversification of animations, but half of them is a recycled blowjob (it has very generic animations and fantastic animations), it tries to show some scenes with other characters, a point that is worth mentioning, but they are not too much.

    another negative point of the game is its size, it is very small, it could have more scenes, or it could leave the scenes you’ve seen on the map (if you see it once it’s gone forever).

    final considerations:

    I found it a good game to try, I "finished" it in 1 hour and I was not too lost to go, it is a small and above average game, nothing fancy.
    (I didn't finish the game completely because the final boss is ridiculously broken and badly made, the servant made it practically impossible to be defeated and I don't have the patience to keep making gold).

    final grade: 7

    recommend: of course, a lolicon game is always a rarity, "The Demon Lord's Daughter Demona" is basically that perfected game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game by Sakuragi Company. With top tier pixel art and very hot sex scenes, there's not much to complain about. The story is simple but charming; it has character. I've genuinely never played a game with such an endearing storyline. You play as a little girl with a very vivid imagination who has a lot of fun roleplaying as a superhero. Even the most simple things around her like pebbles and ropes can become enemies with enough childish creativity. Even though the characterization of the children is exaggerated for the sake of entertainment and porn, none of it feels surreal. I never thought one day I would say that I found a nukige to be captivating; this is that day.

    Unlike the dev's previous work (Pettanko Park), this one actually has sex scenes with adults, which definitely keeps the game fresh. Hell, there's even a horse. As for the quality of the sex scenes, as stated above, they're amazing, and there's a lot of them.

    Honestly, there's no reason not to play this game. Well, unless you just don't like loli/shota. All in all, excellent game. This one is definitely a 10/10. Very polished and entertaining.