Here you go, fellow TAC lovers. As per usual, please try and give what you can to Mircom on his Patreon, please.
Also, I am upgrading to Silver on Patreon, because why not?
Status update!
I will be doing one more release before releasing the full revamp and chapter 11. It will most likely be a chapter 5 release or chapter 6! Can’t say for certain yet.
As for when I will be releasing it, I honestly have no idea! I work one day at a time because that way I feel I can add or remove or just fix as I go along without worrying about what’s to come or having to rush anything. I want to produce a quality product not a rushed product.
I will try to update more often but I don’t want to make a post just for the sake of making a post! I want something substantial to post. As I’m sure you all do too. Rest assured that I am working on TAC almost every day! Some days I get home from my work and I’m too tired to sit at my computer or I want to spend time with my real wife! But I’m definitely putting in a lot more than 40 hours per week on this project and still loving every minute of it!
Here's a few renders....
Thank you all for your support!
