I see it as the MC nagging her, goading her on to experiment (as long as he gets to watch, meet the boytoy first, etc). She hesitates a fair bit during the first few weeks, but the MC persists.
he frequently assumes she's going to go ahead and fuck pretty much anyone without asking her how she feels about it, and he's the one who starts defining her as a slut. But from the beginning she also shows clear signs of taking possession of her own sexuality; she goes along with most of the stuff he approves/encourages/sets up, but she takes pretty much every opportunity to pursue her own thrills as well. And if you pay careful attention to the dialogue, her mixed feelings about the MC's enthusiasm are clear from the start
Second particle of my base plot. A consequence of the generic MC may suffer, and Anne pushed in, took control however they are losing integrity. This is the point, in my book, where the game starts to us.
A.) Punish them, Her, Him.
B.) Manage them, her, him.
C.) Separate them, her, him.
A cant walking by... not notice little traces,
when Anne refers, she love beeing kissed by her husband,
MC when he is carrying her to bed,
making dinner or breakfast without any domesticatedly meant insecure bullshit
MC and Anne genuinely got pissed of when they catch each other lying... (Warnings here)
MC still not facing his part in all of this, but i think it is bygone now, a kinda prerevamp issue that will be sorted out as the author sees fit.
The enthusiasm to me, hit the nerve at this point, that WHERE and HOW Microm intend to (if he/she will does at all, i suppose he/she will, main contents diverge here) separates the routes. As the "Why"... would not be the case to the author, it's up to the player's
"boussole morale expérimentale" . Im sure Microm will freak me me out personally, i dont know why XD, but im sure that cruelty is not his/her primal instinct.
Tho this very discourse about internal intentions of Anne and MC and its consequences based upon the fact, that they were just not set on path simply from the beginning, at Microm torned between the ideas; to make free to go paths, or tell a story about a sexuality filled moral issue. To much a responsibility tho. Every path is an issue to me, if your dumb enough, and a base bastard as a player ur fucked. Thats all. Meaning: The generic way of MC's and Anne's might differ towards each other and thats the initial issue, the very set's up and a general tone towards the actors with all the meaningful facials and this one what Microm done honestly and it was just insightful, and well expressed. Realy. This is important, because i BELEIVED it, if we not mention the
"release the kraken issue" and the consequences what we have to manage... later. .. that is im in keen to see =)