For your consideration:
Do you remember in Chapter 11.1, when Anne confesses to the MC about Ryan? There should've been a third conversation when Ryan was refused to go home to "massage" Anne at the end of Chapter 10.
Here is my take on that missing conversation.
For the backstory leading up to this point, Anne and the MC have already had a conversation in my version of Chapter 3 about "eatin' the peach."
In Chapter 10, annefaith = False, Ryan was told "No" at the bar, so Anne never got her massage. In Chapter 11, Anne confesses to MC about Ryan and the conversation doesn't reflect that Anne never got a massage.
So, to make this work, backup your chapter11.rpy in the \TAC-pc\game folder. Copy the attached to said folder.
Run TAC. When you get to the point at the beginning of Chapter 11 where Anne confesses or not, open the console and type the following:
$ ryanbarno = True <Enter>
Select "Anne confesses about Ryan!"
Enjoy! Let me know what you think! To compare this conversation to the original two, at the confess menu, open the console and type:
$ ryanbarno = False <Enter>
Select "Anne confesses about Ryan!"
Cheers mates!