The two scenes you mentioned on holiday. The first she tells him about the following day when they have their discussion, and the second in the bar, she knows he's watching, so that doesn't count. And if he isn't because he's having sex with the guys partner, she tells him later anyway, as they agreed earlier that day.
In the case of the two boys, he already knows about her having sex with one of them, because he watched it happen and she sees him watching. Afterwards he encouraged her to continue seeing him. She later meets him with his friend and ends up having sex with both of them. There's an option where she can tell him about that encounter. But if you follow a different route you miss it.
She never tells him about having sex with the doctor, at least never when we're their anyway. I assume it's one of those occasions where she chooses not to. That was right in the middle of one of Ryan's visits. So it could be simply the case of the Dev being more concerned about revealing or not revealing what Ryan and Anne get up to. He may simply have forgotten to bring up that scene. It wouldn't be the first time he's overlooked something. But it could also be the case, that he didn't have the time in that update, to cover that. And the same thing could apply with the receptionist.