
Be nice! Until it's time to not be nice...
Former Staff
Nov 2, 2018
I have 13/14 but i can't find the last
I've updated my hidden image guide. I still don't think it's necessary yet but people seemed to get some use out of the previous version. I've greyed out the images except for the object and the circle highlighting the object in an attempt to make it more visible, hopefully, this will be helpful on busy screens such as at the club.

Hidden Image Guide v0.3 : - -

14 hidden objects unlock 15/15 secret gallery images.
Just use the search... :rolleyes:
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Reactions: UraN82


Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
From my patreon:

Hi, I've been quiet in the last past few days because I have been reported on patreon about some guidelines issues. Everything has been discussed and there's only one change I have to make. And that is that I have to remove the relationship input. Please understand that this change had to happen and I don't want to see a witch hunt about this in the comments either. The game download links will updated the next upcoming days. now to some good news: -linda's new part will release next month. - I have found a voice for every character, so all we have to do now is wait until delivery :) I also want to update the animations at some point with sex noises and moaning from the voice actresses. And the music also needs to be done better. more different music clips and I have to play them at a fitting time. (usually I don't play with music so I kinda forgot about it (ˉ﹃ˉ) ) -SLim
You might have also noticed that I'm no longer the one in control of the op, because I don't want to get in trouble with patreon again about any incest related stuff, so you'll have to make a patch for it (which should be very... very easy to do), but I also want to put the awakening on subscribestar too for an "unrated" version at some point anyway, because patreon seems to be not very secure at the moment for adult creators in general.
But other than that, I don't have to make any changes and please don't start a discussion about patreon and how bad it is or something like that.. because it's always the same and has been discussed many times.
Anyway.. at least this has been dealt with and I can continue working on the update.


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
It a shame that Patreon hates freedom. I wonder how long it will take for a Lewdpatcher to step up to the plate though. I'm curious to see what the default relationships turn out to be though. It's mostly annoying to me because I've always found the landlord/roommate thing to be a painfully obvious and a kind of ridiculous disguise for incest, but I guess anything more specific (such as a close family friend taking you in) would probably need addressing in the plot. And now that voice acting is ordered and inbound, that's not so easily addressed.

edit - Unless there's an opening crawl or something that has no narration that a lewd patcher could swap out :unsure:


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
Im following 3 or 4 games and still waiting for someone to update the patch, so I dont have so much hope.
That doesn't mean the games are gone or going anywhere, that just means nobody cares enough about the incest content to be bothered enough to make the patches.
If you don't like the games without incest then maybe you could learn how to make patches yourself?

edit - The occasional notification about facepalm reactions on this comment is baffling to me. Is it so unreasonable to suggest that people get involved in what they're passionate about? Devs on Patreon especially have to keep incest patches at arm's length so it stands to reason that they would need to be third-party. Thankfully gigan has volunteered to throw his hat into the ring for this one, but if another game you like hasn't got anyone interested enough to patch it yet then why not look into if it's something you'd be interested in doing yourself? Is it really that crazy of a suggestion?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Hi All !
Okay, DL'd this yesterday, played the " Prologue" first, as directed.
Started the next up-date (v.0.3).

About the "catch-up" dialog :
Dr. Preston was NOT "the first person you met", after waking up from your COMA !
It was the Nurse, ya know, the one who gave you the Blowjob ! Why was that forgotten !?
Also, you met the Nurse later, even talked about "dating" her.

After which, the story continues, the day after the "toilet encounter", but wait, Why there?! It should have continued after your "date" with your sister, remember . . . at the carnival?! Why was that whole "event" removed ?

Noticed some other "changes", the classroom, girls school uniforms, including your sister's ,(now matching the rest of the girls). Okay with this.

Then there's the change, from the House, to an Apartment ! Why? I really liked the idea of them living in a house, with neighbors , you know , living next door,(not everybody lives in Apts. in real life, Why ?, do they need to in this game :oops: ,?) NOT happy at all about this change.

Also noticed the change in the MC's persona, as in "attitude", ( a bit, not as "nice" as before), on the "verge" of becoming a "douche", like a lot of the "male protagonist ", lately found in adult games.

Ya know the type, that "uppity", "self-righteous", "I'm da man" attitude.
Why the change? Why the attitude shift ?
Liked him before (in the Prologue), not so much now.

Also, noticed the Sister's "attitude" change, it's slight, but it's there.
Her "Bossy, Bratty, Cold" facade, has gotten worse, even applying it to her brother now,(ya know, the brother, she loves, not like a brother :rolleyes:).

The whole "flavor/feeling", that was, in the prologue, feels diminished !
Almost feels like the "Dev", did a re-write, like they "lost" the original story, or the author/writer was changed, and they "tried" to write in the same style as the original.

I liked where the story, in the prologue, was going . . . . not sure it's heading in that direction anymore.

EDIT : First time "seeing" Mom, in this "chapter", (looks a bit "older", than she did in the prologue), preferred her looks in prologue, she asks you if her tits look "fat"(and they do!, compared to prologue, as if she got pregnant, in the between time) . . . . Your given, ONE choice , so NO choice!,(so why bother with a "decision box"?)

EDIT 2 : Graphical Error = The Mail Girl, after the "fall", after she 's kneeling, her back to you, you can "see" her feet, the bottoms of(with your Magic), but you shouldn't be able to, that'd be "seeing" through 2 "layers" (1st layer=shoes, 2nd layer=socks/stockings), which you can't,(as explained in the "prologue") !

BTW - What happened to the VOICES ??? . . . At the beginning of this "chapter" , it was "noted" that you could "MUTE" the voices in Options, if you wanted to. So where are the voices? I didn't Mute them, went to "options", but there was no "voice" option there. Seems strange to tell you about an option, that isn't even there !:oops:
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Game Developer
Feb 9, 2018
Hi All !
Okay, DL'd this yesterday, played the " Prologue" first, as directed.
Started the next up-date (v.0.3).

About the "catch-up" dialog :
Dr. Preston was NOT "the first person you met", after waking up from your COMA !
It was the Nurse, ya know, the one who gave you the Blowjob ! Why was that forgotten !?
Also, you met the Nurse later, even talked about "dating" her.

After which, the story continues, the day after the "toilet encounter", but wait, Why there?! It should have continued after your "date" with your sister, remember . . . at the carnival?! Why was that whole "event" removed ?

Noticed some other "changes", the classroom, girls school uniforms, including your sister's ,(now matching the rest of the girls). Okay with this.

Then there's the change, from the House, to an Apartment ! Why? I really liked the idea of them living in a house, with neighbors , you know , living next door,(not everybody lives in Apts. in real life, Why ?, do they need to in this game :oops: ,?) NOT happy at all about this change.

Also noticed the change in the MC's persona, as in "attitude", ( a bit, not as "nice" as before), on the "verge" of becoming a "douche", like a lot of the "male protagonist ", lately found in adult games.

Ya know the type, that "uppity", "self-righteous", "I'm da man" attitude.
Why the change? Why the attitude shift ?
Liked him before (in the Prologue), not so much now.

Also, noticed the Sister's "attitude" change, it's slight, but it's there.
Her "Bossy, Bratty, Cold" facade, has gotten worse, even applying it to her brother now,(ya know, the brother, she loves, not like a brother :rolleyes:).

The whole "flavor/feeling", that was, in the prologue, feels diminished !
Almost feels like the "Dev", did a re-write, like they "lost" the original story, or the author/writer was changed, and they "tried" to write in the same style as the original.

I liked where the story, in the prologue, was going . . . . not sure it's heading in that direction anymore.

EDIT : First time "seeing" Mom, in this "chapter", (looks a bit "older", than she did in the prologue), preferred her looks in prologue, she asks you if her tits look "fat"(and they do!, compared to prologue, as if she got pregnant, in the between time) . . . . Your given, ONE choice , so NO choice!,(so why bother with a "decision box"?)

EDIT 2 : Graphical Error = The Mail Girl, after the "fall", after she 's kneeling, her back to you, you can "see" her feet, the bottoms of(with your Magic), but you shouldn't be able to, that'd be "seeing" through 2 "layers" (1st layer=shoes, 2nd layer=socks/stockings), which you can't,(as explained in the "prologue") !

BTW - What happened to the VOICES ??? . . . At the beginning of this "chapter" , it was "noted" that you could "MUTE" the voices in Options, if you wanted to. So where are the voices? I didn't Mute them, went to "options", but there was no "voice" option there. Seems strange to tell you about an option, that isn't even there !:oops:
hah, you got some good points there :)
I think I didn't mention the nurse in the recap because at that time 0.1, I wasn't sure if I should keep her or not.
I don't want the mc to be a douche. more like he has to act like one in certain situations to get what is needed to survive, but I'll think about it some more.
for the sister, I feel like she's a character that has mood changes here and there, but I don't want her to be a bitch like that, I'll make sure that there are more thought out moments with her.

the flavor/feeling part is a bit different: I know that the prologue had more of a dark vibe to it than the current game. but the plan is to start with this more friendly happy gameplay and eventually depending on the choices it will change the mood, also there will be more clues to unlock(like reading your father's documents at the hospital)... I also want to reflect that with the music that is played when you're in the free-roaming part
yeah, some characters did get a bit of an overhaul.
the voices are in the making right now and should be available this month.

hope this makes some sense, a bit tired right now :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
WoW . . Wasn't expecting an actual reply from the Dev, Thanks:).

I tried this game on a whim . . . when I read the "overview", something just said to me to"try" it.

I know the "Mom"(in my game-play), as being his mom, and he's at least 20 yrs. old, would make her at least "38 yrs.", but I've seen & known women that age look incredibly younger than their age, so I thought she was fine looking so young, it's NOT an impossibility, just so you know.

But, the "breasts", did you really have to "blow" them up Sooo big, she was big enough already, it just took away some of her credibility, as to, NOT looking like the typical "Bimbo" Milf, you see in all the other games)
She was in the top, of my favorites list, now she's pretty much at the bottom. :(

(PS- I do like "MiLF's", just not all that "charged-up" for the "Bimbo-MiLF" look)

Though, I will admit, that scene of the daughter, groping her Mom's tit's was funny!:ROFLMAO:

On top, # 1, is the Sister(/roommate), she's just adorable! (Please, don't increase her breasts, too!)
Closely followed, by the "Strawberry-Blond" Linda, at # 2! (same request with her, as with the sister!)

In the "prologue", I felt, you were giving us, the choice of the path, we wanted to lead the "MC" down (by allowing us, through the naming choices), also, seemed "you" were writing this with an "incest" vibe, but due to "restrictions" of Pateron, that changed the "vibe" in the last chapter. Understandable. Thanks, for allowing us to disobey your "intolerance " :sneaky:.
I also, like that we, can decide who, we want to "corrupt", as our "sex-toys", and who, we want, to become our "Lovers" !

I'm currently still playing this "chapter", and when I see something "out-of-place", like the "graphical-error" I reported, or further "feelings/vibes", I'll be here to let you know, along with the others.

If you haven't figured it out, I really do like this game a lot !
Yeah, all the mysteries, has me intrigued, and a little apprehensive.:oops:
Okay, on your explanation of the MC, he just seemed a bit more "full-of-himself", then he did in the "Prologue".
Lately, most of the "male protagonists ", come off as "douche-bags", so I usually avoid games that have "only" that.
Again, it was the overview that, for some reason, induced me to try it,:)
( and of course, the "cute" models, small-breasted young lady's, FTW);)

EDIT #1 :
Okay, just found the Nurse, Juliet (thanks for deciding to keep her), and now , she's a Red-head too:p,
(ehh, yeah, #1-haircolor for girls, Blondes are normally in 3rd place, after Brunettes, except here, Sis is #1)

EDIT #2 :
Seems, Dr.Preston, is a bit "older" too:oops: . . . . and got "hit" with that same "Bimbo-Boobs-MiLF" stick, as the MC's Mother did . . sigh :rolleyes:
I'm really beginning to wonder if some people( some Dev's, or some Guys), have forgotten, (or don't know), what "MILF" stands for o_O.
(technically, it's "MILtF, but for some reason, they dropped the 't'):rolleyes:
A hint: It's not: "Older-Women-With-Huge-Boobs" . . . sigh , That'd be "O-W-W-H-B" :ROFLMAO:

EDIT 2a:
Okay, just had to say, Dr. Preston looks a lot better, face-wise, when she's close-up, (quite kissable, in fact, if she was real, of course:p).
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Aug 24, 2019
In the prologue the mother gives you a HJ all by herself (it happens the day before the toilet incident) with a little push from the fairy but then in the game it's like that never happens and the mother is reluctant to do a HJ to the MC, it doesn't makes sense, but seeing as many other things that were in the prologue are omitted in the actual game, like toilet girl, the sister doing sexual things with you but in the game you have to start slow again with her, the whore you could fuck her in the prologue but then she changed in the game and now can't remember you because she is the one that invites you to the club, the girl you blackmail in the prologue worked in a supermarket but now works in a cafe, you could meet the nurse and decide to date the nurse when you meet her in the supermarket in the prologue but now it didn't happen, etc. So I think that if you aren't going to follow with what was happening in the prologue you should just erase it or heavy edit it, because it can be confusing and well the prologue creates some expectatives that you aren't following with the actual game, let's not talk about the change unnecessary in models like the nurse or the mom, totally unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Yeah, like the MC's attitude towards the Sister, in the "game", as in, how he doesn't remember how he felt about her,(their incestuous love for each other) as he did in the prologue.

I'm just did the, sneaking into the sister's room event, and him, feeling all "weird" about caressing her breasts, which, he already did , with her knowledge, on their date . . . .
Why does he feel weirded-out?
In the prologue, he confessed his Love for her, (if you went the "Incestuous" path).

It's why this game was so unique. It had "corruption" and "sweet Love". You had the choice.
I'm worried it's going to turn into another,"MILF-Lover's" game, as if we don't have "tons" of those already!
I hope, I'm wrong, (about that, and the Dev., goes back to the "original" prologue story, giving us the choices we had there).
The deeper, I'm getting into the game, the more I see it changing, getting away from what drove me to try it out.
I was excited for the next "chapter", after playing the prologue, that excitement is fading, as I get further into "the game". :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Just realized, there's no: time, day of week indicators ? How do you know when to go to school, or when to do anything?
Just found some "hints", through that "i" icon, but still feels weird, not knowing the time of day , or What day it is.
And the MC's , "feeling-weird-about-having-feelings-for-his-Sister" is making me "feel" weirded-out!

Okay, this is a "Bug": The "naming system" isn't working correctly, it's using the "relationship name", in places where the "person's name" should be used !
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3.80 star(s) 126 Votes