Really really sad about this news. I was expecting a big update very soon due to the long time with nothing.He's porting the game from Tyrano builder which has been giving him all sort of problems in the years to Unity engine. Unfortunately it seems that his Unity knowledge his very low, I'm afraid it's gonna take years to bring the game to where it previously was.
And if that wasnt bad enough news he alternates development with his other game "the natural hookup" which sucks since he should just focus on finishing one thing instead of trying to develop 2 games at once..Really really sad about this news. I was expecting a big update very soon due to the long time with nothing.
Not sure if you just wanted to know what it said but this is what was posted.There's a new update on his patreon regarding the Probulator, anyone know what is that about?
Now, strip naked and get on the Probulator ...Yes this is in Tyrano Builder. After over a year of silence from the devs they finally released an update. Most important to us they released a way to manually package a game as their automatic packager is what's preventing progress here.So now we can finish our business in Tyrano Builder. No matter how big the game gets I'll be able to pack it. The bonus is that I can ship the game uncompressed which makes it load faster. I suspect that will have to wait for final release as it will be really big to download.So keep your dick in a vise while I finish up the Probulator puzzle. All the assets for that bit are made (I think) and all I need to do is wire up the new scenes.One question for those of you who have stuck with me during the plague. Amy and her "Orgasmatron", that repair puzzle was just kind of stuck in there to give her purpose. I was afraid the Probulator was just too much for the game engine.Should Amy and the Orgasmatron remain as a mini puzzle to get access to the Probulator?Now, strip naked and get on the Probulator ...Yes this is in Tyrano Builder. After over a year of silence from the devs they finally released an update. Most important to us they released a way to manually package a game as their automatic packager is what's preventing progress here.So now we can finish our business in Tyrano Builder. No matter how big the game gets I'll be able to pack it. The bonus is that I can ship the game uncompressed which makes it load faster. I suspect that will have to wait for final release as it will be really big to download.So keep your dick in a vise while I finish up the Probulator puzzle. All the assets for that bit are made (I think) and all I need to do is wire up the new scenes.One question for those of you who have stuck with me during the plague. Amy and her "Orgasmatron", that repair puzzle was just kind of stuck in there to give her purpose. I was afraid the Probulator was just too much for the game engine.
Should Amy and the Orgasmatron remain as a mini puzzle to get access to the Probulator?
yeah definitely, I mean it would have been nice to see it in Unity, but considering he's not even familiar with the language by his own admission, by the time he would have even picked up the fundamentals it could have easily been years to reach the current state of the game. Glad he decided to continue with tyrano, however I don't see how the recent updates, apart for the compiling part, make up for all the problems he listed in one of his previous rants where he basically wrote that tyrano is shit.Well, this is good hear that they can now continue the Tyrano version instead of remaking it in Unity. Even if the full 3d version in Unity might have been interesting it would have taken to long to catch up to what we had before.
I have reached Witt's end with Tyrano builer. I've wasted so much time and effort trying work around it's stupid bugs.
When I say stupid bugs I really mean STUPID. The volume control only controls the volume of sounds that are actively playing. Sounds played later are always played as 100% volume. Brue has to figure out a way to make it work ...
The save game system fails to save about 1/2 the data ... Brue has to figure out a fix.
The game freezes if played full screen ... Brue gives up ever finding a fix after over a year of scream at the engine devs.
The game compiler crashes once the total assets get over about 600MB ... I give.
Witt's End reached.
New post out, can anyobody share the full message?
Prepare for Probulation
I'm really close to having the Probulator room open for business. I need to test stuff a bit more and I'll be ready for a release.
This next release will probably not have an installer. It will just be a zipped folder. I'll be delivering the files in an un-packed state because that's been the issue with Tyrano Builder. The part that packs the files for distribution can't handle a game over about 500 MB.
The up side it the unpacked version seems to launch much faster, at least it does in my tests. This will be a PITA for Mac Catalina. I'm not an Mac expert but I'll try to have instructions to beat down Big Brother enough to let you use the game on Catalina. (Don't be surprised if the Though Police show up for daring to use your computer in a non-big-brother approved way.)
I'm really close to having the Probulator room open for business. I need to test stuff a bit more and I'll be ready for a release.
This next release will probably not have an installer. It will just be a zipped folder. I'll be delivering the files in an un-packed state because that's been the issue with Tyrano Builder. The part that packs the files for distribution can't handle a game over about 500 MB.
The up side it the unpacked version seems to launch much faster, at least it does in my tests. This will be a PITA for Mac Catalina. I'm not an Mac expert but I'll try to have instructions to beat down Big Brother enough to let you use the game on Catalina. (Don't be surprised if the Though Police show up for daring to use your computer in a non-big-brother approved way.)
It's about damn time ...
The Probulator room in open for business. It's not fully functional yet and I'm sure you'll all want me to add some more girls. Right now it's just Dr. Cahill riding the Probulator.
Dr. Cahill isn't completed either. She need a bunch of sex scenes to finish her story.
And yes it's another fucking puzzle. Just fuck with it and you'll fucking figure the fucker out.
New distribution format
From here out I can't use the built in file packer from Tyrano Builder. I'm including the stand alone Tyrano Script player. The game will be a zipped application. Just unzip to any folder and then double click the "TheBigThaw" program. There's no installer.
Easy except for Mac. The un-packed version of the game needs a .command script to start it. But of course you can't run a command script on Catalina because it didn't come from the apple store. You will need to use command terminal to enable the terminal commands in the command script ... not confusing at all and not even a little bit stupid.
MAC ONLY after you unzip the game open a terminal window and ...
chmod a+x Path/To/File.command
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Note: Tyrano Builder and Tyrano Script are actually separate things. Tyrano Script is still actively developed. I'm just using the Tyrano Builder as and IDE now.
The upside is that the uncompressed game launches WAY faster.