Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Games are ruthless exposes of terrible violence - mortal combat is vestige to that.
You wanna inflict unspeakable pain to nazis - you watch and relish in the inglorious bastards movie, with popcorn and cola.
You wanna revenge on the damn slavers - you go watch chango unchained and
laugh at leo getting une upped and rightfully destroyed by jamie.
You wanna save the future infested by nazis, you can play
that game where you obliterate all their abominations - wolfenstein.
Nowadays there is something that I no longer understand, that no longer has any meaning at all ...
And I would have liked someone to explain it to me.
Why now the stories in which there are supernatural beings, resemble very macabre tales straight out with ideas extremely fashist and heterosexually disproportionate of the whole story in question ... - when yet this type of being is never supposed to have a fully defined gender, precisely because of its survival? Previously supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, lycans, among many others ... Never had a specific sexual gender.
Could someone explain to me why limit them so severely now ...?
Would that mean that we want to completely eliminate these fantasies from the mentalities of the human race?
Their nature is to attack no matter what prey, whether for their nessessity, or for their pleasure.
Even the fantasies of every human being are becoming extremely manipulated by humans ourselves now. - a fantasy is supposed to be a source of unreal pleasure, and not a means of torture which sometimes can be very extreme.
Could these still be vestiges of the era of Hitler, Salazar, Franco, etc ...? - we could almost believe it is.

I say that here, precisely because for the moment, this one IS THE ONLY one that can remain neutral without pronouncing on any kind of sexual gender in particular. - and this is something that I greatly appreciated.
We cannot change the horrors of the past, we can, however, depict them in any
shape or form makes us more confortable to take them to task 4 their missdeeds.

We all wanna redeem ourselves of the pain and suffering man did and still does to
us all. So .. the more vivid the bad man, the more satysfying it is to revenge on him.
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Mar 18, 2021
Games are ruthless exposes of terrible violence - mortal combat is vestige to that.
You wanna inflict unspeakable pain to nazis - you watch and relish in the inglorious bastards movie, with popcorn and cola.
You wanna revenge on the damn slavers - you go watch chango unchained and
laugh at leo getting une upped and rightfully destroyed by jamie.
You wanna save the future infested by nazis, you can play
that game where you obliterate all their abominations - wolfenstein.

We cannot change the horrors of the past, we can, however, depict them in any
shape or form makes us more confortable to take them to task 4 their missdeeds.

We all wanna redeem ourselves of the pain and suffering man did and still does to
us all. So .. the more vivid the bad man, the more satysfying it is to revenge on him.

Seen this way ... - somewhere, I think I understand a little now.
However, it does remain a bit in line with what I am saying in my comment ...
Thank you for lighting up my lantern.
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Dec 1, 2017
Interesting story so far. As with all VN of this kind I'm more interested in the lore and how will the story develop further than in actual sexual content. But still hoping that Dev has plans to involve Arbiter and vamp mommy more into the story so we can make our own little vamp harem.


Devoted Member
Sep 12, 2018
The Bite: Revenant [v0.2] [] (1.28 GB rar pc source)
233 MB rar unofficial pc compressed (slightly reduced images quality):
done by UnRen v0.8 (Sam@f95zone) & Cruncher v0.4.1(BAS@f95zone)


Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
Well not much in terms of progress

But the concept is cool tho

But yeah still feels more like a small intro
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Great .. I will take whatever crubchy bite is left after all those vamps are done with you,
The Bite: Revenant [v0.2] [] (1.28 GB rar pc source)
233 MB rar unofficial pc compressed (reduced image quality): Mega Workuplad
done by UnRen v0.8 (Sam@f95zone) & Cruncher v0.4.1(BAS@f95zone)
Enjoyed the game?
Any lasting impression?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2018
Nowadays there is something that I no longer understand, that no longer has any meaning at all ...
And I would have liked someone to explain it to me.
Why now the stories in which there are supernatural beings, resemble very macabre tales straight out with ideas extremely fashist and heterosexually disproportionate of the whole story in question ... - when yet this type of being is never supposed to have a fully defined gender, precisely because of its survival? Previously supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, lycans, among many others ... Never had a specific sexual gender.
Could someone explain to me why limit them so severely now ...?
Would that mean that we want to completely eliminate these fantasies from the mentalities of the human race?
Their nature is to attack no matter what prey, whether for their nessessity, or for their pleasure.
Even the fantasies of every human being are becoming extremely manipulated by humans ourselves now. - a fantasy is supposed to be a source of unreal pleasure, and not a means of torture which sometimes can be very extreme.
Could these still be vestiges of the era of Hitler, Salazar, Franco, etc ...? - we could almost believe it is.

I say that here, precisely because for the moment, this one IS THE ONLY one that can remain neutral without pronouncing on any kind of sexual gender in particular. - and this is something that I greatly appreciated.

Anyway, anyone with better knowledge know if this is more VtM based or VtR based?

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Everyone around here is veering towards VtM
Alright. I played it. People are quick to say that every game has potential, but I don't throw around that term lightly. This one really does have potential. It hits all the spots for the VtM crowd. People who like Rebirth will definitely enjoy this as well. The writing is actually even better than Rebirth, on a technical level. The prose is quite excellent, reading a bit like a novella. It treats the setting seriously, and the tone has this Noir feel to it. Gritty, cynical, sarcastic. MC is portrayed really well so far. Not simpy, not a pushover, a cynical dude, but not an overt asshole. It's a great place for the MC to start before we shape him in whatever direction. He also behaves quite believably to being turned.

Don't quote me on this, but I have a feeling this dev will treat sex in a more mature way than what we usually see. The immediate a one night stand scene from a bar hook up is a nice indication that the dev won't mess around with bullshit stairway to heaven progression just to delay penetration.

I am wondering if we will end up with a game over if we keep lowering humanity? If we are following the source material that inspired this game, humanity is easy to lose, but incredibly difficult to gain back. Once you reach 0 humanity, you cannot play the character as the "beast" takes over entirely. So the fact that we can lose humanity so easily right now makes me wonder what outcomes we can expect from this stat. Hopefully, the version of humanity here is not something similar to a 0-10 scale. I am already at -3 humanity (starting at 0), and some points were just gained by being enthusiastic to drink blood lol. It normally takes something more than this to lose humanity.

Other than that, the plethora of different stats are an RPG player's wet dream. Let's see how well it translate to a VN.

And finally, this was a great trip down memory lane as a 90s kid. Eagerly waiting for more. Good luck.

edit: Oh the gothic font is a bit hard to read. Also, the stat screen borders and UI gives off a bit of an amateur feel to it, if you know what I mean. It's nothing important, but maybe a little touch up to make it look more slick could be nice.
Humanity is a different beast in The Bite, when compared to VtM. I might rename it to avoid confusion. But to answer your question, there are no end game screens based on your humanity. There are however consequences that could range from being inconvenient to quite devastating further down the line.
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I am still searching for a better font. Some of the old ones I used were even worse sadly.
I am aware of the jankiness of the screens. This is the first implementation and hopefully as times go on I'll find the knowledge and patience to fix it all up so it all looks nice. I'm a noob at that part of game making so any change is hard and frustrating to implement.

I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with other people's work (which is something I definitely should pay more attention to!), but in this universe rules are relatively simple and should be (if I do my job right) intuitive.
Also, and I don't mean to judge or anything, but wanting to drink other people's blood is kind of fucked up, at least to me.

Just wanted to say I love this.

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Thanks for spotting the error, I'll fix it promptly!

I don't think a threshold system must deprive players of possibilities. I think, if done properly, having or lacking certain stats may unlock different options, lock them, or even alter them. I also don't think there needs to be a progressive difficulty in challenges as the game progresses. A rusty garden lock shouldn't require 50 lockpicking just because your character is in the endgame. Also, I don't think skills must necessarily have the same weight (as far as usability goes). Someone who always uses force to deal with his problems will definitely have more use of brawling than someone who really likes science, but a science guy may discover a major boon that nobody else could. Those are just two extremes, of course, but as you said, this is a single player game, so balancing is not that much of an issue. Not every skill has to have the same perceived usability as all others.

A vampire that was afraid of crosses? Why, BBC's Dracula, of course! And it's really fresh as well! It also successfully mimics the astronomic rise and catastrophic demise of Game of Thrones show in just 3 episodes, but still. Definitely a classic interpretation of a vampire, at least in the first episode.

Just as a note, and I realize how it may look like that is the case based on what is shown so far, but VtM is not the only inspiration for this work (for example, as hinted by the title screen, True Blood was also a major inspiration). It's understandable that people are drawing direct parallels, but there are some major differences in the lore, behavior and other stuff when directly compared to VtM.
Devious vampire fuckers? Nice, they aren't the classic vampire from Dracula but close enough. That combined with the Clan politics from VTM can be a great mix.
I really like this game so far. Vampire the masquerade bloodlines is one of my favorite games of all time and love how that universe approaches vampire lore and mythology.

I like that the MC is still trying to deal with being a vampire and hasn't really accepted it yet. Zoey seems really cool and kind of reminds of a mix of Nines and smiling Jack from VTM bloodlines.

The main question I have is will Runah be a romance option every scene she appears I'm going to be like:
View attachment 1242701
Greetings folk of this forum.
I am something of a vampirephile and VtM subject matter expert.
I want to say it is good to have more stories out.

What I say next are opinions and in no way to be interpreted as attempts to tell a developer how to write their story!

I like the models for this story. They are not all original, but virtually none are these days. I particularly like the blonde in the bar, the stranger at the dance club, Zoey, and Julie. Story wise, and I mean not disrespect, I am hoping that the developer will take a more original path forward, but time will tell.

What do I mean?

The story seems cloned somewhat from other works, and while they say that duplicating work is the most sincere form of flattery, it can be problematic as well. I have high hopes that the author will find their own way forward, and make the story as uniquely their own as possible. This can be challenging given that all WoD based vampires and story types will share some baseline traits, but really what I mean is come up with some uniquely framed and formed characters for this story without simply changing genders on some pre existing characters that already exist in this genre of story, both here and on Steam.

That said, I did enjoy the blonde MILF from the bar, and her surprise. I did enjoy the club scene. The actual violence was quite well done. The Vampfu Mommy seems to be strikingly familiar in some ways to other previously produced work, but on the other hand, the dialogue there was quite good.

The Moot or Meet.
There was a distinct similarity to other works. The scene from VtMB1 comes to mind, with gender changes.
There was an enjoyable difference which was an anarchy to it, that a Prince would not allow, and the Arbiter possibly should not have allowed if she is the apex vampire of the city political scene. For instance she could have, after the first time the two clans ignored her, demand that they nominate a lamb, from their ranks. Then she could have made an example of them. Not necessarily fatal, but one that sends the message that they get their shit together or else. Her castle is supposed to be built on fear of her personally I guess, and so since that seems to not be in effect, she could have clearly placed all in context and have demonstrated it. That stark moment would have let the gravity of the MC's totally fucked situation, abundantly clear, and made the Zoey rescue even more meaningful.

I do like the choice mechanic, but again, time will tell if this really means much in the long run.

I have high hopes for this work, and while I rated it 3* I will be more than willing to revisit it later, if we see some more good stuff from the developer.
I know about the decapitation scene but being VTM part of the inspiration material we can expect some easter eggs.
The situation isn't the same to call it a clone.
Both forced worse outcomes and unique options exclusive to characters with low humanity. It's like a tradeoff (for those enjoying being the bad boy).
EDIT: Actually, who am I to judge, you might even like the forced outcomes!

There will be some fetishes that some will find not to their taste (all optional!), and sometimes MC can choose to be more forceful when pursuing romantic interests, but no, MC raping anyone is not planned.

In this universe vampires still breath air. More details about vampire physiology will be available in version 0.3.

Hmmmm, that's a good question. :unsure:

Thanks for pointing it out, will fix it today and you can expect the fix to go live in 0.2 since it's not hotfix worthy.

As far as point system goes, I hope the mechanic will work out. But the good news is that even if it doesn't it's been designed in such a way that it can easily simplified, or expanded or changed altogether.

Yes, the warehouse arbitration scene is directly inspired by the opening scene of VtMB.

You can have multiple partners at the same time. You will have to settle for one ending (of the main story line).

Foreshadowing by the blonde beauty? No, I don't think so... I mean, probably. Right? Who knows...

Humanity starts at 0. There will be times when you can lose it or gain it. Losing humanity may open up new choices or locking others. I don't think raising humanity opens up choices (I know it locks some), but I'd have to check through the notes and that's not gonna happen, I've got like a ton of pages of those :/

Went through the script, has 8 mentions of the word "member" which is a no-no. In general I try my best not to repeat myself, so expect the scene to have more rods, dicks, cocks and other variations of a woman's favorite toy.

The Moot scene was indeed inspired by the VtMB opening scene, and while the result is similar - that is, MC being rescued in the nick of time from execution by the outside forces, in my opinion there were plenty of differences between the two to avoid plagiarism charges. I just hope you won't reduce the game rating to 1 when you see the password for MC's computer :D
On a more serious note, there's always a risk that people might not appreciate if the material resembles other work too closely, and I'm sorry you think I crossed the line. Fortunately, that's the only instance that so closely resembles VtMB, to my knowledge at least, so hopefully you'll be satisfied with the way story goes. That being said, this genre is kind of cliched, and I did draw a lot of inspiration from vampire-themed works, so I'm pretty sure you should brace yours self for noticing other similarities with other thematic works.

I don't mind people making comparisons between this game and the game Rebirth, it's just the nature of the beast, but please keep it respectful and civil if you are mentioning it in this thread. Thanks!
Will keep my eyes on this one, so far seems promising.

Tho I do have to say, even though VTM is an obvious inspiration I am pretty sure some of the lines are directly copied from the game. Might be wrong here, but I'm like 98% sure I've heard Jack literally say these same lines in the tutorial, as well as some from Nines. And the whole council was just a little changed to not be 1:1, but almost the same, like 1:0.85.

I don't really mind, but you should probably at least indicate VTM as being a direct inspiration. Skirting so close to the source material has a tendency to turn into a whole lot of drama.


Feb 26, 2019
The creative process for this must be really exhausting. Come up with some world building that makes sense, and it's white wolf. Come up with some that doesn't, and it's Twilight.

Excellent job on walking the tightrope of being different but not just for the sake of being different.
Don't get too hung up on this anyway, but if there's one thing I want to caution you is portraying elders being as useless and incompetent as they are in white wolf lore.

Again, good stuff so far!


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
Nowadays there is something that I no longer understand, that no longer has any meaning at all ...
And I would have liked someone to explain it to me.
Why now the stories in which there are supernatural beings, resemble very macabre tales straight out with ideas extremely fashist and heterosexually disproportionate of the whole story in question ... - when yet this type of being is never supposed to have a fully defined gender, precisely because of its survival? Previously supernatural beings such as vampires, werewolves, lycans, among many others ... Never had a specific sexual gender.
Could someone explain to me why limit them so severely now ...?
Would that mean that we want to completely eliminate these fantasies from the mentalities of the human race?
Their nature is to attack no matter what prey, whether for their nessessity, or for their pleasure.
Even the fantasies of every human being are becoming extremely manipulated by humans ourselves now. - a fantasy is supposed to be a source of unreal pleasure, and not a means of torture which sometimes can be very extreme.
Could these still be vestiges of the era of Hitler, Salazar, Franco, etc ...? - we could almost believe it is.

I say that here, precisely because for the moment, this one IS THE ONLY one that can remain neutral without pronouncing on any kind of sexual gender in particular. - and this is something that I greatly appreciated.
i never undertood why gay people want to convert everyone into being gay


Active Member
Jan 1, 2018
I like the vampire theme so much, making a exeption to my "no sandbox games" rule to findo out if this is good

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
This is actually pretty awesome...intriguing plot and the renders are great. I'll definately keep an eye on this one.
4.40 star(s) 76 Votes