RPGM - Completed - The Black Guards of Odom - Desert Town Prison [v1.0] [Osanagocoronokimini/P.+]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is okay. There are things I like, and there is some interesting mechanics, but overall I dont think there is enough content to make it into a materpiece, or a really good game.

    The patrols are fairly simple, you just go to the white circles, until you rank is high enought to do whatever the hell you want. And that is basically the gameplay. In these patrols you inspect suspicious people, and if you find something them you choose between slave or money.

    What i dislike is the lack of options. Like you are already a trashy human that imprison women into slavery, so why not allow more? like humillating them in public(more than doing an inspection), breaking them in the cells, having them raped by varios men and so on.

    I think that, this game is the kind where the interested ones are looing for that: A trashy human slaving women to do what he wants, yet it feels like even thought the concept is dark enough, the author choose to not push it too far.

    So i would say is lacking.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I do like the sense of control. There are dialogue choices you can make and different personality types of the npcs. However, it did get a little stale halfway through and gameplay is mostly rng. I played on very easy mode so captures were really easy. I'm assuming at higher difficulty it would make it harder to meet criminals, thus slowing down progress.

    Nice animations, customization, and good art
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It's a terrible waste of time. The animations are ugly, limited and you have to play the game for hours and die of boredom to get them all. There is no freedom at all, it's a cycle of torture. As if all this nonsense wasn't enough, loading screens keep popping up in the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    it's good for what it is. some of the content is a bit uncomfortable, I'm surprised this is on Steam. You play as a guard and go on patrols, if the criminal you run into is a man, it's just a simple click for a 1/3 chance to see if they're a criminal and either fine them for money or send them to jail to advance your career (aka level up) or if they're a woman, you get some added options of stripping and coercing them for sex.

    I wish there was more groping options like Imperial Gatekeeper. Also, wish there was more variety with the responses. There's several personalities but the responses never really change and there's no variance. One of the things I liked about Imperial Gatekeeper was occasionally running into girls where that enjoyed or could be made to enjoy you harassing them. From the time I've played this game it doesn't seem like that's ever the case.

    The animations are nice. I wish there was more groping options. Maybe mods or a future update could bump this game into being great.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty nice and expansive game, Creampie is always prominent but you can also cum on other places, the graphics are pretty nice and you can fuck whatever you like.
    it has a a straightforward story progression that is based on your arrests
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    this review before finishing the game ( after half an hour of my experience)

    what is positive ?
    i saw nothing really positive till now

    what is negative ?
    1- walking around in empty world using RPGM got me bored
    2- spent about half an hour playing and nothing really attracted me at all
    3- didn't meet any sex scenes
    4- every day i sleep and go patrol and repeat
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Something I've searched for. Great combination of slave, humilation and lewdness and most important, relatively good animations. I hope there will be more options to control and manage the slaves in the future.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't get the appeal of that game, it's just boring.
    You never have time to finish the patrols.
    In 1 hour I found 1 woman to arrest.

    And then the crunchy content is... Bad? And boring. Definitely boring.
    Oh, and you have to pay the equivalent of two days of work to get the sex content.

    Add to that the censorship, and the game is boring, repetitive, and ugly.

    I guess it's nice to have 3d animated sex scenes in a RPGM game, but it doesn't make up for everything else.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved this game, too bad its a short experience but still a great ride, my only complaint is the lack of stuff to do after you complete it and the feeling of "I need more!" aaaand I am out of words, no idea what else to say, simple game that gives what you expect, close to 5 stars
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    APPEND [v2.08]
    Somewhat boring gameplay,
    surprisingly repetitive generated characters,
    tedious process of managing them,
    too obscure hints about special encounter characters

    it's not really good, all that stemming from it feeling unfinished / unoptimized

    Do not recommend
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of my favorite experiences. Played through it and felt the pleasure of punishing the girls that in the wrong. The randomly generated girls also add to the fun. Searching for that perfect girl or 5 is gets a bit on the tiring side, but luckily there is a character "searching" system to capture the dream girls.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the rare Japanese RPGMs that actually contain animated sex scenes. The translation is pretty good and there is a wide variety of sex scenes to encounter. It isn't hard at all to progress but it does take some time. Of course, the game focuses on rape and corruption, even though there are some consensual scenes with prostitutes.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The Black Guards of Odom - Desert Town Prison [v1.0] [Osanagocoronokimini/P.+]
    1.5 / 5
    In the end I decided to put a star, because between 1 and 2 I think it's more of a one star game.
    Base maps, random NPCs, all identical girls, very, very repetitive, doesn't have real gameplay since you have to do the same things all the time.
    Nice only the premise of the game.
    I don't recommend the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Disgusting, shameless, I love it.
    That said I feel like the art can be improved, character variation could be improved, and there's a solid framework here for a LOT more content. At later levels you could leverage your authority to coerce and blackmail victims into various depraved acts, for example forcing the strippers into more than oral sex and later maybe being able to talk to shopkeeper and civilians you don't normally interact with into paying "protection" fees or servicing you. Just a thought, not complaining, will continue playing an deeply enjoying far into the future.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Das Ras

    I think this game is really interesting, but relies too much on the same sex scenes and takes a while to load.
    All the girls are randomized and if you desire you can make your own later on in the game, and this is interesting until you realize that most of the girls are kind of wonky looking. Maybe that's just my tastes anyway.

    There are a lot of RNG dependent interactions in this game. I played through the whole thing recently remembering all the stuff I found before the new update. I did not find the bandit girl, the raped girls in the streets, or LITERALLY ANY of the RNG dependent things that are here. I have no idea if my game is bugged, but I felt like I was missing half the content due to no fault of my own, and if I didn't know it existed, I would have thought this game to be empty.

    Overall I think it's an interesting game but there are a lot of flaws in it. It's totally worth a play, but personally I struggled to enjoy myself at a lot of points.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It's pretty much one of the few decent sandbox games with randomized characters, hopefully the developer will keep adding more stuff to make it even better.

    So far (v2.0.8) I think it lacks a bit more types of hair for male and female to make it more varied.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An RPG Maker clone. But this one has a different twist.

    This one has various minigames and it's pretty fun. The characters are very similar in appearance tho. If you like upgrades and minigames this one is for you.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is an extremely high quality game running in the extremely subpar RPGM engine. Why RPGM when there's so many better game engines out there?

    Story 2/10

    You're a newbie town garrison guard and it's your job to patrol the streets and make sure it's safe. And that's pretty much it. Arrest the wrong-doers and rise through the ranks.

    Gameplay 5/10

    There are two main phases of the game. On patrol and off duty.

    Patrol is what it sounds like. You walk through the map and talk to suspicious individuals looking for crimes. An encounter can be: nothing, male (so you check for crime), female (so you check for crime in their tops and bottoms), npc runs (so you chase), and battle. For the females you can either fine them, fuck them, or arrest them, which places them in your dungeon.

    The off duty has several options. You can go to town (for prostitutes/strip bar) or go down to your dungeon and... do things... to your prisoners.

    However, the main complaint I have with this game is due to the engine. Each time you load a girl on screen, it takes 5 seconds of black screen. This may seem nitpicky but the entire selling point of the game is the RNG generation of girls. Those 5 seconds really adds up fast.

    Art 5/10

    Characters themselves are randomly generated. The art style is alright but nothing to write home about.

    There are a variety of scenes that every character can go through. There's about 10 scenes in total. It's quite few, but they're done extremely well.

    Overall 5/10

    I can tell a lot of work went into this game. They really pushed RPGM to its limits. Other than moving around the map and text boxes, everything else is pretty much custom. But again, why? They could have made a better game in Unity.

    To be better, they needed to flesh out the game some more. There's some endgame content, but they need more endgame content. And more scenes. More unlocks. The game is good as it is, but to be great it needs more.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty decent game, procedural generation of the girls. It reminds me of the Gate Guardian game, though it is a little bit smaller in scale. I would really like to see more like this one. The translation is very good so far, it looks to be edited rather than a machine translation.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Spend many hours in this game. All of Osanagocoronokimini games are so well done.

    This one starts off innocently as a guard that places criminals in prison. Slowly you unlock access to the prison cells and you can do more actions to the girls you've placed in prison. Now with the new update, there are options to place orphans in your prison.

    This is for you if you're a big fan of blackmailing, raping innocents and dominating women.