RPGM - Completed - The Black Guards of Odom - Desert Town Prison [v1.0] [Osanagocoronokimini/P.+]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the game, especially for being an RPG type along with those well-crafted animations, as well as being interactive, having a lot of content to explore and not being a short game.
    I hope they keep putting more updates to this game which I loved.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent gameplay, although very linear and easy, able to be completed in a very short time.
    Seems to be a lot of potential for more content to be implemented, but as it is, it's pretty bare with the majority of interactions being available from early on.
    Could be a much greater game, but as is it's only average, especially if you care about translations making sense or even being functional.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favourite Osanagocoronokimini game. I have enjoyed the games that are put out consistently but this one dives right into the content from the get go while giving you a lot of room and content when it comes to the NPCs you interact with, without having to go through new game + or a big time investment.

    I don't know how much content will be added later if at all but atm the girls you interact with are randomized from a pool of random body types and when you reach max guard rank, you can make your own at your own discretion, this essentially opens up a lot of room for choice and enjoyment of the content.

    Currently the male part of the prison is closed off, not sure if that will be added at some point and what other parts of the city will be unlocked but the game is definitely a step in a right direction and it left a positive view for possible future content, be it in this game or others from Osan.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    If I could, I'd give this game a 3.5. It's okay, but it's still the worst of the bunch compared to the developer's other games.

    While the game does "technically" have a lot of females since their features are randomized, the differences are sparse so every female ends up looking too similar. This is pretty bad since the combinations are the game's main selling point. The most variety the girls can have is in their hair and maybe facial features. This had been an issue with all of the developer's games, but it's the worst in this one when it should be the best.

    Gameplay is simple to the point of being mundane and tedious. All you do is walk around to designated points while arresting/fining suspicious people. There's practically no story, no exploration, no side-quests or discovery past knowing where certain kinds of npcs tend to show up like prostitutes, rape-victims, and thugs. I'm not sure whether it has infinite or zero replay value since the main game doesn't have a failure state and there are no diverging paths, so there's no reason to start a new save.

    The developer should've just made this as a simple sex-simulator but decided to add the bare minimum to call it a game. The sex-sim part is fine, but it's surrounded by all these half-baked ideas and features that make it annoying to get through.

    Just play The Imperial Gatekeeper and/or its mod.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I will be brief on this review as there really is not much to talk about.

    The game is between Meh and OK, and very short, can be finished in around one hour with no knowledge whatsoever. You dont even need it to be translated, as the main choices to capture are random anyways.

    The "chapters" (upgrades of your job rank) are so fast to get that you dont have to really think ahead or focus on anything, just arrest everyone and bribe and in no time you will get the highest one and the game enters the endless mode, no story at all.

    The endless mode, as well as the game is very lacking, you just go around against time (on the first levels as later on you dont even have a time contraint) looking for suspicious people. Once you find them, for males you have 3 options to choose and randomly you may find contraband on them , letting you fine them or send them to jail. For women is the same, but you can undress them and if you do find contraband, you can force them to suck you off.
    If you send them to Jail, you can molest them and fuck them depending on your rank.
    You can also go to a brothel, a bar and a "meat urinal" brothel.

    And that's it.

    There really is no depth to the game at all, nor real replayability as once you get the highest rank you can just go around jailing any girl you fancy.

    There are no consecuences, no issues, no obstacles, not route and no story.

    Honestly, with how much this looks like TIGK, and how the other games of Osanagocoronokimini are, this was a HUGE let down.
    I would say play it if you are curious, just dont expect anything more than a gallery with "slow" loading times that takes you an hour to unlock.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It's worth a play. It's unfortunate, this game has such a perfect gameplay core but it just doesn't utilize it to the full extent. The girls' bodies can vary (hair, some facial features, body thickness, tit size), but you're always finding a woman in a cloak with the same outfit on, and there is like 3 ways she can behave. It would have been cool to see, idk 20 different dialog sets for the random girls, with different outfits, and maybe some special characters with unique, story-driven dialog (ex: maybe you come across a nun who you can plant contraband on, etc).

    I do know that the girls can be "broken" into brain dead fuck toys (which is a really unsatisfying state imo), but I am not sure if they can be corrupted into anything else. The impregnation mechanic is fun to see, really like that.

    I also really hate that the game always stays somewhat grindy. Or, maybe I just didn't play enough (SEE EDIT - game made it seem like I was done). Making money does get super easy but you still have to do it. At the end of the game, I don't want to make money, I want to fuck. You can do that with the gallery though, and the gallery is truly something to behold. You can take any girl from your save and have her play any scene you've watched (even if it is a scene from, say, a prostitute at a brothel in which she would not normally be able to partake in).

    All in all, I definitely recommend a play, but I just feel like the game is only a shadow of what it could have been with just a bit more dialog writing, and a couple more assets for clothes, and a few minor gameplay choices. I can see how some are comparing it to Imperial Gatekeeper but IG at least took their game a bit further (they still had some to go imo but it was good). This game has a similar spirit but it just was not followed through on. But, at least it was made at all.

    EDIT: I had not completed the game with this review, I was 90%. You can bribe the captain one last time with ~10,000 gold and then you get a pay increase to 5,000 to 6000 gold per day, and you get a lot of other items at a discount (like the brothel) or for free (like the prison key). This gets rid of the grind at the end. You also gain the ability to request customized girls, and the ability to unlock all scenes in the gallery.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Concept! I like the ideas this kind of rpg games.

    I like the idea and many other feature like impression and personality of differences. I want to mention about some issues/improvable things.

    Girls in cells are not much fun for playing. I mean scenes can also be developed to progress feature. I love the way of guard progress though. You should able to corrupt girls in cells into the prostitution and this must be hard depend on their personalities. Cells scenes can be better in future maybe. Specially oral scene in cells.

    Hope to see in future updates!

    Edit: If you like this game you can go and play
    The Imperial Gatekeeper
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A small simple game about molesting women. Unfortunately not much to do an very repetitive. Dialogs mean nothing. All the ladies get the very same sort, no matter the personality which is one out of, i think, six.

    Initially you need to restrain them to molest them, a short while after they just gave up an let you do whatever you want no reaction. All the same.

    Ok, it's a small project but i think 3 or 4 different ways to handle the girls, like, for instance, consensual sex for letting them excape, full broke her route, personal slave or even a more kinda romantic relationship could have made the game a lot better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Our luck is good it seems, since we get another "corrupt" guard game, but this time you go after the girls instead of them coming to you.

    Gameplay is good and far more interactive then "gatekeeper.
    A little annoying with the time at the start but it gets better at the end, in the "free mode" phase of the game.

    The female art is well made in Live2D, but most of the game is played in the RPGM art style .

    Story wise the game doesn't offer anything complex
    with a twist, like in "gatekeeper". The goal is simple and that is to get up to the higher ranks, for the better "rewards".

    The game is in a complete "state", meaning that it is in mostly japanese, but english translation has already being started on it.

    Hopefully we will get more updates, with a few more interactive modes with the women.
    Else all in all the game is just a bit more superior then "gatekeeper" in the interactive part but, not in the story part of the game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice I really love it, I like this kind of game with animation rather than all CG. The only reason I did not give it 5 star is because of the translation is not finished, ill be looking the updates for this game!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is just more of what you would expect from this developer - sex animations with sleeping/dead/restrained or otherwise immobile woman. If that is your kink there is no need to read further.

    One new major feature is randomized female models, but it isn't really that extensive and clothing variations are limited to color only. There are also few personality types, but dialogue is very basic and not really that distinct.
    While I don't really have anything bad to say about animations, there are just a few variations is position and the rest is just slightly different looking girls so it doesn't stay fresh for long.

    Game mechanics are not really well implemented. There are 2 resources - money and performance . Find a suspicious character, try to find evidence which is a game of chance, no visual or contextual hints, just pick right one out of 4 options. If you are lucky then you get to pick from rewards - money, quick BJ or sending the suspect to jail for performance score and chance to molest her further.
    In prison there is just a simple matter of picking an option, and clicking through a scene with further choices having no impact here.

    There is so much more that could have been done with game mechanics but as it stands it is just a short game, good for a fap or two. I hope that it gets expanded with DLCs.