Different Artists, this is just a bunch of art the creator of this game found. :/Maybe someone asked this already, but why in the third picture does the third girl have a different art style from the other characters in the picture?
Still waiting for the third partNew waves
Using the other art as placeholder for art you actually make or commission, is fine in my book. Or even just using art from one source (not one game, specifically, but one artist, or one group). Mixing and matching so many disparate art styles just doesn't work, unless it's specifically something multiversal like with the Slave Maker series, where each character is effectively self-contained.It is what it is. I won't be defending my choice for building such a game - I just felt like doing so. In the future I might release a choice-heavy 3DCG game with a similar fetish list. No stolen art or other resources there. I've been preparing it for a few months now, but ultimately decided to put in on hold and go with this.
Good artists copy, great artists stealPicasso said once, good artist copy, smart artist Steal