
New Member
Oct 2, 2021
Command: Move..slow...slow...normal..fast..You Died !!
What the fuck is this? It can't be done..I tried 10 times..every time it's different but always: You Died!
You wrote that it won't be included in 6.5...so what?
View attachment 3194441 in 6.5...so what?
Comment out the following portion of lines located in Nestor_house.rpy(decompile the rypc files 1st) using any IDE that supports multiple line commenting. I use VSCode for example. The Lines : (use search entering "Move Slowly" to find the lines quickly)

"{color=#ff0000e5}{font=OnionRocks.otf}Move slowly{/font}{/color}": #------------red choice
if res_lack == "slow":
$ res_step += 1
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_start
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_game_over
"{color=#ff0000e5}{font=OnionRocks.otf}Move normally{/font}{/color}": #------------red choice
if res_lack == "normal":
$ res_step += 1
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_start
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_game_over
"{color=#ff0000e5}{font=OnionRocks.otf}Move fast{/font}{/color}": #------------red choice
if res_lack == "fast":
$ res_step += 1
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_start
jump Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_game_over
label Nestor_house_Bella_villa_event_move_game_over:
hide screen capture_countdown
scene allblack
show villa_event_28_1 at shake
with vpunch
$ func_reload_rifle_sound()
$ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=True)
scene allblack
show villa_event_28_2 at shake
with vpunch
$ func_shot_rifle_sound_2()
$ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=True)

scene allblack
show villa_event_28_1 at shake
with vpunch
$ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=True)
scene allblack
show villa_event_28_2 at shake
with vpunch
$ func_punch_sound_3()
$ renpy.pause(0.2, hard=True)
scene allblack
show villa_event_28_1 at shake
with vpunch
"{font=DAMAGEPLAN_PERSONAL_USE.ttf}Guard{/font}""We have guests! Muere perra! {w=1}{nw}"
jump mc_death

This way the options will never appear and you will never fail. Enjoy
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 2, 2021
Yo dev, the encryption code for bridjet_bonus_1.png is put wrong. (playing 0.6.5 beta) I couldn't decrypt that image using your code from bank.rpy


Sep 24, 2019
Maybe I have this wrong but....in order to go back into bum mode you need to not have the apartment and not use the barber? And it takes a week to lose the apartment? Why wouldn't you just make it so we can click on a closet in our apartment and put our Bum clothes back on?
That seems EXTRA tedious

And while you wait to lose the apartment you still need to maintain relationship points with whoever's quest line you're trying to do? lol, please tell me im misunderstanding this


New Member
Nov 15, 2017
Most biggest grinding game i have ever seen, i even lose my erection after an hour. So complicated to be a satisfaction game. Images and videos was awesome but i spent my willpower to play it after so much time. This is not Pubg or Overwatch. Its a porn game and dev should realize this.

Also if you wanna enjoy artwork, just extract with rpatool and enjoy images and videos.


Apr 12, 2022
HOw to gte Maria s new anal at Nestor storty,the drinking game this one is crazy to win.

And cant use the save editor to cheat ??how to win
2.60 star(s) 59 Votes