Ok 2 things how to get max censor level? For the chaos cap since right now i am admin and my cap is 120
Second where is the ferris wheel? i bought the ticket but i can't see any option to go there.
I am using v3.1.3 btw, not sure if 3.1.4 is the one with the higher cap, what exactly does the latest pacth do?
censor level raises by doing the money making minigame.
by succesfully completing it, you get censor exp, just keep doing that, and it raises natuarly.
unless it's the one where mistakes are not primited, try to let a few porn related one pass, that raises curoption level.
at a point you need to get to 80 within 10 days, or game over.
be carefull not to cross the threshhold, you can check with pc how mutch max corrution you can have.
this will make it easyer to pass that part of the game.
the confession in the morning can get you max +3 corruption, if grinding for it, the "error every awnser is correct" one, allows for an easy curroption grind, as you can pass all the porn releated ones without failing.
farris weel is at the convinion, near the tiolets, their is a part where you can walk past it, it's on the left side of the convinion.
can't help mutch with yui's questline unfortunaly.
stage is bugged for me, havn't been aible to pass it, and make contact with yui.
if any one has a save, with just the stage completed, but not advanced yui's questline, very mutch aprisiated.
don't worry about remaining progress.
doesn't matter to me, i can easly do that myself.
i just want to pass the stage so i can experiance yui's questline.