to kill the daughter of the innkeeper, you must first take a bone from the skeleton in front of you, after that take the chair and a marker will appear where you must stand.
Now, in the orc cave you must talk to Hollie first, then find the cook, take care of him and come back with Hollie, that will open a new scene outside the cave and the battle will begin, Hollie will open a tunnel to escape, knock her out go to the tunnel, a new dialogue will tell you what to do, go with the orc leader, talk to him and he will give you 2 options fight or escape.
If you choose to fight you have 5 minutes to defeat the zombies or the game will end, if you succeed, you will leave the cave as leader of the horde.
In the camp go south with the washerwomen and talk to the orc girl, go back to camp and find the shaman's tent, give you important tips on the history of the game, then go talk to the leader of the camp, you must receive 3 gifts to move to battle in the village, one in the infirmary, another in the blacksmith and the last with the orc shaman. when you have the 3 gifts you can move on to the battle in the village which is a real challenge! you have 5 minutes to win, use whatever you have magic, arrows weapons. if you succeed you will fight against one of the leaders of the zombies who raises dead again and again until now I could not defeat him.