Ren'Py - The College [v0.58.0] [Deva Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I definitely enjoyed this game and although it was a little bit of a grind I enjoyed that it was fun to find the achievements. Graphics were nice and controls were intuitive. Characters were fun and unique as I did not find myself going oh this girl again.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst sin that this game commits is that... it's boring.
    Feminine MC, so-so story, very little sex scenes...
    I don't see any good thing about this game, so 1 star seems fair.

    Here is free tip for dev to make it less of chore to play: add character/event icons to map so players know who is where instead of having to go through every location to see if specific character is anywhere.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Using an inferior engine hurts any game if the developer doesn't know how to tweak it enough to bring it up to industry standards like Renpy and Unity that we've come to expect performance and ease of play from. Then factor in that as others have pointed out, the grind is not insignificant and performance issues exist. On a personal taste level, I don't have a problem with 'reverse' rape but I have a problem when the MC can't put a few basic clues together and get some payback.

    It's not a capital B bad game but it plays inferior to ones that are even average. Given the renders and some of the concepts I hope in later versions performance, playability, and content improve but as of this review, it's a 2, maybe 2.5-3 tops if you're super into the fetishes.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Mr. Inappropriate Review

    I take my like back. So I skip intro right.. have a list of completed and incomplete quests. number 6 i believe it was said talk to your mother. click on the phone on the table.. it asks who i want to call..i click mom.. "i dont want to talk to her right now" WHAT THE FUCCCCKKK?! what do you meeeeaaan brother *daquan voice* so damn tired of sandbox games with no fucking help on where to go or who to talk to next. devs attempt is a tragic failure just like the rest of sandbox games imo :/ the only sandbox game i ever got close to complete was big brother and that game is fucked
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    the game for when you complete the 24 achievements, you can’t go to the island or get into lilith sorority it’s hard to conserve money just working in the cafe to go golf and increase fame don’t provide cheat or intro making it repetitive in all places you’ve ever attended and just had sex at the beginning and if you visit tiffany for a blowjob, no more sex
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Review 0.4

    Normally, I wouldn't do a review so early in the cycle...but this game may still be salvageable. The opening scenes and setup showed a lot of promise in terms of story. The plot gets more interesting and the game may be fun if the dev can figure a few things out.

    First off, the graphics are average. I'm ok with that if there are interesting characters and a solid story. The story here is interesting enough to keep someone engaged.

    The real problem with this game...that saps any fun out of it is that it grinds and grinds and grinds with little to no reward. It has to be one of the most grinding games I've played in years. There are games that grind (most famously, LoP games always start with a week of grinding before you can get anywhere, but they ultimately pay off in a shorter period of time). There's not enough going on between the grinding away to keep it interesting.

    In short, this is a slog of a game with far too much grinding and not enough going on in between. Erotic or not, games are supposed to be fun to play...this one is not.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Interface needs to be updated badly: the space-bar should advance the scene, not hide the interface. The translated English is rather poor, to say the least. The music has issues, too, of crackle and static that are a constant annoyance. Can't recommend it in this state.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Leo Humilis

    V. 0.3

    The premise looks interesting and the graphics is nice... but way too much blind grinding without hints.

    Also, I really hope that the devs with make a real sub path for MC (where he would willingly submit to the girls), not just the dom path which has been hinted by some teachers.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v0.3

    Stop me if you've heard this one before. You are a layabout dickhead who gets sent to an all-girls school and decides to fuck everything on two legs. Almost immediately you get captured by some crazy hot girls who fuck you. Then you get recruited by the FBI for vague reasons.

    The graphics are ok. Nothing to write home about but passable.

    The sex scenes are fairly sparse from what I can tell.

    Gameplay is absolute torture. It's one of those games where there are several time slots in the day and several locations and if you are in the right place at the right time you can advance the story. The problem is that there is close to zero in-game help on what you need to do to advance the story. Without a walkthrough you're stuck clicking on every location 6 times a day trying to find some way to advance the story. There aren't really any story hints either. The few things it does tell you about (classes and therapy) require a long and boring grind without payoff.

    Without a walkthrough the game is just too tedious to play.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    My review is based on version 0.2 of this game.

    While some says this game has potential as it's not completed yet,
    this is a boring statement that could actually apply to almost all Patreon games that never want to finish milking.

    The game at this current stage is very frustrating in terms of the gameplay.
    So how the gameplay is executed?

    During the game, you need to click your mouse to roam to the different place of the campus and city. Despite the large number of places for you to go, they're actually serving as placeholders with almost no scenes, so chances are like you go to that place and turn out nothing happens.

    This is actually a poor game design as you let the player waste their time going to pointless places aimlessly especially when there's no prompts with bad interface for your next move.

    For example of the bad interface part, you need to attend classes, but unless you can remember all the courses at that day by viewing the schedule at the morning of the dorm, you won't be able to return to check the schedule again after leaving the dorm which is very annoying to check different places of the campus.

    Also, if you're someone who cares about the detail, you will notice that the characters' poses are very unnatural, therefore girls would ridicously change their bodies frequently when talking to you as if they're trying to seduce you
    like a porn star.

    Games that are good should often be good at start, I think the game develope should devote more effort and think like a player to avoid making a grindfest game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The main character's model is ugly,. The dialogue from the MC makes him sound like he's some Antifa reject, and the plot, while promising, was poorly executed between the intro and the second update.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Don't understand why people giving this 1 star. The game isn't done yet, the game crashed when I talk to the doc.

    Overall it's a traditional Grinding type but with the all-female college, the being young vibe as a college student and work hard and getting laid for the certain skill you get the certain girl

    The cultist thing was spice on top added some mystery to the game. Girls are hot young/old/ethnic variety to choose from.

    Not much yet, I believe it will be an amazing game if the game is done
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1

    Despite the setup of the game being pretty good the actual package is far from it. First off the writing is pretty bad and it seems the author's native language is not English, resulting in text painful to read. But not only is the sentence to sentence writing poor, so is the narrative pacing and structure. The first h scene has poor buildup, and results in an anti-climactic scene that wastes the potential of what is happening (the MC has sex with his sister, something that doesn't work as the first h scene and deserves more than a few lines of dialogue as build-up.) After this the story suddenly switches to an excruciatingly mundane sandbox where I spent way too long going from my dorm room looking at what class I'm supposed to be going to, finding it on the map, going back to my dorm room to look at the schedule again and repeating over and over. Every day of the week has a different time for each class so internally memorizing it over time is not likely. To make it worse the classes have absolutely nothing interesting going on in them, just a couple of sprites of characters then a text saying your level has increased. The game's engine also has problems, and there are some bugs, one example from my time playing was I had to load to my last save when I opened the cheat menu on the class stats page because there was no other way to exit that screen. Overall this game has a lot of wasted potential and it will need a lot of work to become something worth playing.