
May 13, 2018
Has the Johnny Be Bad/cuck/NTR part of the game been taken out? I've been trying to trigger it but it seems no matter what including if my character is completely sissified it won't happen. Used to be he'd confront you about a dick measuring contest in the toilet, but I can't make that trigger now.


Game Developer
Feb 15, 2018
Greetings everyone!

Artwork for The Company has been in development for just over a year now, and in that time I've been getting feedback from all directions. Feedback is great! I love feedback! Unfortunately, feedback can be a little hard to parse sometimes, and incorrectly evaluating feedback can be just as harmful as ignoring it completely.

At this point, I've decided to finally collect some useful and concise feedback on the current state of the artwork being developed for The Company. The poll is more complex than I can post here, so I ask you take a few minutes to direct your attention...

The information gathered from this poll will taken into consideration while we move forward through the next year, so I urge everyone to complete the above questionnaire and get their voices heard.

Thank you all!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016

Thank you all!
No offense, but it's not great poll-making to have one that is biased. "Continue using live-action images, even though it won't be sustainable forever". Okay. That's a nice negative you've added there. Odd how none of the choices for artstyle say stuff like "Even though it'll mean updates take longer" or "Even though it'll cost more money to hire artists to draw the art".


Jul 15, 2017
@Westane Agreed, the poll is poorly constructed, and it's clear you want to go to an art direction (and you've stated it several times, beyond just the way the poll is set up). Unfortunetly, the art is okay at best. Frankly, the non-nude art is better than the lewd.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
yeesh.... I kinda like the dual system of being able to choose between real porn and art because frankly that art style for the porn is.... bleh at best.... not a turn off but certainly not a turn on.

Poll is kinda biased too as mentioned


Oct 21, 2017
Question 2 which is required makes no sense if you choose "I hate it" in previous question. "But thou must say what you like about this art!"
I don't understand why every time these games get artists all the pictures either are meh or bad.
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May 13, 2018
How much do they normally charge? Actually curious btw
Can't say to that specifically (and I'd guess it varies greatly between artists) but should be able to get some aspiring comics artists to join in... or even successful ones at that. Comics pay horrifcally bad these days, to the point that many well known Marvel/DC artists have stopped doing regular comics and only do commissions. So with that in mind, there should be a few 'vulnerable souls' with good skills out there to take advantage of... Basically what I'm saying is that going by what I see on Twitter on comic artists feeds, it's a buyer's marked, and it should be possible to shop around for projects.

That said, if Westane prefers the current art style/artist, I'm not saying that's a must. I disliked a few of the designs (Ava for one as another mentioned) but overall they are decent, but I hope that it'll continue offering option to use real porn images.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2018
Can't say to that specifically (and I'd guess it varies greatly between artists) but should be able to get some aspiring comics artists to join in... or even successful ones at that. Comics pay horrifcally bad these days, to the point that many well known Marvel/DC artists have stopped doing regular comics and only do commissions. So with that in mind, there should be a few 'vulnerable souls' with good skills out there to take advantage of... Basically what I'm saying is that going by what I see on Twitter on comic artists feeds, it's a buyer's marked, and it should be possible to shop around for projects.

That said, if Westane prefers the current art style/artist, I'm not saying that's a must. I disliked a few of the designs (Ava for one as another mentioned) but overall they are decent, but I hope that it'll continue offering option to use real porn images.
I wouldn't mind a style akin to Good Girl, Gone Bad; that way you get something similar to the RL porn but also different enough to not worry.


Aug 21, 2018
I forget who posted it, but i'll edit with credits if you let me know.

F12, go to console.

SugarCube.State.variables.player.money = 1000000
SugarCube.State.active.variables.player.stamina = 99
SugarCube.State.active.variables.player.staminaMax = 99
SugarCube.State.variables.player.dom = 100
SugarCube.State.variables.time.cTime = 0

You can use more than one each time bu using ; between each line.
dom sets your dominance. between 0 and 100.
cTime sets time of day. 0 is early morning. I think 5 is night.

Dont use this until you have been in laoratory:
SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[0].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[1].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[2].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[3].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[4].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[5].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[6].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[7].qty = 9999; SugarCube.State.active.variables.chem[8].qty = 9999
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Apr 6, 2017
Commissioning art can get pretty expensive. Most of the low price quotes you might see on someone's site or patron are usually just for completed line-art of a single character. Add in multiple characters and coloring, maybe even a background, and the price can jump pretty high, which isn't even getting into if the game has any sort of variable systems like letting the player changes clothes and/or hairstyles.

As for the art shown, I don't think it's bad. It could definitely be cleaner, neater, and more detailed (right now they look like rough sketches, some even looking unfinished the like the picture of Ava on the couch). Given that the word 'cleaner' comes up a lot in the poll I'm guessing either Westane already realized that or his patrons have brought it up more than once.
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3.90 star(s) 75 Votes