GDDs are useless anyway.
Term's thick, so let's break this up in two:
Waterfall-style plan-execution:
0 (zero) games ever shipped as an exact matchup to their WFlike-GDD spec.
It's an artifact of a failed attempt by business people to control software development, circa 90s? 2000s?
Such GDDs are obsolete the moment they are finalized.
A general outline is more than enough for a solo/small team effort.
Hence no one writes these.
GDD as a general, un-formalized term:
All games shipped used some form of this.
You can say a discord DM exchange between two guys behind a game was their GDD.
You can say a general_outline.txt was their GDD.
Whatever's written down related to a game can account for being a GDD.
Thus it's useless to categorize sth as a "game design document", and we're back to square one:
GDDs are a useless mental/org overhead.
Instead, zero in on a general direction you wanna go and build your game.
Keep a log of what you did, what you found, what you've added/discarded. Explore iteratively, it's gonna be fun & fine.
I get a HUGE paragraph on the story background and how the protagonist is going to get horny with the step-mom/sister.
It's a
pitching problem. Pitching's a skill. Comes with practice. No GDD would ever help here, even if its a good one that a dev would whip himself hard sticking to.
To boost pitching, start by reading steam store summaries. You'll never see a huge-ass text listing all the details no-one-givesafuckabout, (well most of the time) instead you'll see an attempt to describe the experience the game provides. The
why of it claiming some of your precious time.
Oftentimes, people try too hard when they're pitching. Like they're in politics or something. The question to ask is simple: "why would someone play this?"