Seeking The corruption/mindbreak of a futanari


New Member
Jun 26, 2022

Made by GFF (Same dev as the one who did Oozehazard). It's a little bit slower than Oozehazard as far as transformation, but it has what you're thinking of. One thing to note though is that Contamination does go harder for the moral corruption side of the transformation, including unavoidable and optional rape scenes.

Pink Heart:

This one is uhh... unique. Very short, but definitely has the "girl grows cock and it drives her wild" theme. Again, like Contamination, it has a lot of rape... pretty sure every scene involves rape somehow in this one. If I remember right, all of the dialogue from the MC is voiced (in Japanese).

Female Knight Rasia:

From what I remember this one was... not as extreme as some of these futa corruption titles go, definitely not as extreme as the previous two. From what I remember, I liked the game, it was a while ago though, I don't remember a lot or any sex, just a lot of moral corruption and masturbation.

Futanari Remedies:

No/little corruption, no emphasis on rape, pretty good CGs. Girl is driven crazy, but not short-circuiting-brain levels of crazy. Fairly tame as far as these titles go.

Village of Nightmare:

You know how I said the last one was fairly tame... yeah this one is not that. This one has rape all the way, incest, full blown corruption, smell fetishes, but at least there's no scat (I think). This is much more of a corruption game than anything else, it does have scenes of futanari being driven insane, but it's way more focused on the corruption than crazy libido futa girls, but it's somewhat up the same ally theme wise. You play as the antagonist in this one, and if you do decide to play this one, get a walkthrough open, you need to make very specific interactions throughout the game in order to progress the story, so unless you want to be talking to random people, or wondering wtf you're doing 90% of the time, pull up a walkthrough.

That's all I got for now, I'm sure there are more that I can't think of or haven't played.
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