The craziest thing about male MC sandbox games.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2017
I didn't say there are the same, I said they are linked.

I totally agree and that's what I tried to say with an extreme exemple, if there is no story (I'm not talking about a general story but at least something individual to a character), you can't emotionally deepen your relationship with a character. Take a game like Dany Clicker, do you feel a connection?

It's okay since I didn't make it to please everyone. I just wanted to make you remember that not everyone has the same taste as you.
That's fair enough. Of course we all have different tastes otherwise what's the point of discussing things. I just find your idea of "story" kinda vague. I just played Unleashed a couple days ago. It has virtually no story. You're a boy goign to live into a house with three beautiful women (stop me if you heard that one before).

It's all just a bunch of slice of life comedy sketches so far. No fucking, barely 2 sexy situation and again, they're mostly comedy. And I LOVE it. Because the characters are charming. I want to know them better. I want to sex 'em up. For me it doesn't need a deep, convoluted, epic story to keep me hooked at that point.

It'd be cool, but so far I'm satisfied with what the game provides.