Cheat codes might bug this version a bit, my girls had very high depravity before closing game, loading again this morning they still have high points but all pictures of actions showed as if they had no depravity.
Also Taxman/Woman never shows up, maybe due to asking for a weeks tax vacation before her first appearance?
New girl, Gina is it? Is only for lewd event and exp one time? Hoped she could be hired..? If she is story related to Taxwoman, I saw her on day 1, as fortune teller hinted it would be a Monday.. no show of day name, just day number btw.
Also kinda annoying we no longer see a girls Health status on her front card, we have to look during an action, or open her card to view it. Earlier versions was faster due to seeing first hand who needed to rest, so this new thing slows down game play.
Hoped we would be able to choose a different name for the MC this time, since we had to start over again
MC Exp is a cool new addition, long awaited, thanks

Wish we could earn more of them, for this version so far I calculate we can get 2 different stat perks? Got Endurance up to Perk one to move the stone for an extra exp point, one point in Intelligence to ask for tax vacation (didn't raise it to a Perk) And kept the rest in reserves in case a stat perk is needed for something else later.
Shouldn't it award exp when you get to a girls special events? Like Alma's cooking 10 event, maybe even when getting beer supply contract?
Also not all stats are clear what their perk do before you get it, so one might waste precious exp points on something less needed. Like I didn't think to need endurance using cheat, until I came to the big stone that needed Endurance perk 1, so had to restart to get that

(That's why I keep exp points in reserve on second play through)
Would also be an idea to see what game difficulty you are on when looking at options during the game, in case one forgot.
Easy mode would mean missing out on Taxwoman events completely, no?
The small new addition of what Depravity level to see, resets to "Clean" when loading again, that migt be an answer to what I started with in this post, however the Elf girl only has "Clean" depravity option.. how to increase that? Guess is after her serving event, but that's a long grind away
Biggest concern for me right now is missing out on Taxwomans event since she never shows up, might have to start over and not ask for tax vacation to see if that's why?