I wish key repeat was slower or configurable. Too often I press a key for slightly too long and make multiple inputs, which could get you killed in a roguelike (although you seem to not die in this game thankfully).
I wish there was a modifier key to wind up the hammer attack instead of moving. You can do it by going into the options menu, but...
I wish rest wasn't bound to numberpad 5 in vikeys mode. I use vikeys because I don't HAVE a numberpad. I do have autohotkey but I shouldn't have to use it to rebind keys.
I would like to issue a general caution that followers are often irritating to play with in authentic roguelikes. You need followers to make smart decisions because the combat is challenging, but the AI usually can't do it. And micromanaging followers is annoying or totally untenable because the finely detailed positioning and very short turns mean you have to intervene far too often. I'm not saying it can't be done better, but it requires a lot of thought and care and maybe some unconventional innovations to be good; so far the game hasn't really proven me wrong and followers are mostly tolerable because the game is easier than other roguelikes. In a non-gameplay sense I love the idea of dungeon diving with companions and bonding with tem, but the mechanics must not make it a chore to do so.
Thanks for the feedback; I have noted all of it.
Rest SHOULD be [space] in vikeys, thanks for catching that bug.
And perhaps it's not communicated well but you can select "Vi-like Controls" to set most of the controls and then use "Custom Controls" to change the keybinding for Rest.
I agree that it's hard to make followers that aren't short-term summons work
Honestly I had some moments of existential angst where I felt like the game was fundamentally doomed bc of this issue
However at this point I'm in too deep lol so I will just do the best that I can.
So far what I've done is:
* implemented a pathfinder class which reuses data from previous calculations so it a monster can calculate 10+ paths per turn (e.g. a spear user needs to calculate paths to all locations from which it can hit a monster w/ a spear)
* implemented the "danger squares", which companions and human enemies consider when pathfinding (allows companions to avoid fireballs, etc.)
* thanks to f95 feedback implemented a "move as a group" ai which is less suicidal
I hope I can find more improvements / adjustments over time which make the companion ai more tolerable, perhaps even fun
Let me know if you have any ideas.