4.40 star(s) 9 Votes


Aug 5, 2016
the game crashes at start if you try to run it with no network connection / firewall blocks outgoing traffic, is this intended?

========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00007FFC83B6B699 (KERNELBASE) RaiseException
0x00007FFBB7110C1C (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_dl_fallback_unregister
0x00007FFBB70FC822 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB70FC888 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB72B70BB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B728E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B76BC (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB71C1234 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_lookup_icall_symbol
0x0000018214C2A819 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IOSelector:Add (intptr,System.IOSelectorJob)
0x0000018214C2846B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginSConnect (System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncResult)
0x0000018214C27D93 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginConnect (System.Net.EndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27C83 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<>c:<Connect>b__16_0 (System.Net.IPEndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27A17 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1<System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>:FromAsyncImpl<System.Net.IPEndPoint> (System.Func`4<System.Net.IPEndPoint, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Func`2<System.IAsyncResult, System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,System.Net.IPEndPoint,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C277F5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C27753 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object)
0x0000018214C21B03 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C2117B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16> (System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16&)
0x0000018214C2103B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:Connect (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C2019B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19:MoveNext ()
0x0000018156C4FF7B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<System.Net.WebRequestStream>:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19> (System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19&)
0x0000018156CFFFBB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:InitConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C1F293 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1F05B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58> (System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58&)
0x0000018214C1ED13 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation:Run ()
0x0000018214C1E6AB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:StartOperation (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1DC1B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup:CreateOrReuseConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1D3E3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:SchedulerIteration (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup)
0x0000018214C1D123 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunSchedulerIteration ()
0x0000018214C13983 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1173B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32> (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32&)
0x0000018214C110F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunScheduler ()
0x0000018214C10E2B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:<Run>b__31_0 ()
0x0000018213C37BA5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<TResult_REF>:InnerInvoke ()
0x0000018213C37864 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Execute ()
0x0000018213C374F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecutionContextCallback (object)
0x0000018213BF5CA6 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213BF51CB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213C3706B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&)
0x0000018213C36A6B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntry (bool)
0x0000018213C3661B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
0x0000018213C3393A (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
0x0000018213C32EDB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
0x0000018213C330C5 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x00007FFBB7334C1E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_jit_set_domain
0x00007FFBB726D254 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_object_get_virtual_method
0x00007FFBB72AE9FD (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B1C63 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB729F9DB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFBB729FBEE (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFC85CF7374 (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFC8615CC91 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2024
the game crashes at start if you try to run it with no network connection / firewall blocks outgoing traffic, is this intended?

========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00007FFC83B6B699 (KERNELBASE) RaiseException
0x00007FFBB7110C1C (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_dl_fallback_unregister
0x00007FFBB70FC822 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB70FC888 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB72B70BB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B728E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B76BC (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB71C1234 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_lookup_icall_symbol
0x0000018214C2A819 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IOSelector:Add (intptr,System.IOSelectorJob)
0x0000018214C2846B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginSConnect (System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncResult)
0x0000018214C27D93 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginConnect (System.Net.EndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27C83 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<>c:<Connect>b__16_0 (System.Net.IPEndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27A17 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1<System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>:FromAsyncImpl<System.Net.IPEndPoint> (System.Func`4<System.Net.IPEndPoint, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Func`2<System.IAsyncResult, System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,System.Net.IPEndPoint,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C277F5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C27753 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object)
0x0000018214C21B03 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C2117B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16> (System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16&)
0x0000018214C2103B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:Connect (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C2019B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19:MoveNext ()
0x0000018156C4FF7B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<System.Net.WebRequestStream>:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19> (System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19&)
0x0000018156CFFFBB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:InitConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C1F293 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1F05B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58> (System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58&)
0x0000018214C1ED13 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation:Run ()
0x0000018214C1E6AB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:StartOperation (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1DC1B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup:CreateOrReuseConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1D3E3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:SchedulerIteration (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup)
0x0000018214C1D123 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunSchedulerIteration ()
0x0000018214C13983 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1173B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32> (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32&)
0x0000018214C110F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunScheduler ()
0x0000018214C10E2B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:<Run>b__31_0 ()
0x0000018213C37BA5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<TResult_REF>:InnerInvoke ()
0x0000018213C37864 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Execute ()
0x0000018213C374F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecutionContextCallback (object)
0x0000018213BF5CA6 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213BF51CB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213C3706B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&)
0x0000018213C36A6B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntry (bool)
0x0000018213C3661B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
0x0000018213C3393A (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
0x0000018213C32EDB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
0x0000018213C330C5 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x00007FFBB7334C1E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_jit_set_domain
0x00007FFBB726D254 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_object_get_virtual_method
0x00007FFBB72AE9FD (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B1C63 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB729F9DB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFBB729FBEE (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFC85CF7374 (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFC8615CC91 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
Not intentional, will look into it. Perhaps a Unity thing

Re: network calls the ones I know about are:
* (mine) an optional call to itch.io's api to check if there is a new version (I think I will remove this)
* I have Unity's Crash and Error Reporting enabled
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Reactions: KapitanDupa


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2024
the game crashes at start if you try to run it with no network connection / firewall blocks outgoing traffic, is this intended?

========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================

0x00007FFC83B6B699 (KERNELBASE) RaiseException
0x00007FFBB7110C1C (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_dl_fallback_unregister
0x00007FFBB70FC822 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB70FC888 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) BrotliEncoderVersion
0x00007FFBB72B70BB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B728E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B76BC (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB71C1234 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_lookup_icall_symbol
0x0000018214C2A819 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IOSelector:Add (intptr,System.IOSelectorJob)
0x0000018214C2846B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginSConnect (System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncResult)
0x0000018214C27D93 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.Sockets.Socket:BeginConnect (System.Net.EndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27C83 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<>c:<Connect>b__16_0 (System.Net.IPEndPoint,System.AsyncCallback,object)
0x0000018214C27A17 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1<System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>:FromAsyncImpl<System.Net.IPEndPoint> (System.Func`4<System.Net.IPEndPoint, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Func`2<System.IAsyncResult, System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,System.Net.IPEndPoint,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C277F5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object,System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions)
0x0000018214C27753 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory:FromAsync<TArg1_REF> (System.Func`4<TArg1_REF, System.AsyncCallback, object, System.IAsyncResult>,System.Action`1<System.IAsyncResult>,TArg1_REF,object)
0x0000018214C21B03 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C2117B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16> (System.Net.WebConnection/<Connect>d__16&)
0x0000018214C2103B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:Connect (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C2019B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19:MoveNext ()
0x0000018156C4FF7B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<System.Net.WebRequestStream>:Start<System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19> (System.Net.WebConnection/<InitConnection>d__19&)
0x0000018156CFFFBB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:InitConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,System.Threading.CancellationToken)
0x0000018214C1F293 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1F05B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58> (System.Net.WebOperation/<Run>d__58&)
0x0000018214C1ED13 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebOperation:Run ()
0x0000018214C1E6AB (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.WebConnection:StartOperation (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1DC1B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup:CreateOrReuseConnection (System.Net.WebOperation,bool)
0x0000018214C1D3E3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:SchedulerIteration (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/ConnectionGroup)
0x0000018214C1D123 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunSchedulerIteration ()
0x0000018214C13983 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32:MoveNext ()
0x0000018214C1173B (Mono JIT Code) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start<System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32> (System.Net.ServicePointScheduler/<RunScheduler>d__32&)
0x0000018214C110F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:RunScheduler ()
0x0000018214C10E2B (Mono JIT Code) System.Net.ServicePointScheduler:<Run>b__31_0 ()
0x0000018213C37BA5 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1<TResult_REF>:InnerInvoke ()
0x0000018213C37864 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Execute ()
0x0000018213C374F3 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecutionContextCallback (object)
0x0000018213BF5CA6 (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213BF51CB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
0x0000018213C3706B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteWithThreadLocal (System.Threading.Tasks.Task&)
0x0000018213C36A6B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:ExecuteEntry (bool)
0x0000018213C3661B (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.Tasks.Task:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
0x0000018213C3393A (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
0x0000018213C32EDB (Mono JIT Code) System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
0x0000018213C330C5 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x00007FFBB7334C1E (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_jit_set_domain
0x00007FFBB726D254 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_object_get_virtual_method
0x00007FFBB72AE9FD (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB72B1C63 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_thread_has_sufficient_execution_stack
0x00007FFBB729F9DB (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFBB729FBEE (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_profiler_init_etw
0x00007FFC85CF7374 (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFC8615CC91 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
Hmmm... I wasn't able to reproduce this; I was able to run it without an internet connection
will dig more when I can


Dec 26, 2023
Dude, the dungeon is seriously on hell mode, and it gets even tougher when Viola's with me. I could really use some tips—and if anyone knows any cheat modes to make this a breeze, that’d be a lifesaver! Any help would be awesome!


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
The characters look like they were put through a pixelation filter rather than being actual pixel art.
The Demon Lord's lover is a roguelike/dating sim
that sounds extraordinarily grindy.
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2023
Hey, can anyone help me out? I’m playing the latest version of the game, but I’ve hit a snag. I’m partied up with Viola, and I’ve gone to B4 multiple times, but there’s no one there—no matter how many times I try. One time, I did find two guys—one kid and an old dude—but I died during that attempt. Now, I can’t find them again. I even cleared the entire B5 floor, and still no sign of them. What’s going on?


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2024
Hey, can anyone help me out? I’m playing the latest version of the game, but I’ve hit a snag. I’m partied up with Viola, and I’ve gone to B4 multiple times, but there’s no one there—no matter how many times I try. One time, I did find two guys—one kid and an old dude—but I died during that attempt. Now, I can’t find them again. I even cleared the entire B5 floor, and still no sign of them. What’s going on?
If you have talked to Kino/Earnest once you don't need to talk to them again;
Have Viola join at the bar; go to the dungeon; exit the dungeon and the conversation should trigger.

Sorry about this; I think I should change the code so you can trigger the next scene by dying/her dying in the dungeon as well.
  • Like
Reactions: rei_x


Jul 11, 2017
Dude, the dungeon is seriously on hell mode, and it gets even tougher when Viola's with me. I could really use some tips—and if anyone knows any cheat modes to make this a breeze, that’d be a lifesaver! Any help would be awesome!
Easy mode is getting keys and unlocking doors to get enchantment scrolls, i like rage on armor and devouring on weapon. I prefer the Halberd as a weapon with the damage reduction backstory as well and rings of force. makes you able to face tank most anything. trolls are still a threat but manageable.

Edit: Healing pots are your best friends early too, if you need money just grab a few keys and leave the dungeon and sell them keys sell for 100g each. Also i use platemail cuz most damage reduction.
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Reactions: rei_x


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2024
Just released 0.6.9 on itch and here.
Unfortunately have a bunch of obligations this wknd but wanted to start addressing what I could

  • Before, Viola's post-camp conversation triggered when you exited the dungeon. Now, it triggers when you exit the dungeon, you fall, she falls, or you kick her from the party. This should make it easier to progress Viola's route.
  • Before, Viola's post-Kino/Earnest encounter conversation triggered when you exited the dungeon. Now, it triggers when you exit the dungeon, you fall, or she falls. This should make it easier to progress Viola's route.
  • Before, companions w/ default orders were reckless and often got themselves killed. Now, there are 4 new orders: Move as a group (radius 1), Move as a group (radius 2), Move as a group (radius 3), and Move as a group (radius 4). Viola/Yuu default to Move as a group (radius 2) and Paila defaults to Move as a group (radius 1). This should make companions better at surviving.
  • Before, companions didn't use spin attack because of a bug. Now, companions will use a spin attack if it will hit 2+ enemies and 0 allies/civilians (in most cases). This should be a significant buff for Viola (until I decide to rebalance spin attack) and should help her against slimes in particular.
  • Before, armors were not enchantable because of a bug. Now, armors are enchantable. (Unfortunately armors from old versions' saves will not be enchantable.)
  • Before, this game checked itch.io if there was a new version and showed a message if there was. I decided I wanted this game to be more itch.io agnostic, so I removed this code.
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Reactions: rei_x


Dec 26, 2023
If you have talked to Kino/Earnest once you don't need to talk to them again;
Have Viola join at the bar; go to the dungeon; exit the dungeon and the conversation should trigger.

Sorry about this; I think I should change the code so you can trigger the next scene by dying/her dying in the dungeon as well.
Hahaha, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! Wasted like 2 hours on something so obvious. Thanks, bro!
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2021
It's quite grindy since the scroll and high-level equipment rarely spawn. I hope there is an NPC that sells scroll


Oct 26, 2023
game is great even though this game is incomplete. It's super fun to play it for a few hours.
The current NPC looks good, especially the milf
though i suggest to dev if possible add npc like guard and other adventurer and a demon king commander, soldier, and captain
and add a side quest like finding a material on the dungeon or acquiring a monster drop only that will only drop when the quest is accepted.
and the H scene is perfect, though I hope Dev adds more H scenes.
and the dialogue action box on the left if possible, can we resize it for future updates?
And that's all.
Since its incomplete, I will rate it 7/10.
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Reactions: ayumu98


Feb 17, 2018
Is it posible to get something like permanent spells?

I'm going with the magic perks and armor, but so far I've only found some books that seem like resources with limited uses.


May 30, 2017
Very good work, liked the gameplay as well as the pixel art style, the turn-based movement and equipping and the progressing of dungeons is very neat, if possible tho is there a possibility for a gallery mode later on? getting to floor 10 once was difficult but not impossible, aside from that kudos to the writing, hope to see more soon
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Reactions: ayumu98


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2024
the followers suck ass
they just run off and get themselves killed
Hi are you on 0.6.6 or 0.6.9?
I tried to improve the companion ai in 0.6.9
It's quite grindy since the scroll and high-level equipment rarely spawn. I hope there is an NPC that sells scroll
I plan to add enchantment scrolls (and other items) to the shop in the next patch
game is great even though this game is incomplete. It's super fun to play it for a few hours.
The current NPC looks good, especially the milf
though i suggest to dev if possible add npc like guard and other adventurer and a demon king commander, soldier, and captain
and add a side quest like finding a material on the dungeon or acquiring a monster drop only that will only drop when the quest is accepted.
and the H scene is perfect, though I hope Dev adds more H scenes.
and the dialogue action box on the left if possible, can we resize it for future updates?
And that's all.
Since its incomplete, I will rate it 7/10.
Thanks for the feedback!
I plan to add more characters and sex scenes but the art and writing takes time
Can you send a screenshot of the "dialogue action box"?
Is it posible to get something like permanent spells?

I'm going with the magic perks and armor, but so far I've only found some books that seem like resources with limited uses.
The tomes recharge. I'll change the description to make this more obvious in the next patch (e.g. "It has 3.22 charges and gains 0.02 charges per turn").
Also pure magic builds are not well supported (both from a balance and ergonomics perspective) but I want to make them more viable. I have some ideas
Very good work, liked the gameplay as well as the pixel art style, the turn-based movement and equipping and the progressing of dungeons is very neat, if possible tho is there a possibility for a gallery mode later on? getting to floor 10 once was difficult but not impossible, aside from that kudos to the writing, hope to see more soon
Thanks for the kind words. Gallery is coming in the next patch
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Reactions: Cozmos


May 30, 2017
Hi are you on 0.6.6 or 0.6.9?
I tried to improve the companion ai in 0.6.9

I plan to add enchantment scrolls (and other items) to the shop in the next patch

Thanks for the feedback!
I plan to add more characters and sex scenes but the art and writing takes time
Can you send a screenshot of the "dialogue action box"?

The tomes recharge. I'll change the description to make this more obvious in the next patch (e.g. "It has 3.22 charges and gains 0.02 charges per turn").
Also pure magic builds are not well supported (both from a balance and ergonomics perspective) but I want to make them more viable. I have some ideas

Thanks for the kind words. Gallery is coming in the next patch
The AI was pretty gud till we got into the floor 6/7 dungeons where it usually goes to fight but ends up dying, but overall it's not bad at all imo, espically when fighting the fireplants they dodge and attack them, which is pretty gud tbh.
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Reactions: ayumu98
4.40 star(s) 9 Votes