The latest version. I tried to help Pila find her flower, but she just sprints off and attacks. I tried to be extra careful too.Hi are you on 0.6.6 or 0.6.9?
I tried to improve the companion ai in 0.6.9
Same with the warrior woman.
The latest version. I tried to help Pila find her flower, but she just sprints off and attacks. I tried to be extra careful too.Hi are you on 0.6.6 or 0.6.9?
I tried to improve the companion ai in 0.6.9
Change their combat settings to stay or don't attack.The latest version. I tried to help Pila find her flower, but she just sprints off and attacks. I tried to be extra careful too.
Same with the warrior woman.
this thingThanks for the feedback!
I plan to add more characters and sex scenes but the art and writing takes time
Can you send a screenshot of the "dialogue action box"?
that would certainly helpChange their combat settings to stay or don't attack.
On stay they will stay in one place on the map and only move to attack enemies that come near them.
On don't attack they'll just follow you instead of making a suicide rush.
Also, the latest version has orders like "Move as a group (radius x)", which makes companions keep within a certain radius of you.that would certainly help
Not yet dev did say he wanted to do something for spells/books specificallyIs there a way to set hotkeys? I'd like to be able to define something on the keyboard or the screen to instantly change stuff like npcs behaviors or read books.
I plan to address this; in the meantime you can put the item back down to remove the glass wallsAlso found a minor bug. If a companion is on an item in a treasure room when you take a different item they will be stuck there for the floor.
I will re-addAlso just a personal request I'd like the old AI setting to still be available, with spin attack being an option for the AI if you gear it properly I think it would handle itself well.
Ah thanks for noticing thisOverall I noticed the AI likes to spam spin attack a lot which it will try to do even with low follow range which causes a lot of wasted movement for the AI.
Thanks for the feedback; I have noted all of it.I wish key repeat was slower or configurable. Too often I press a key for slightly too long and make multiple inputs, which could get you killed in a roguelike (although you seem to not die in this game thankfully).
I wish there was a modifier key to wind up the hammer attack instead of moving. You can do it by going into the options menu, but...
I wish rest wasn't bound to numberpad 5 in vikeys mode. I use vikeys because I don't HAVE a numberpad. I do have autohotkey but I shouldn't have to use it to rebind keys.
I would like to issue a general caution that followers are often irritating to play with in authentic roguelikes. You need followers to make smart decisions because the combat is challenging, but the AI usually can't do it. And micromanaging followers is annoying or totally untenable because the finely detailed positioning and very short turns mean you have to intervene far too often. I'm not saying it can't be done better, but it requires a lot of thought and care and maybe some unconventional innovations to be good; so far the game hasn't really proven me wrong and followers are mostly tolerable because the game is easier than other roguelikes. In a non-gameplay sense I love the idea of dungeon diving with companions and bonding with tem, but the mechanics must not make it a chore to do so.
Thanks, will fix.Floors 8-10 AI does not have spike detection so they will just walk through those tiles.
Thanks, will look into this. I think this is because the the pathfinder has a hardcoded max path lengthAI sometimes loses track of you when so far away. I'm unaware if this is due to walls or actual vision.
Ah interesting yeah the AI doesn't consider that it can remove "danger tiles" by removing enemies, will think about this oneAI does not attack when it can one shot an enemy sometimes and backs off.
Thanks for finding this papercutCompanion does not save behaviors and resets on next party invite.
Thanks for noticing this, balance stuff is hard to detect. Scrolls of enchantment should cost more. And perhaps potion rooms should be unlockedOne thing that isn't really a problem depending on how you want to balance but one key is worth 2 scrolls and potion rooms which cost a key to open have very low value in comparison to others.
This is a mistake, the merchant should sell +1 tomes, thanks.Merchant in town sells +0 tomes which have 0 charges (may be intentional?) +0 having 1 charge then each + giving another seems more intuitive or the merchant selling +1s.
Hi can you share screenshots of the key bindings? So I can reproduce the issueCustom Keybinds keep resetting every time I restart the game. D:
I've been able to reproduce this changing any key input. From what I see something similar to companion behavior is happening and controls reset to the last selected control mode aside from custom changing the custom controls to the same keybinds every launch.Hi can you share screenshots of the key bindings? So I can reproduce the issue