I cannot get this to run, these are my steps (all done with fresh installation):
1. I used bepinex autoinstaller from
2. I then tried to follow the github instructions. I assume I can ignore all the OCR shit VN stuff, as long as Sugoi-Translator-Toolkit-V5.3-Public\Code\Sugoi-Translator-Offline.bat runs properly thats all the matters?
3. I have the latest SugoiOfflineTranslator.dll dropped here: エクリプスの魔女ver1.0.0\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators
4.My AutoTranslatorConfig.ini should be correct, I didn't opt for installpath since my install path has spaces and special characters which seemed to fuck it up.
5. I boot up Sugoi-Translator-Offline.bat and boot up the game but nothing translates. I do however see the endpoint when I Alt+0 but nothing translates.