VN - Ren'Py - Completed - The Fate of Irnia [v1.0] [Winterlook]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    You guy/s are the best on making visual novels the story and
    the animation are of other level u did a very great work
    Btw i still waiting for the big update of S.H.E.L.T.E.R. that is a great game to i dont know if be
    happy or sad because it will have a end :'(
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. There are many girls, each of them has atleast 2 routes, many of them are already completed, with proper endings. CG is good, but you can easily distinguish older and new CG . Artstyle is similar, but new ones are much more pretty.

    With each girl, you have love or MB route. Good for fans of dominance kink.

    Biggest problem: development is veeery slow.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game. has many girls you can get intimate with. Each girl has at least two routes, those being a romance route and a MB route. There is also several harem or threesome routes. If I had to make a complaint it would be the art. The art is really good, however it is inconsistent. Some girls sprites look more out of place than others. thankfully the actually cg art is mostly consistent.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    a game that i have watched grow and develop since almost the beginning. its one of the first games that i played on here and its always one of the first games i hope to see with content updates that keep me coming back and wanting more from it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    My absolute favourite game.
    The story and all the scenes are amazing and I keep coming back to this game nad it's just perfect. I would easily pay 50$ for a longer game of this.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Conniver's Kunai

    I played almost from the first version. Great game with amazing voice acting. There are many endings, so you can play this game several times. The drawing seemed a little strange at the beginning, but in the end I really liked it. In the shelter, the author has greatly improved his level of drawing.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Hmm,i dont know how do i rate this game.Not only it have unsatisfying sex scene.You also cant have all the girls for yourselfYou need to choose,lol.

    -Voice acting

    -I dont know what the dev expect when he write the story.Its literally non existent,i barely notice what is the main goal and what is the story about.
    -The art itself are somehow ugly and off putting.The art isnt really that great and i barely turn on with it.Their bodies somehow look really off and have a weird proportion
    -No full harem.You need to choose some lost the others.Its really make me dissapointed when that happen.
    -The gameplay are fucking terrible.
    -The sex scene are unsatisfying and boring.
    -Walkthrough really really needed for this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont always rate male protag games, but when iam... ;)

    this game is just excellent.
    it have good romance, pregnancy and inbreeding options. pretty rare.
    and you have full controll which women you can heartwarming romance or mindcontroling abuse.
    the gameplay is not the best, but the writing compensate it great.

    spoiler alter, dont read.

    the mother romance route (and first ending) is the best ive ever seen and it have a marriage ending with "your" family. :)

    winterlook made a master piece.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, one of my favorites for sure. The voice acting is really well done and is something I haven't experienced in many games. It's got a good amount of content and many different paths that you can take for different scenes and dialogue. This is one of the most replayable games I've jacked off to. Lots of incest content so if that's not your thing beware. You have the option to sex pretty much everyone in the game, including your mother, aunt, and sister. Highly recommended from me!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The only thing going for this game is that the characters look good during the sex scenes, although something is off about the facial proportions.

    Everything else is mostly terrible. The characters look ugly outside of the sex scenes (and completely unlike their sex scene counterparts), the plot is pointless and might as well not exist.

    The worst offender is the dialogue. The dialogue was either written by someone who is not a native speaker or a grade-schooler. There is no depth or point to it. It exists for you to click through it as fast as possible.

    For a VN, this is fatal. If I don't even want to read the words in it, then the "Novel" portion of the Visual Novel might as well not exist and it's just a series of CGs.

    And since the only worthwhile portions of this game are its sex scenes, I will save you all the trouble and misery of actually playing it (and believe me it was miserable) and give you a link to the gallery of worthwhile scenes:
    e-hentai gallery
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a complete game with multiple different endings. The pace of game is very fast, so I guess this is more like virtual novel than a game. You dont run around clicking various different locations but the game steamrolls you from one situation to another. If you like it, good, if not, bad!

    Yet this is version 0.63a, ending of this game is a bit lacking and you do notice lack of porn after some point. Nevertheless this is a good game for 2 or 3 hours with replay value. Definitely recommended!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Artwork is beautiful. Choices matters. Story is kind of fresh and fits well to fantasy World. I reached a dead end by choices but it is okay because while I reached I played a lot and game is under develepment so it happens.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Fate of Irnia by itself is not a bad game, but the art is not that good and the sprites of most characters look kinda ugly, and in the CG's they look wildly different, having same body, same face, same hair syndrome. Only looking at eye and hair color is the most determinant factor to guess who you're fucking at the moment.

    The voice acting, while not the absolute worst I've heard, it's inconsistent. A lot of scenes don't have it, while others seemingly have it at random.

    The story is just average at best, and only mediocre at worst. It wouldn't be much of a problem if it wasn't for the fact that you have to experience if multiple times for every 2 routes of every girl, or group of girls. And for some reason the game deems it necessary to not allow you to skip text you've already read just because a different girl will say one or two lines of new dialogue.

    This could have been salvaged if the story actually branched and differed with your choices, instead of just changing which girl you end up with.

    I think I noticed some grammar errors here and there, must not have been to egregious if I can't exactly remember though. What I did notice was that the text box sometimes displayed dialogue from a different character of who was speaking. As well showing narration in the same sentence as the MC's dialogue.

    Now, the most important thing about these kinds of games, its fap factor. Like I said before, while the art is not that good, it is serviceable. The range of fetishes it covers is fairly vanilla; anal, footjob, titjob, a little bit of BDSM, impregnation, pregnancy, and the like. Fair warning tho, if you're not into incest, this game might not be for you, as at least three of the girls are closely related to the MC. You're not actually obligated to go to those routes, but you'll miss on more than quite a bit of the game's content if you do.

    Sex scenes are decently written, nothing that would make it difficult to fap to. Their duration is just about right, not too short so as to not even allow one to get started, and neither too long to keep on going after you're done.

    The most unique factor you'd find to make you play this game in my opinion would be the "karma" (?) system. Which really isn't, since you never suffer any retribution, it's more like just a free choice to love the girls, or mind-break them.

    After that, it'd have to be some of the female character designs, which thanks to this being a fantasy game allow to be more exotic that RL races. An orc girl, a drow. I'd mention the elf queen, but that's so common, and currently she only has 2 scenes for each of the routes, I think it's not that worthy playing this for that.

    All in all, not a terribly bad experience, at no point did I feel like I wanted to stop playing. I did tho want to play more of SHELTER, Winterlook's most recent game, which is a much better (looking) game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Haven't gotten to play all the branches yet but this game was very enjoyable. It is an interesting concept and story. It is relatively polished and was fun.

    The game is a bit short and the branches I have played weren't as deep and delved into as I would have liked but there was full closure which is more than most games on this site can say.

    The management part of the game is interesting for about 2 minutes but then I realized it was extremely easy. Maybe future updates can make it more in depth because I pretty much had unlimited gold relative to the couple upgrades needed.

    I also think the fact that the MC became a bad ass sword fighter with barely any training was kind of odd. Anyways, these are somewhat minor issues that I don't mind overlooking considering some other parts make up for it.

    Definitely recommend trying. I don't think you would be disappointed.
    Likes: GaRbS
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Not recommended, period.

    There are much better adult games out there, so how the game managed to get such a good rating is beyond me.

    It is rushed and there are several issues that essentially ruin the game. It could've been so much better if not for the collective of these problems, some of which should've been just fucking obvious and also easy to fix to boot, while others scream "amateur!", although that may be insulting to amateurs who care and make an effort to show that they do.

    Pacing is 0/5. It's utter trash and there's no other way to put it. Development happens unnaturally fast. It takes maybe 2 in-game days and a handful of short conversations to go from 'total strangers' to true, eternal love, (and to break taboos for it). Magic isn't even involved. You also go from being an absolute nobody, to being essentially the most important figure in the kingdom during that ~2 days. You're essentially force-fed the plot at record speed, and there's quite a number of chunks of plot for you to choke on.

    There's not much "transition" to speak of either, nothing to show the passage of time, one scene ends and the other follows immediately.
    Not once I found myself confused, not realizing days, if not months have just passed between two scenes - but even the 7 days (or so?) that were supposed to pass for an certain event to occur happened after ~3 in-game days maybe.
    And not because the event has come to pass in advance, no, it happened as scheduled, supposedly, you just can't play through all the days, and there's absolutely no indication of that anywhere.

    While the Story is driving, the mother-in-law Pacing is sitting in the passenger seat actively ruining the moment.
    Every moment.
    The game takes no time to let the players sink in the new information, there's very little "down-time", pause between unloading another major plot point on the player or actually explaining existing ones, and that puts a hard dent on the story.

    Otherwise the story is just generic, average, it has nothing new to offer.
    Setting is your usual medieval high-fantasy with magic and kingdoms and other humanoid races, like orcs and elves.
    It's not necessarily bad of course, I'll not hate on the game for it, my poor rating has nothing to do with the lack of creativity in this department on the writer's part, but it wins no points for presenting something new (or at least something "new enough") either.

    The plot is also pretty much what you'd expect from this genre. It'd be fine, however, piles of issues keep ruining it, it's worse than it would otherwise be. Any by "worse" I mean it is wholly unbelievable because of the way it's presented, and because of the pace it's presented at.
    (In case you were wondering, no, not because it has magic.)

    Dialogues are annoying and for many reasons.
    --First, bugs(/mistakes). You make several choices during your gameplay, and sometimes the game just "forgets" it, and subsequent dialogues play out as if you've chosen another, entirely different option. Which takes out of immersion greatly.
    --Other times the name tags and fucked up and even though one character's supposed to speak, another's name-tag appears, making following conversations pretty damn difficult at times.
    --Another problem being the simplicity of language, dialogues are fairly primitive; simple and on-point with little to no flavour (or personality) and the flow of conversations is just unnatural. (-immersion)
    --Dialogues are also often problematic thanks to the ignorance of the writer; it screams it was written in the 21st century, and that's a problem when you're trying to present a, you know, medieval fantasy. Examples of this include being refused to be given alcohol without proof of the main character being 18+ (even as a joke, this screams "amateur!" yet again), being a "freeloader" until 18(???) but having to "find work" afterwards but not a day before, having to mention losing your virginity when you are exactly 18 and not a day younger and so on and so forth.
    21st century western moral code, laws and "norms" are either forced into the story for some purpose, or just find their way into it due to the writer's lack of experience *and* attention. Honestly, I don't know which one is worse, but you don't need to be a writer, amateur or professional, to see a 100 shows or play a 100 games that get it right, in order to get it right yourself. You just have to give a remote fuck about plausibility.
    --Then there are some grammatical and spelling mistakes, i.e. "purr a drink". It happens, and it, along with everything else, just keeps ruining immersion more and more, and this one really only needs some attention to avoid.
    --Duplicate dialogues.
    --Duplicate dialogues.
    --Finally, some of the dialogue is simply missing. Too much text squeezed in "too little space", thanks to the ridiculous


    distance between lines, and so the end of a sentence is cut of leaving you wondering what you just missed. And you'll never know.

    Art is bad, mmmkay? There are 2 reasons for that, one would've been fairly easy to avoid, so let's address it first;
    1/4th of every fucking image is cut off by the fucking oversized dialogue box. Did the dev not play their own game to notice it? On pretty much every image, the action happens in that exact range because scenes play out in first-person-view. It's glaringly obvious even in the very first scene and it pops up every scene after.
    And having to choose between reading the dialogues or hiding it to take a look at the presented image is not an acceptable solution.
    There are hundreds of games on this site that get it right. Most games, in fact, do get it right.
    But not this one because this one's special.

    They could've easily reduced the size of that box, hell, they could've made it fully transparent, with only the letters being white with a black outline. It'd have been a whole lot less intrusive.
    Or they could've simply made the pictures take up the remaining 3/4 of the screen. That'd have been another agreeable solution.
    But no, fuck it. It needs to be big, intrusive, and it must include a buggy menu also.
    No options to change horrendous style, to resize it, to turn it transparent or to make the elements disappear to allow more visibility of the "background" images, to reduce letter size or the distance between words and lines. Terrible design choices.

    As for the art itself, during conversations it's just appalling (amateur!!44!4). Thankfully the art of *those* scenes are significantly better, albeit still far from being exceptional. It'd be fine if not for the dialogue box.
    That said, the images aren't numerous, in fact, what you get is basically 1 image per scene, with 1-2 variations with slight changes mostly to facial expressions.
    Still, it's "decent" and I wouldn't bash the game for it (otherwise). Unfortunately, art during conversation is still horrendous and decent+horrendous is still bad.

    Music and Sound effects;
    None, nada.
    There are option for them in "preferences" but there's no sound whatsoever.
    Music and sound effects can certainly emphasise situations or set the mood.
    I have no problem with having none, it isn't necessary by any means, but it'd only enhance the game-play.
    It just doesn't, because there's none.

    Other; some images, text and "interactive objects" (things you can click on for effect) reach below the screen sometimes, and/or are misaligned with the art. Preferences menu being one such example.

    Overall, it feels rushed, not enough time was spent on anything, nothing was fleshed out, nothing was made believable or compelling. I can't really say any good about it because even the better things, such as the generic story itself (which could've been amusing still), are royally screwed by other issues such as bad dialogues and hasty pacing.
    And because it's so rushed, there's no character development,
    no world-building or exposition, none of that. Just a highly unlikely series of convenient events and changes.

    I suppose it's great for a first attempt, if that's the case then congratulations (truly). But I am sorry, I'm not going to sugarcoat shit to make anyone feel better.

    It IS a far cry from being consumer-ready.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    xl Daedalus lx

    Review at the time of version 0.56

    It needs work. A ton of work to be polished. That said, it is enjoyable, and I found myself curious as to the next turn and choice.

    The graphics are 2D and pretty average. Some of the characters look better than others, but it is obvious that the time/effort went into the "picture" during a sex scene.

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    I admit I was blindsided by the story, and not in a good way. Events occur that left me wanting to back up and see if I missed some text somehow. I searched the Log, but found none. It happens so early in the game that it really isn't a Spoiler, but I will put it under a Spoiler warning anyway:

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    Exposition is badly needed to give the player a sense of the world. Or, at least this player. There are many typos/translation errors throughout, but that is a minor thing that can be cleaned up later.

    The sex comes early, often, and extremely easily. You meet a random relative on the streets of the capitol and blamo, you are happily balls-deep 3 clicks later.

    The engine was a very poor choice in my opinion, and it often repeated dialogue, paused for a few seconds between clicks, and felt extremely uncomfortable. The UI needs a way to be reduced from taking up a good 1/4 of the monitor. Granted, you can hit space to turn it off completely, but it otherwise gets in the way of the images it is so large.

    All said, it is engaging and I am anxious to see it developed. It is better than the average game on here, but still a far cry from the best.

    Okay, back to gaming!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.55.

    Cut short.
    This is what was on my mind during the whole time I played the game. So many things seem to have been cut short, rushed or just half-assed, that it actually reduced my enjoyment from the game. But let me do my usual stunt.

    The story of the game is actually decent. Not great, not terrible, as the meme goes. Sadly just as everything else here it's rushed and underdeveloped. A lot of things are just the plain old cliches in fantasy, but there are enough droplets of "making it different" to be engaging. As far as stories in adult games go - it's tight, knows where it goes and has almost no obvious plot holes.
    The problem with the story is that it's rushed. We start slow and are ready for a marathon, but once we pass a specific point we are rushing it. We are rushing it so hard, that specific events come to you from nowhere, at least on the route I was on.
    Aside from that and the fact a lot of things that got set up at the start never paid of - it's ok.

    Gameplay - typical VN. Nothing special, works as intended. Anything that was set up as to be more interesting was abandoned, including the kingdom management.

    Graphics - not the best 2d art out there. Not the worst. Starting to see a pattern already? I ether got stuck on a route that is way underdeveloped (M&S MB) or there seem to have been way more planned art, than delivered. Anyhow, the game is still not finished, so maybe there will be more.

    Engine - why the hell is this not in RenPy? The engine is a huge problem for me. The graphics bug out, there is constant repeating of dialogue, when scenes change... just why? It does nothing better than RenPy and a lot of things worse.

    Characters - bog standard fantasy characters. No angry dwarf with a beard, tho.

    Now, after all of that said... I did enjoy my time with the game. It never really frustrated me. Never made me want to just leave it. It brought me enjoyment and I liked it. If you have a few hours free - give it a try. It's not a bad game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game. It's so complex and every choice has different outcomes, no matter how small a choice you may think it is, it affects your story. The only problem, the game is too small. Wish it's bigger as it's better. There are so many questions unanswered, hope this gets more and more updates for few choices that asked me to wait for further updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say, i'm easy to please.

    I got an awesome ending with Lady Death and the half Ork Ghorza and those are best girls.

    You have a few options for romance, including a few incest paths for those that are into that, and you have to balance running a kingdom and flirting with your chosen love interest.

    The Queen has been abducted and you, a simple farm hand, has been chosen as hand of the Queen to run the kingdom until she can be rescued.

    Why a simple farm hand?

    Your father was the Queens right hand and in line for being named king.

    Coming along on your journey is your sister and bodyguard, the Paladin Beatrice. She is also one of the LI's.

    Other love interests include the MC's mother, his aunt, the barmaid Sandy, a drow mage Xerana, Lady Death, Ghorza and a couple of side flings.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a rating of the Ren'Py Mac version. I did download the standard Mac version and played it using Wine, but the Ren'Py version is much easier to use and being able to see the whole picture in Ren'Py greatly added to the experience, although without nearly as much content. There are many paths to follow, gentle and loving or corrupt and the writing is of a very high quality. The Mother path (I'll leave you to guess whether I am talking corruption or not) is amazing. probably the hottest writing I have seen to date in any game. The creator has done a very good job of keeping multiple paths viable and interesting, which is not an easy task.

    My opinion is that this game would have been way more popular if it had been made in Ren'Py from the start. but that is just an opinion. I am looking forward to seeing more content.