the protection is only for the first pregnancy.
based on the info vanderer disclosed it's more like before two childs a woman cannot access to contraceptives.
Exactly. In the case of Athagan and Liliana, of course they are not against the law, or even against the morals of most people.
Besides, Athagan has a special place in the mind of the Aetan people, and the whole world. He's the guy that was instrumental in repelling the first demon invasion. He was, and still is, the strongest of the Iron Quintet.
And in other battles...the guy show up and cast his signature spell and make meteors fall from the sky! No mage come even close. Even the High Elves, arrogant as they are, recognise his place as the one of the strongest, and the most versatile, mage alive. He's THE hero of Aetas, the reason why a lot of soldiers come back to their familly after a battle. His name will be spoken a thousand year in the future. That's how good he is. In D&D terms, he's a level 20 mage.
And even after all that, he's still not an arrogant asshole. Nearly everyone love him, and everyone, even his enemies, respect him. He's just, and a good ruler. And even in his sixties, he's still fight and protect Wildale who get the brunt of the attacks of Aetas ennemies.
So, even if he was against the law, nobody is going to give him shit about it. Because he's loved, and because becomming his ennemy is a very unhealthy thing to do. Hell, if he made a move against Sariel...he probably would gather more troops under his banner than her.
Anyways, I disgress a little and got of-topic. Oh well.