
Mar 25, 2020
I'm just checking if I can break the game so I had all stats maxed, but I think you have to be horny af, quite fit, and sufficiently drunk(get a few beers until the face visuals change), don't know about mood or confidence requirements. To trigger it I waited in the bar, "bottom" choice with the drunk guy, and wait, after that he should buy Sammy a drink, tell the truth, agree to "play the game"
thank you very much! off to try it. EDIT: yep, it worked. thanks again
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
for the flatmate why don't think about a revers *harm ?
Isn't this already in the game ? Aren't the flatmates all guys ? (that was my understanding)

. . . . . which I thought was quite unusual, to 'house', a young, innocent, inexpereniced female, with 3 guys, and her having no other choice in the matter ! o_O (the perfect set-up, for a forced/coerced, co-operation to becoming a play-thing for the guys).
Which, points out that she is expected/predetermined to become a Slut :oops:, by the time the guys get back to attend school !

*After-all, normally, a harem is usually thought of as, a 'master'/or gay girl, and a group of females, thus the reverse would be, a mistress,(or gay guy) and a group of guys. (the MC is more likely to be the 'victim', of these 3 guys than their 'master/mistress' in this case)

Then, a reverse harem would be all girls, in this instance, (including your 'non-sister' sister,:p of course, if one decides to include her).

All determinations/opinions are my own.:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
@Goblin Slayer Bestiality is not something I am against adding but also not something I have planned for the immediate future. Once my more immediate task list has been reduced, I will gauge players thoughts on the idea.
So, the MC meeting that friendly dog, when she was taking a stroll through the Park, Isn't a lead-in-intro to some Bestiality content ? :oops:
Gee, I kept taking walks through that Park, just to try to trigger the next-step/scene of that content . :cry:


May 18, 2017
Isn't this already in the game ? Aren't the flatmates all guys ? (that was my understanding)

. . . . . which I thought was quite unusual, to 'house', a young, innocent, inexpereniced female, with 3 guys, and her having no other choice in the matter ! o_O (the perfect set-up, for a forced/coerced, co-operation to becoming a play-thing for the guys).
Which, points out that she is expected/predetermined to become a Slut :oops:, by the time the guys get back to attend school !

*After-all, normally, a harem is usually thought of as, a 'master'/or gay girl, and a group of females, thus the reverse would be, a mistress,(or gay guy) and a group of guys. (the MC is more likely to be the 'victim', of these 3 guys than their 'master/mistress' in this case)
It depend on what you will choose to orientate your MC so if u whant to be in commande or not ^^

Then, a reverse harem would be all girls, in this instance, (including your 'non-sister' sister,:p of course, if one decides to include her).

All determinations/opinions are my own.:)
When i speak about harem, in my mind the MC is a grils and yes the point of view change demanding on what u whant your MC mind to be :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Okay, I'm a little confused here.

When you first, leave the hospital, with Emile, to go to your new home, and when Dr.Tucker comes to explain stuff, I could swear he said you'd have 2 weeks before the 'flatmates' return, for school.

Emile tells you she'd be staying there till they come back.

Well it hadn't even got to the first weekend, and she disappeared, (Thursday night & Friday morning/day), I thought she had just gone to work Thursday night, and she'd be back during the daytime, but she didn't show up.

Didn't see her at all for the weekend, or Monday either. (it's Tuesday by this point)

Went by the school, and the game prompted her to go to class. (a week too early :oops:)
When she attempted to do so was told she was too late for class and return the next day.
Problem is I don't know what time she's supposed to go to school.
I thought that would be explained, when it was actually supposed to happen, in 2 weeks, not a week earlier ? :oops:

The character keeps complaining about 'her' fat stomach . (even though she's running in park and excising at home, it doesn't look like it's being affected at all.)
She complains about the clothing she has, because it shows off her fat stomach, so she wants to buy new clothes, But everything is so damn expansive, even the underwear ! :oops::rolleyes:
The 500(euros ?) Dr.Tucker gives her to help with expenses, can't even buy 1 pair of undies, much less a top, skirt, or cheap dress ! (it took her 3 1/2 days to earn enough (@30 euros/hr.) to gain enough for one piece of clothing :oops:. (was thinking to get the 'pub' job, but can't find a 'hook/trigger' for it . Thought maybe Emile, would suggest it , but she didn't.)

How, when can you get your non-sister sister, Emile, to move in ?
How can you affect her relationship with the MC, if she 'skips-out' a week earlier, than she's supposed to ?

I like the game, the graphics are nice, but not knowing what the hell you should be doing, in what order, is frustrating.

Read, some players, haven't done 1st mission yet cause they are working on 'her-stomach', but have been attending school.

Are we supposed to wait, till we get to school, before we do the mission ?
(reason for asking; when you go into pub, to look for Simon, one of the choices, has a green school cap , at the end of choice, but have no clue, what it represents to the player.:confused:)

Which seems to mean you can't get pub job, or get money from missions.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 31, 2020
I don't remember writing two weeks, but if I did it's a mistake and I will have to edit. The idea is that Emile will stay with you for the first few days and show you around town. There will be a bunch of introduction events for new players that will show you lots of the more important areas and give some exposition about the area. There will also be more character building for Emile since she will be an important character moving forward. Then there will be an event where she leaves to go back to her own home. From there your new flatmates will be slowly introduced. None of these events are currently ingame yet but that's my plans.

The fat stomach thing is a bit of a mistake by me. I really shouldn't give you a stomach exposing top at the start of the game. I may just remove that comment since it doesn't really effect anything.

Emile moving in with you permanently is also a planned storyline. It will be triggered by the main quest after you find out that Emile works for the Institute.

Are you supposed to wait before doing the first mission? Eventually yes, but I removed the wait time for this early build to allow you to access the content easier.

The green cap thing is meant to represent that you have the intelligence to unlock that option in dialogue. Was it not clear that it is why the option is there?

Also you can't get locked out of the pub job, you just need to complete the second stage of the Simon quest before it unlocks.

Unfortunately it seems a lot of the confusion stems from content that is planned but not in yet. The characters talk as if the content is already in, but it isn't so it's leaving you thinking you have done something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
I don't remember writing two weeks, but if I did it's a mistake and I will have to edit. The idea is that Emile will stay with you for the first few days and show you around town. There will be a bunch of introduction events for new players that will show you lots of the more important areas and give some exposition about the area. There will also be more character building for Emile since she will be an important character moving forward. Then there will be an event where she leaves to go back to her own home. From there your new flatmates will be slowly introduced. None of these events are currently ingame yet but that's my plans.

The fat stomach thing is a bit of a mistake by me. I really shouldn't give you a stomach exposing top at the start of the game. I may just remove that comment since it doesn't really effect anything.

Emile moving in with you permanently is also a planned storyline. It will be triggered by the main quest after you find out that Emile works for the Institute.

Are you supposed to wait before doing the first mission? Eventually yes, but I removed the wait time for this early build to allow you to access the content easier.

The green cap thing is meant to represent that you have the intelligence to unlock that option in dialogue. Was it not clear that it is why the option is there? *

Also you can't get locked out of the pub job, you just need to complete the second stage of the Simon quest before it unlocks.

Unfortunately it seems a lot of the confusion stems from content that is planned but not in yet. The characters talk as if the content is already in,** but it isn't so it's leaving you thinking you have done something wrong.
Ahhh . . . okay, Now Emile's disappearance makes better sense. I thought I had messed-up a progression, by not attempting the mission, sooner than later.
*Also, thought that the school-cap, meant that having some school-knowledge, would increase your chances of better dialog choices, instead of just winging-it.
So, was thinking that you'd go on the mission after getting to school, and getting the knowledge necessary,(what-ever it might be), than proceed to the mission.
And because of wrong information, (however that happened), was thinking of having 2 weeks of 'down-time' to spend getting used to the new situation, with the help of sister.

I'd also thought I'd have more time getting 're-acquainted' with the now, non-sister, sister (and have an even better relationship, than as her brother, (usually, there is a kind of 'love/hate' relationship going on between the 2, not always).

** Like in my previous post, about the Bestiality content ? There are a few encounters, while walking and resting in the Park, that the MC encounters Dogs, which would actually be a good lead-in intro for that specific content. :p

PS - " The fat stomach thing is a bit of a mistake by me. I really shouldn't give you a stomach exposing top at the start of the game. I may just remove that comment since it doesn't really effect anything. "

Actually, I quite like that piece of clothing, for 'her', it gives 'her' a little push, that as a female , in the world as it is now, she will be expected to be less prudish, at showing a 'little' more skin. Eventually things will fall into place.

Once she/he gets to school, the "Dance class" actually takes care of that, (fat tummy), fairly well.
(that actually worked better & faster, than all the running in the Park)

(PS - I'm very into the clothing types & styles available for use, and the Exhibitionism, it leads them to, in these types of games. The one thing here, that's missing for me, there's no shoe selection, especially if you have stockings, and females are all about the 'shoes' , "an outfit isn't complete, unless the Shoes fit ! ". . . :rolleyes:).

PS2 - Also, I really like the writing you are doing, and your spelling isn't too bad, usually can be figured out, and also like the Art. ;)

SO, Thank You for your prompt and informative reply !:giggle:
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Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 31, 2020
"an outfit isn't complete unless you have heels to go with it!"

Fixed the sentence for you. Go heels or go home :p

Shoes I want to add since I know a lot of people like it and nothing beats a good pair of heels. But not sure how I would go about it. You can't see them on the character since the image cuts off above the knee. The only way I can really add it is by having it in a separate stats menu or something. I know it is something almost all life sims do since you are rarely able to see the character so it might not be such a bad idea. I suppose I will see what players think.

The school cap thing will work like that eventually. Just right now there isn't really any options to make use of it. On the main missions in future they will make use of the stats you have and making them open up options you otherwise wouldn't be able to.

And as I mentioned, Emile will play a big part in events to come. Not only the start where you spend some time with her. But she will play a large role in many of the main missions. There will be plenty of opportunity to get to know her better ;)

Bestiality stuff is easy to add in terms of events. For now though I am focusing on getting more of the main storyline in. It's fairly important in characterising Sammy and getting a feel for what type of person she is.


New Member
Jul 15, 2020
wait, you can do that? how?
I believe it's with specific choices during the mission when you're in the bar trying to get the info from Simon. I don't know which options are the ones that get you the scenes though, because I myself didn't get the scenes either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Thanks for the spoiler warning... :(
Well, it's content not yet in the game. It's part of the road-map, so you can't 'spoil' content that isn't even in game yet.
Spoiler's are usually, used for content already in the game. If your worried about finding out about future content, perhaps you shouldn't be reading this thread, just saying. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Well, I'm at a loss.:confused:
So far 2 encounters, with Simon, with neither one, involving any chances, for sex, at all ; Nada, Zilch, Zero !
This is very disappointing, especially reading all the posts, on how to go about 'triggering' them/what REQ's.-are-needed to cause them happen.

Perhaps, my understanding, is off, due to everyone talking about, the 'first mission'.
There's 2 ways one can think of that:

#1 - the 'First Mission' is in 2-parts;
-the first part, meeting him in the Pub, (where you are expected to fail).
-the second part, when you go to meet him, as Nadia, to pick-up/get the package from him.


#2 - Mission #1 = Going to the Pub, knowing you'll fail, to try to get info from him.
- Mission #2 = Going to meet him as Nadia, to get a 'satchel/package of information' from him.

Now I don't remember anyone, referring to the, "go-to-meet-him-as-Nadia", as Mission #2 .

Most of the posts, I've seen, have been in relation, to meeting him as Nadia, and as the 'first mission'.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 31, 2020
The first mission is one or two parts depending on the path you take. In the pub if you pick mostly the bottom options (the ones that don't make you go and talk to him) he will come and talk to you instead. Tell him the truth and he will offer to play a game with you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
The first mission is one or two parts depending on the path you take. In the pub if you pick mostly the bottom options (the ones that don't make you go and talk to him) he will come and talk to you instead. Tell him the truth and he will offer to play a game with you.
Well, than my game is broken . . . .
Gave him the 'truth' . . . Got no offer to play a game
He just got up and left.

I'm guessing, I'm on the "non-sexual' path with-out even getting a choice in the matter.

Hate to admit it, this game IS going to need a walk-through, if when playing a game , you get 'opted-out' of all the sex-scenes, with out even getting a choice, due to not knowing 'hidden' information.

Not Happy ! :( All that time wasted. Oh Well. Guess it's time to Re-Start ! Oh, and with CHEATING this time !:mad:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Sam_Tail ;

There may be a problem/ dead end, with the "Dance Troupe" Friday Events.

Starting with the First one, after accepting to go to the event, (and after your description of what to expect for these events), the 'MC' (aka=Sammy) was supposed to be sent directly to said event . . .... . and was, except it was raining "cats & dogs", as the saying goes.
There was no dialog box explaining anything. The only things to click on , were 2 destinations, one was the 'train-station', not sure about the other though.

It was a " Now What ? " moment. :oops:

I had saved just before being 'sent' there, so I 're-loaded' it, a few more times, and got the same results, always raining, same exact scene, as described above.

Hope you can find what's wrong, and fix for future playing. I like the idea, of these events, as you had explained it , ( including, the idea, of the "small exclusive, Dance Troupe ", continuing on :censored:) . . . so, you've got my vote ! (y)(y)(y):love:


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
Il repeat a comment I made many pages ago.. even IF you get to the "game" part with simon, and you do it all correctly, theres still only a 10% chance you will get full on sex, unless Sam recodes the event.


New Member
Nov 7, 2018
Well, than my game is broken . . . .
Gave him the 'truth' . . . Got no offer to play a game
He just got up and left.

I'm guessing, I'm on the "non-sexual' path with-out even getting a choice in the matter.

Hate to admit it, this game IS going to need a walk-through, if when playing a game , you get 'opted-out' of all the sex-scenes, with out even getting a choice, due to not knowing 'hidden' information.

Not Happy ! :( All that time wasted. Oh Well. Guess it's time to Re-Start ! Oh, and with CHEATING this time !:mad:
You HAVE to WAIT for HIM to come to YOU. Keep drinking(waiting) until he buys you a drink.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
I'll repeat a comment I made many pages ago.. even IF you get to the "game" part with simon, and you do it all correctly, theres still only a 10% chance you will get *full on sex, unless Sam recodes the event.
I'm sorry, but, you missed the my 'point' . . . . . *( I made no mention of "full-on-sex", in my post ) :oops:

It wasn't about 'succeeding' of the event, it was about, even getting any chance to to attempt the event, cause there were no obvious 'hints', that there was even, any choice/chance of a 'sexual encounter', that early in the game, literally right after you leave the hospital, get 'home', and BAM, you have an 'opportunity' available, you know nothing about, so you have no choice/chance to decide if you want to try or not.

Also, the sexual_event everyone was 'reporting', of that with Simon, the 'bits & pieces' strewn out among the posts, made one believe, it was the part of 'Sammy' as Nadia, that was the 'sexual_event', not knowing, it was 'tied' to the pub_encounter, that few even got a chance at , and why the "Sammy as Nadia Sex_Encounter", didn't trigger, was due to the fact that they/us missed the "early_first_sex_encounter".

My other point was that, by 'missing'/ not chosing, to do those encounters, would 'lock-you-out', of any / all further sex-related encounters, because . . . you choose the " Non-Sex Path " . . . . even though, you really didn't, cause you never had a chance to choose.

This is all "water-under-the-bridge", now. You're not, "locked-out" of All sex in the game, at least as far as it goes currently.


Jan 14, 2018
Well, than my game is broken . . . .
Gave him the 'truth' . . . Got no offer to play a game
He just got up and left.

I'm guessing, I'm on the "non-sexual' path with-out even getting a choice in the matter.

Hate to admit it, this game IS going to need a walk-through, if when playing a game , you get 'opted-out' of all the sex-scenes, with out even getting a choice, due to not knowing 'hidden' information.

Not Happy ! :( All that time wasted. Oh Well. Guess it's time to Re-Start ! Oh, and with CHEATING this time !:mad:
OK so I've redownloaded the most recent public version (0.2.14) to check this but this worked for whatever the first version I played was, so... point out wherever your problem is, I guess:
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