Gotta love how many times this game claimed my mc did something she really didn't, like this case here:
I only did some runs in the park, so since when i'm doing dancing in there?!

Probably the fault of code not checking whether an event fired off or not before allowing such dialogues to pop up.
There are also seem to be no checks on sex dialogues either, so if you blow a guy that same guy can then say stuff like 'next time i should put it in your mouth' lol, even though he's just been in there. Big mouth fan huh.

Creates a lot of funny fiascos.

EDIT: Nipple piercings don't really like staying in their proper place, and can also be displaced by outfits like the frilly bodysuit.
Rent-guy can be annoying, it seems he's easily missable and whenever he's coming over to collect you may not be home at that time so the debt for this week gets transferred over to the next time he manages to catch you?
There also might be a bug, once paid him yet he came to collect the very next day again.