Dunno how I missed overall those small changes but we have option to stop Anita in Bathroom even if I always go with "..." for now good change for future and Montanna dialogue after you fail vote in solo run is different even so we still can talk about GF with girls afterwards.
NTS talk should have OH_present == True as req. as well.
Overall I like it there's spelling mistake but English isn't my first language either so not paying much attention to it.
Am I that lucky that some one has a walkthrough for this game? All I can do atm is repeating the same things day in and day out. No new insidents or anything. The girls arent even humping Amy.
Honestly that overall all what there's for MC atm. MC doesn't have any progress for now.
As for GF.
Fail Vote so don't use cheats to boost your relantioship they don't matter overall ( bar one system ) you will unlock option to allow girls to go after GF.
Talk to every girl in their rooms and allow them to fool around with GF they get bonus cause of that with Anita talk to your GF after talking to Anita ( diff. outcomes depending on Anita and GF relantioship )
GF needs to meet thresholds for stuff to happen threshold = her relantioship with girl affected by difficulty also dunno why hard is hard it's actually easy.
If your relantioship with girls is over 50 you activate reluctance system which increases scenes req and your relantioship with GF have impact as well if you didn't allow girls to go after GF.
Addiction check overwrites everything so If you want for GF to lose it faster let her drink in intro and don't use injection on her it's a waste to use it on her overall.