The subject here is not what most people like or not. Nobody forces a game developer to make taboo or other fetish games. On the other hand Patreon forces a game developer to not make such kind of games. And tomorrow maybe they will not allow adult games with demons and supernatural stuff and next year maybe they will ban every adult game. It is their site and they have the right to have any terms of service or policy they want. However creators want to have the freedom to make the game as they like. If the people like their game they will have many supporters and get more money, if not they will abandon the game or continue it because maybe some of them don't do it just for money. It is their game and they will decide, not me not you.
More options are better for everyone and a site that offer more freedom within the limits of the law is welcome but it is not an easy task for many reasons.
Patreon doesn't force anyone to do anything... People have this tendency to over react, like Patreon is the only means by which anyone can accept donations for making their projects... There were plenty of folks making stuff that Patreon now disallows, and they were getting donations by various means before and even after Patreon...
When I see folks cry on and on about how Patreon is making them do this or making them do that, I just shake my head... Patreon isn't making anyone do anything, other then re-evaluate how they go about gaining their donations... No freedoms are being trampled on, and no one is being forced to abandon their projects... It's pure laziness that a developer can't move on from using Patreon and use some other means to get their money... I think that Patreon has some how spoiled some developers and other folks, due to it's ease of use and popularity (regardless of media)…
If you do your due diligence and research, there are varying options available for receiving donations to a site that contains adult/mature content... Yes, some companies and sites will have similar restrictions as Patreon, depending on the subject matter promoted... But there are still options available...
So when I see a project get abandoned because their site was banned by Patreon, then I have no sympathy for that projects developer, in any way... They chose to abandon it, rather then look elsewhere... For what ever reasons... This kind of stuff happens, regardless of industry... So, beyond crying about it in order to seek likeminded sympathy, or to feel better about it after having shouted it into the ether, nothing really constructive will happen by complaining about it, if your hoping for any real change on the part of Patreon... They are just protecting themselves, is all... It happens...
just make a clean adult game , but create the opportunity within it ( backstory ) and release a patch on here or any other site , or make it open for others to create a patch .
Even if a developer hides a patch on other sites, that would reinstate content that Patreon disallows, they can still have their site taken down... Their reporting mechanism actually allows for reporting off-site content directly related to the developers projects being promoted on Patreon... And not just with regards to patches... They might be able to get away with it for a little while, but the moment it gets reported and the Investigation Team determines it's associated to the developer and his/her posted projects, they can still close down the site... They are already aware, that some site owners are trying to wiggle their way out of getting removed... People like to think that big corporations are blind and ignorant to what is really going on... And the more that people keep doing it, the more visible it becomes, and the worse the consequences will get...
There are 3 basic funding models: Upfront(e.g. Kickstarter style), Ongoing(Patreon, e.g.), and Retail(that is, players pay for the final product). The retail model is largely only working for the Japanese stuff, because those studios have the resources to work with that model. Upfront requires a lot of trust between devs and players, and only top projects are likely to get fully funded that way. So mostly we're still looking at ongoing sponsorship, and probably only a few hundred projects actually receive enough to be viable. So I think at some point there will be a dropoff in the number of games in development, as opportunists discover that a) it's a lot of work and b) they can't really cash in easily. Even devs doing it for love of the genre may be a little discouraged by the finite amount of sponsorship money out there.
I think some kind of technical breakthrough making it easier to animate scenes would broaden the appeal of these games. Maybe a few A level, if not AAA, games would help too.
I saw some of the replies to the post I quoted... There are several Retail sites through which developers can sell their completed products above and beyond the main stream sites like Steam, who does have it's own list of adult/mature restrictions... Sites such as
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, and even though many are Japanese Hentai based VN/Games, the option is still there for other types... And there are lots of others, if you only take a look...
I don't really see any drop off happening, now or for the foreseeable future... There were just as many projects being abandoned before Patreon became a thing, as well as before and after their rules became more developed and strict... This is a primarily Amateur Developer driven small niche part of the overall Porn industry... It's been going on, probably since the birth of the internet... In various forms, it's morphed and changed in some ways, stayed the same in others... You have varying levels of overall talent, mixed with varying degrees, of what the developers want to even make in the first place... As the technology has grown, so has the industry...
The Incest gold rush that began, once a few big hitters made bank using Patreon, prior to the rules changes, is of course seeing a slight down turn these days... But I don't think that has anything to do with Patreon or other companies like it... It is more attributable to an over saturation of the market over the last few years, and folks can get bored of the same old thing over and over again, especially when so many are not all that good... Plus this niche market has it's up's and down's just like with any market, for anything...
I still see new VN/Games in this market coming out all the time, and I see the same abandonment rate there has always been, regardless of Patreon changes... Sure there was an initial bump due to lazy developers, not taking the time to look for other means to get their donations, but that was a long while ago... That excuse needs to be put out to pasture... I still see new incest themed VN/Games being released and worked on... And there are plenty of options developers can go with to get their donations and/or funding... They just have to be willing to look for, and use different systems... I think this niche market is still trucking along, at around the same rate it always has...