The games feel the same boring AF


Super Moderator
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
I actually made some rules for myself in order not to get bored easily.
1. Wait till the game actually gets some reviews and never download if it´s below 3 stars, those games are always a dumpster fire.
2. Play completed games only unless I totally run out of games to play. Following 10 + projects just for them to get abandoned/put on hold for 2 years/ or just take half a decade to complete with slow patches will burn you out. Also if the story is actually good you´ll forget many details.
3. Don´t use cheats or full unlock if the game ends up grindy, it´s better to just drop it.
4. Maybe the most important: don´t play "AA" erotic games back to back, mix in some mediocre ones. That way your expactations won´t grow out of hand.
5. If you finish a long game look for something completely new/different genre than what you played. Playing similar games back-to-back is also a bad idea.
I won't call your rules "wrong" because they are yours, but I'll express my opinion why some of them are moot in my humble opinion.

1. Agree. I'll never play a game without some reviews.
2. Disagree. The definition of "complete" or "incomplete" is irrelevant in games which are not clearly slow burn. Take "Peasant's Quest" , for a example, a game which I support for a long time now. It is not finished but it has tons of sex, so why should I care about the "complete" tag? In fact: looking at the list of developers I support, none of their games are complete yet they all offer amazing content even now.
3. Partially agree. Different people enjoy different aspects of the game. Some enjoy grinding, others hate it with passion. "Zombie Retreat" has horrible (IMO) shooting elements but the rest of the game is good so I cheat myself infinite life and enjoy it. My own game has empire management elements which I understand some people don't enjoy so I offer ways to go around them.
4. Solid advice. I sometime play "guilty pleasure" games which are far from AA but still enjoyable (usually due to good usage of fetish).
5. Solid, but I think most people choose a game based on the fetish they are hot for at the moment, and horny people are not at their best when making decisions...


Developer of Love and Corruption
Game Developer
Aug 18, 2017
Games feel all the same because the new devs usually follow the same pattern as the big devs who were successful. Incest, Milf, loli&shota, those things... No originality, no passion most of the time, unfortunately.

The usual recipe: Throw Milfs and incest with good graphics and wait.

But this happens in every market, not just in eroge games.