The pacing is far different than LE and TON in that usually by now you're just now getting to sex, where as in this game you've already had sex with multiple girls
but it's still the same girls. Or it feels like it, I know they've added a couple other women to the notches on the belt, but then we go back to the ones we started with
I don't want yet another scene with Erica, I want to progress with someone else. Maybe I'd welcome another Erica scene if it was just a few more updates down the road
I put together some language packs, which include: Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French and Russian. Just unzip the file corresponding to your language, copy the "data" folder, and paste the folder in the "www" directory, overwriting the files when prompted. The translation was done by GOOGLE, I didn't proofread, I don't understand my own language well, imagine the others. Some texts were not translated.
1. tell the guy at the bar the right person his wife is cheating with
2. Ace the quiz outside of the police station
3&4. eat a seed of int
Book locations:
1. left side of church lobby in a jar
2. in a jar by the podium in the room where they hold service
3. in the SW corner of the office room in the Mansion
4. 2nd floor of the church (directly where you are standing, looks like you got it
5. Ella's room in a jar
6. Buy it at the store
For anyone still searching for the is where you get them.
here is the complete breakdown on the int points:
1. tell the guy at the bar the right person his wife is cheating with
2. Ace the quiz outside of the police station
3&4. eat a seed of int
Book locations:
1. left side of church lobby in a jar
2. in a jar by the podium in the room where they hold service
3. in the SW corner of the office room in the Mansion
4. 2nd floor of the church (directly where you are standing, looks like you got it
5. Ella's room in a jar
6. Buy it at the store
hashtag meneither
I think you really have to suck to this so the game makes a judgement call and gives you a knowledge seed... meaning we won't see this in our lifetime
hashtag meneither
I think you really have to suck to this so the game makes a judgement call and gives you a knowledge seed... meaning we won't see this in our lifetime
Mine just gave me 2k (this is before I discovered how to get 4 int). I'll try it again and see if there is some int barrier to getting a +1 from that event
hashtag meneither
I think you really have to suck to this so the game makes a judgement call and gives you a knowledge seed... meaning we won't see this in our lifetime
Kimura has become so much of an eyeful that she replaces Carol as one of my sigs; as for the rest of it, well, too disappointing to be bothered to praise or condemn. The weird and random ersatz sex scenes and absence of any discernable underlying story is dispiriting. TGO could be so much better than it is and maybe will become so as it evolves. Onwards and upwards with fire in the belly, hope in the heart and light in the eyes!
Yeah probably... although I'm not sure what difference does it make... as far as I know intelligence only plays role in the gathered money amount for sold items or the basket case but strength on the other hand... that blocks your path in the game if insufficient...
Kimura so much of an eyefull that she has replaced Carol as one of my sigs; as for the rest of it, well, too disappointing to bother to praise or condemn. Better things to do.
Honestly... like the 2 Kimuras would differ very much ( build ) the one @ the dinner and the one @ the gym
But however it may be... I'm not sure how to react on this negative " evolution " in the models territory What was NT(!)L thinking when he came up ( short ) with these ones... It's pretty laughable that from the wide selection the 45 age range comes out victorious ( not to mention they don't look older than 30 ) and the biggest laughing stock is that the 52 years old Mandolyn is still the best NLT NLT... tsk...tsk...tsk...