RPGM - Completed - The Genesis Order [v1.04] [NLT Media]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Man so much promising glad to see that this one is story oriented which is a huge plus as compared to previous game really good animations thrilling story good unique models im seeing carol in a new light after the latest update kudos to nlt who can still make rpgm appear awesome in todays time
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    First luck of incest relations for me is a minus.
    Plot , MC fucks all girls and girls fuck each other... any other males in story are irrelevant like in previous games.
    Verdict: We've seen it before.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I am writing this review to balance out the rather negative feedback. I have been playing NLT Media games since Visiting Aunt Sara. I have a very good picture of how the games have evolved.
    The first game of this trilogy(so far) got me with its atmosphere and gameplay. I am NOT a fan of RPGM, so it was a nice surprise that quality games can be done with this engine. (without the retarded oh so hated dime a dozen chibi characters)
    The second game, Treasure of Nadia refined many gameplay elements of the first title(Lust Epidemic), but unfortunately though the gameplay got better(except the ancient temple puzzles, God I hated those), I was not fond of the setting(I hate tropical or rural environment) or the ladies. With the exception of the librarian and Nadia herself and of course Madalyn most of them were rather lackluster for me, but I know that is my personal opinion, a matter of taste. Yes and the MC was a joke, typical little shit with mammoth dick. The spelunker idea was just plain stupid.
    The latest installment is a nice combination of the atmosphere of the first one and the even more refined gameplay of ToN. The map is just as big as ToN and it has the atmosphere of Lust Epidemic with a very nice implemented detective/mystery solving story which hooks up with some ToN characters as well, more than ToN did with Lust Epidemic.
    Plus points for the seraph as a guide(and she is more than gorgeous), I couldn't really put Evie anywhere in ToN.
    The ladies are so far the best ones. I can only see 1-2 less fortunate designs, but most of them give me, that the ladies from ToN couldn't. Voice acting is rather refreshing, and has been implemented well.
    All in all, I am very pleased with how this game turned out to be. Considering the negative reviews I was pleasantly surprised, hell it even exceeded my own expectations. I hope it keeps these characteristics and does not get lost and jumbled by the end as it happened with Lust Epidemic and steers away from the late game boring reverse gangbangs in ToN, which were rather redundant.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome sequel. I like the story continuation and so far is sexy and funny just like I hope. Love the new girls and returning characters. Hope to expand story to new levels. Can't wait to see some more of new characters .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars just to cancel out all the absurdly low ratings..

    This game has some of the best animations and renders out there, period. So far there isn't much content but if the past is any indication, it will have puzzles inbetween plentiful sex scenes, a harem of 10-12 women to work on with varying looseness to keep you hooked, and a story that's far more coherent and compelling than a porn game should ever need to be.

    Now, is it basically the author's previous game with a new setting? Yeah, but that makes for a brilliant game! Why change something that works?

    And for what it's worth, personally I think it's a decent enough step away from a story aspect to be compelling. Being an older detective, cog in the machine, underling of your boss kind of narrative is fresh!

    If there's ONE mechanic of the author's games that I didn't love, it's the thought that women can just be brainwashed into becoming sluts, somehow. It looks like that's the way we're going in this game too and 3 games into the trilogy, there may be no canon explanation for why this happens.. but hey the sex looks great, even if absurd.

    Also, much improved inventory in this game, thank you for this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all its a sequel to TON and that game was decent but this feels a bit off, character building and story writing is lazy and NLT is taking that same harem route this time also. I would not recommend this game
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Well I Have played LE and TON and to be honest i dont know why even conversation scenes are being put in scene replay room, Apart from that no complaints, hopefully we get more sex and less conversation scenes

    edit : well as of today i.e 16.02.2022, we are still getting filler scenes, im still waiting for the day we get all 3 scenes in an update with sex or solo rather than seeing conversations
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far like other games from NLT Media! This game is still early on build and there is not much content atm, but quality speaks for itself! Damn Nlt never cease to surprise with their improvement! I have played all of their games and I noticed how they improvise with their development. I appreciate what NLT provided for this community making awesome games. . IMHO i'd give this developer highest rating just for providing consistent updates, and being among in those heroes who complete their games and doesn't intend to milk their supporters!
    As for this game NLT features everything an adult game should have. Sexy models, Great story, The writing could be better but the visual surpasses this field, and for the lewd animation they are the BEST i've seen in a porn game! The used engine could be better, rpgm is good too but imo rpgm is for those games to feature in game battles (i.e. to encounter enemies/monsters etc) and takes a good amount time to visit places so as an employed person it is somewhat trouble for me to manage time to gain progress on this type of game and I want to play my other favorite games too...

    I'm hoping NLT to continue their work providing their good work. I wish you good luck for the game , all the best and happy new year!
    Likes: Azum
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Going to go ahead and give this one a preliminary 3/5 stars. Note that this review is based only on the game itself and not factors outside of it. NLT has a great reputation for delivering on time, and that's incredible, but this is a review of The Genesis Order not NLT.

    - Improvement in animation quality. ToN is infamous for the extremely stiff "sandbag" quality of their female animations.
    - Improved render quality.
    - More voice acting. (I play muted but others may like this)
    - Cleaner UI that clearly shows item/secret collection status.
    - Container items that aggregate less important pickups.

    - Lack of innovation in formula. Like changing the name on homework you did a year prior for a new class and turning it in, feels like a ToN reskin rather than something new.
    - Much slower progression than predecessors. Im writing this at 7% completion and the most we've done is get a thighjob and fingerbang a maid. Comparatively in ToN we'd already fucked a milf, got blown by said milf, fucked her daughter, fingerbanged her daughter, and had 2-3 other masturbation scenes.
    - Non-shop collectibles are much harder to find without a guide pointing them out.
    - Anti-cheat has been ramped up for reasons unknown.
    - Character archetypes feel like a copy paste of Treasures.

    It's difficult to want to continue reading a book in which the first few chapters can nearly put you to sleep and that is a good summary of how I feel about TGO currently. The improved animation and render quality is very nice but it's contrasted by much slower progression in comparison to it's predecessors. When you do get to see an animated scene, it's typically uneventful and not something you're liable to care repeating.

    NLT did a great job delivering a hype trailer but they've taken about a dozen steps backwards in crafting an enticing introduction for their new IP. The Genesis Order is extremely boring at the time im writing this and I highly recommend leaving this one on the shelf for 6-12 months with the hope that there is content that actually feels worth your time by that point.

    - If you cheat in more than 1 chest key at a time you won't be able to open any chests, period.
    - If you cheat in money keep in mind hardcoded anti-cheats may you over in this regard as well down the line.
    - Try not to save until you've successfully completed the episode in the event you need to rollback modified values.
    - Anyone who claims you can't cheat is an idiot and hasn't programmed a day in their life; take what they say with a grain of salt. Just be mindful and you'll be fine.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I relly liked the treasure with nadia. this game is very similar to that if not the exact same thing but with different models. i cant complain as i liked their old game and so naturally i will like this on aswell. i played this a couple version back and i will update my review if my opinion changes but i doubt it will. it does what it says oin the tins.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A new adult game from NLT studio that you should play, the graphics and story are both very good and interesting. Protagonist with a beautiful harem that other adult games should follow, a sequel to the exciting treasure of nadia
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    So far I like the new game; but I am waiting for more content. Seems good and steamy. Fun that it has a few characters from the last game by NLT. Like the older well stacked women in it. The puzzles don't seem too hard yet.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of version 04122.

    I'm very conflicted about this title. This is obviously still extremely early in development, but certain trends are already obvious. This game was hyped a lot, so many people had big expectations for the title.

    The first controversial decision is to once again use the RPG Maker engine. This makes the game feel dated. The engine choice was already a controversial point with Treasure of Nadia, so you'd think NLT media would use a new engine for their newest title, but they didn't.

    There's no denying that visually NLT media delivers very good renders. Some character models look a little off, but generally speaking, everything looks very good. It's clear that the developers are putting more resources into the animations and the fact that more lines are voiced is a nice touch.

    The biggest problem is that this game feels like more of the same. Sure, this time around you play as a detective and your 'guide' is different, but the same gameplay mechanics are still used once again. I'm sure there will be some interesting plot points and twists, but I'm not sure if this game will be able to hold my interest for another 1.5-2 years. The engine makes the game feel dated and all in all, it's just more of the same.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Another sequel from NLT, never fails to deliver content, MC is not short boy big dick anymore, thats an improvement .
    quality of animation : improvement with respect to TON, redhead female character has patches in her face that's a good detail.
    Environment and map: this game feels like occuring in a town larger than cape vedera(??) lot of potential in terms of adding side quests
    voice: well voice done in the first chapter,
    overrall i give 5/5 to the raw potential this game has
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Ashley young

    This game is certainly another NLT media game. Good renders, nice story, variety of girls and nice VA. It still seems to have the same formula of young dude banging women older than him, finding positions, solve stuff for rewards, etc.
    Technically, this game is really good (Even though it is only at around 3% right now), but the formula is starting to get old now. If this was my first NLT media game, I would have given it 5 stars, but after playing the previous 2 games, stuff starts to look a lot same-y. I hope his next project shakes things up a bit (like making the MC a proper adult, reduced grind for sex positions, a more engaging story that does not push sex scenes for the sake of it or hopefully an engine switchover to Renpy or Unity)
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Since it is the first release of the game I'm not commenting on too many things and try to keep it short.

    • it is a NLT game and it shows - the animations, characters and general scenery looks great
    • the story tries to connect some ties from the previous games, you don't really need to know anything to play it tho
    • the darker urban tone of the game is nice
    • Chloe looks super odd to me, I kind of hope that they won't go back to their original artstyle of the girls where every girl looks like a grumpy grandma
    • I'm scared of the game falling into the pattern that TON had - I mean with game progression, scenes, grinds.. I'd prefer a more open approach (this is also the main reason I give it only 4/5*)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the games NLT is producing. But as a few reviewers already mentioned, it is getting a little repetitive.
    I like that there are a few "old" Characters. But what is up with the Madalyn Character? A very hot bodied grey-haired grandma? I do not see the obsession.
    The game is still good to look at. I was hoping for a little change in gameplay. But all in all, it has a good atmosphere.
    At the moment my Favorite characters are Lillian, Carol and Heather.
    But it will probably change, as it did in T.o.N.
    I think it is one of the best games I found here.
    Keep up the good work.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    i am conflicted. like about all NLT games but the conflict grows more and more the more i see from the same over and over again over the past now already years. but its still one of the best games in story telling and quality department aswell as navigation.

    i know its just an early version but you already can see where the game is going. after the big success of ToN i hoped NLT's team would try something different for once or at least something more.

    but enough introduction here are my pros and cons so far:

    +amazing voiceacting and animation work which is top tier
    + nice quality /the models and animations are just crazy good
    + nice worldbuilding even its in rpgmaker
    + nice story even it always loses quality at the end it still carries on over to the next game which is cool
    + great variety of girls which all look great
    + good menu and very hot KI helper(angel) which is way hotter than the last secretary girl style in my opinion
    + some girls in ToN where hotter but some here are hotter than in ToN and especially LE
    + simple thing but underhestimated and more important than you think: humour


    - variety still stops after girl harem
    - sometimes more of the same is good sometimes something a bit fresh is needed which i can't find - yet
    - male mc (can be totally fine but only if i can chose one which i can't - customization would be amazing but i guess impossible to do - yet)
    - i would cound rpgmaker as negative but thats one of the few things i would say okay thats NLT and hey the models are detailed and the maps is clear and not too much to walk
    - house makes me scared it gets again grindy - i really hate games with two things: boring fighting-stuff and grind stuff even its minor. i mean if ppl like fishing and compare their catches DO IT but make it optional cause there are ppl who don't like it)
    - this brings me to the last thing: forced kinks. this game is the only game i really can enjoy bukake and gangbangs. normally i am not a big fan of this stuff. i would like to see other kinks which won't happen cause the story is really solid and above average BUT way to linear - especially after the second game it gets a bit too straight and more like a VN but with even less choices.

    Last words about the girls: its interesting you never see a black girl and both redheads from last and thing game have the same cocky character. the mother character seem to be a bit more relaxed than the last one which looked too naive - speaking of naive most girls in this game are either unrealistic perverted or too naive or both. i could count this as negative but i personally don't mind much just wanted to point it out.

    my fav girls look and voice wise are the indian detective, the blond busty farmer girl (aunt?) and especially the blond cult girl lillian (or what her names was) even tho she was a bit too mysterious and i would have really liked to know which she does with the old guy with the cap which she calls child which would personally have been more my kind of kink. (but since i can't see it i hope she doesn't have sex with him since i like her really much lol) i wouldn't mind to play a girl like her - and the new mc (which imo looks the best and more mature of all mc's but still a bit bland) and if it would be just "just" multiple character game. NLT games could have such a giant potential to be a multiple protagonist game. which would make the linear stuff less "boring" when there are more linear storylines. but OH MY GOD this would require possible other men and maybe even NTR (and so many hate NTR - even its just a game... i mean irl i wouldn't like to share a girl but in a game why not i don't see the problem here since it is just a game...) i already miss clare and especially janet. janet was just amazing and hotter than the "motherfigures" from LE and now TGO.

    there are stuff NLT does which is easily 6 star stuff (if that would be possible) but there is also unfortunately enough which average which is surprising for me for a dev-team which makes a solid amount of money and stable income with very experienced creators. - thats why my chriticism is a bit harsher than normally cause this game could have potential for more - especiallly at least after the second game.

    i still hope there will be someday a game with multiple male and female characters, with ntr, old/young, mystery, great worldbuilding, maybe even voiceacting and as great animations and female bodies as NLT is using/creating. but this day seems still far off it seems.

    kinda stange when i see how NLT did even pregnancy ( and even bestialiy in his comics which is even less popular - justifiably.) these niche stuff is okay cause maybe NLT or his best supporters are into this. but different kinks? nah.

    tl;dr: the 3 (3,5) stars are the result of 2 parts

    the 5 star part which are animations, girls, voiceacting, interface(angel) and worldbuilding.

    and the 2 star part which always same few kinks, nearly always same characters, one-man-show (and rpgmaker which i normally wouldn't complain much when it would be a small newer dev)

    i wish NLT would share his girls and voices with the community to at least let others make similar but optional different games.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I do not understand the negative evaluations even if in part they can be shared as I believe that there can always be a margin for improvement for any masterpiece in the sector, but if we compare this team with the rest of the globable landscape it deserves the maximum evaluation (even more if it were possible) for the following reasons:
    1) good renders and lots of good animations;
    2) good gameplay with help in real time, if it is considered appropriate to use it (it seems to me the best);
    3) the story will not be the best but nevertheless acceptable;
    4) very punctual and short release times;
    5) guarantee that the game will not be abandoned;
    6) at least until today I have never witnessed milking attempts or worse blackmail and excuses of various kinds that slow down or cause the abandonment of the project.
    Who else can be compared to this team?
    Nobody, if you take away the time wasters that flood the market with garbage of various kinds, the other professionals who start a good project at best take almost half a decade to complete it (or abandoned as often happens) with unscheduled updates that continue through excuses and excuses or worse still with blackmail asking for money or through long milking periods that delay updating or completion, it makes no sense for me to follow a game under these conditions (I throw them into oblivion or wait for them to be completed to play it ).
    This team, for me, today has a monopoly in the sector and it is no coincidence that it has won the trust of supporters by obtaining an incredible and deserved success.
    I do not understand how so many others out there (perhaps even with technical skills greater than NLT) do not follow this example which allows for significant gains in addition to the fact that this type of competition would wipe out the time wasters and scammers, collecting the financial support that these last they get without any merit.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing the first version:

    Much of this review stems from the continuity between NLTs last two games and this emerging one. Many of the pros are undeniable; fair attempt at story craft, overall polish, varied cast, and regular development.

    Unfortunately NLT hasn't shown much desire to change or evolve their formula, and already it feels like I'm settling in for more of the same with a reskin. RPGM was a big disappointment for many in ToN and it's back for another two years, ostensibly. Renders are a bit fuzzy due to this and the game is especially poor looking on modern resolutions (2440p and up).

    Game handling can be left to your own preference; personally I don't mind the controls in the game and it has a bit more of a classic adult game feel than just a powerpoint VN (which also has its merits when done right). There's no denying it's a bit dated, however, with some frustrating UI interactions, especially with anything involving the inventory. The sheer amount of times this game wrests control from you, just like in LE and ToN, and you have to sit there and watch your character do shit that you don't want to do yet or could have done four times faster yourself, is simply staggering.

    Finally, and this is just a general gripe with NLT: Once again it feels like they have their set of fetishes that are going to be in every game (for example tons of group, nuns, facials, etc.) and you don't really have any control over it, even in a really small way. Throughout ToN there was a lot of moments where they hinted and built up to things that never fully materialized or did the developer equivalent of blue balling you (e.g. pregnancy in the endings, or general lack of satisfying endings at all).

    TL;DR: So far the Genesis Order seems like a re-skinned version of Treasure of Nadia. While I thought ToN was a great game, particularly the first half of it, it was very long and grindy and I'm not really that stoked to play more of the same without improvements by this point. On the other hand, if you really loved ToN by the end and are eager for something exactly the same, this game is for you. I will likely wait until after the game is complete with fan mods/upscaling before doing much else.