So I'll just go ahead and premise this with saying that this is a great AVG, for basically the same reasons that ToN was. Animations are amazing, the characters and writing are pretty good, there's actual worldbuilding, and the core adventure game-style gameplay loop is done well. Unlike most "complete" AVGs, this one is actually complete and even has a decent postgame.
All of this deserves 5 stars. But I want to focus the rest of this review on some thoughts I had, especially when comparing this game with ToN. There will be spoilers, so if you want to avoid those stop reading here.
Firstly, not much has evolved since ToN. The animations are a bit better, but the gameplay and overall formula is similar. Perhaps if anything there's been some streamlining done of the grindier parts, where you don't need to do as much treasure grinding or hopping through several screens of wilderness to go wherever you want to go. That's good. But a lot of the bad stuff about ToN wasn't addressed, like having to pixel-hunt for items or a lot of puzzles just not being very intuitive.
The cast is a bit improved from ToN overall I think, though probably many people disagree. I think having so many middle-aged MILF characters is overdoing it a bit but whatever. I also thought overall the character dynamics were a bit better written and believable than ToN - I'm not into domme characters like Melissa normally but I was amused at how their relationship developed from them basically beating the shit out of eachother while fucking lol.
It was also interesting that this was very obviously a direct sequel to ToN and built upon the unresolved plot threads relating to that game. The parts regarding Madelyn were good, but the parts relating to the Guild were not. Like, I get that the formula of the game is sorta to have a lot of characters with their own agendas scheming and you gradually fuck them all into revealing their plans but after ToN the Guild had no real sense of threat to it - Duncan is portrayed as incompetent from the start, and doesn't contribute much to the plot beyond bringing in a bunch of characters from ToN that are trying to track him down. But notably at no point can you fuck any of the girls from ToN, because I guess this would upset fans of ToN who would see this as cucking Henry and knowing how the internet is I could see why you wouldn't want to risk a review bomb over this. Even Madelyn never actually fucks the MC! The ToN girls in Henry's harem do fool around with William's girls in the GO harem, of course, but the One Penis Policy is apparently the true form of sexual morality that guides the horny sluts of NLT games. It's just a weird line that obviously exists.
But this gets to what I consider my core critique of the game from a writing perspective: ToN danced around this and kept it in the background, but in GO the supernatural plotline takes center stage pretty heavily and it is made clear that basically there is something like an Abrahamic creator God who governs the universe and mandates sexual purity (outside of marriage/conception?) But in the story William is benevolently cultivating his own pleasure-seeking slut harem, bound only to his magical cock. And I was sorta thinking that the tension between the MC's own actions and the established Divine Will of the One True God would be addressed/resolved somehow - especially given Lilith's agenda of trying to "redeem humanity through pleasure" - but.... this never actually happens. And it creates a weird tonal dissonance that, like.... okay, William is cool and all but he's also defying God and his entire harem is going to go to Hell? I mean, there's even a plot point later on about one of the characters needing to do perform religious blaspemy to have her soul sent to Hell, so she could then be reunited with her body that was there. And she does this, but haven't you still kinda like... doomed her to go to Hell later when she dies naturally? Shit is kinda dark.
I'm not religious. But it is just weird writing to establish that there's a Creator God who disapproves of the MC's lifestyle and will send everyone to Hell, but also he's the good guy. Maybe this will be addressed in future games, but it seems like this could've easily been avoided by just.... baking a more lenient view of religion into the worldbuilding. Lots of AVGs have angels and demons and Heaven and Hell but they usually just get around this issue by saying that God won't actually send you to Hell for enjoying sex outside of marriage. Nothing in the story here really requires that this bullet be bitten. And obviously it creates a tonal dissonance that I sorta got hung up on.
I sorta suspect that the writer(s?) fell into the trap I see with a lot of AVGs, which is getting too heavily invested in writing some sort of supernatural plotline that eventually takes over everything else, because either all your sex scenes start to involve demons and superpowers or it just seems weird if you're having vanilla sex with your childhood friend on her bed while meanwhile in the nearby creepy mansion there's a demonic army being marshalled that will fuck up your world. I think the writing would've been better if the stakes were dialed down massively.