RPGM - The Green Shadow Rachel [v0.11.5] [Roshi2000]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The Green Shadow Rachel v0.11.5 Review

    This is not my final review of this game, since the game is still a work in progress. It does seem "possibly" mostly complete, and it's already 2+ hours of fun, spank and wank! And I think that the final version of this game shouldn't be judged by a previous version such as this. This game deserves much better than another negative review like some previously posted.

    I must first admit that I have never played the first game, Masked Heroine: The Green Shadow Rachel, by the other developer years before this one. I've tried downloading it, but could never get it to run like I can this one. I've only seen some little pictures of it around on the internet. So I can't really sincerely compare this Green Shadow game to the other one. All I know is that the first game apparently doesn't have an impregnation mechanic in it like this one does... so... YEAH!

    I also can't compare this version (v0.11.5) with the previous versions of this game, because this is the only version I've played so far.

    It's a well thought and cleverly crafted RPG with lots of pornographic content and pictures, many of the most extremes (which in this case is a good thing!) There's some inspirational references and things in the game from franchises like Star Wars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Seriously, Teenage FUCKING Mutant Ninja Turtles! There is a mutant humanoid rat character in the sewers, and he ain't no master of Ninjitsu either! He's mentioned to me before that he has mouths to feed, and sure he could have a litter of rodents somewhere... or horny mutant humanoid turtles! The reporter character is like the COMPLETE opposite of April O'Neal! She always wants to take pictures of Rachel whenever Rachel is at her worst!... Like the time when my Rachel was publicly humiliated and impregnated by Metal-Man... (I think that baby was supposed to be metallic. I don't know.)

    Most of the missions are simple. Others are challenges that test the development of the player's Rachel character. The players are free to play at their own pace. You can boldly and hastily take on the missions, taking some losses here and there. or you can fight some crime in the daytime before or as you are doing the daytime missions, gaining XP and making Rachel a better fighter along the way. The city at night is not the same as day. I keep seeing a thug frequently standing outside Rachel's home at night. I see that Rachel has two ways of entering her home. With all that, I keep imagining that this story could someday possibly lead to a home invasion situation maybe in a future update. Five thugs in her home waiting for her. If she enters the front door, automatic capture and gangrape scene. If she enters through her window, she could have a fighting chance. Could even involve Thomas in this one so he learns the hard way in the story about why hero's keep all their information and contacts secret, by either watching Rachel getting gangraped or watching her enter through the window and kicking everybody's ass... My imagination and this game...

    Later in the game, we learn that there is what could be a Dark Fantasy mystery to be solved that involves elves and fairies. There are also bonus missions, minigames... and perhaps... secrets! I can only imagine what the finished game could be like someday!

    This is my favorite pornographic videogame. This is only my beta (work in progress) review, not my final review for this game. I'm giving it 5 stars, and I want to give the finished game 5 stars too someday.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game and, wow, so much to discover, fast travel by walking the severs. Good story but a very naive girl and the best-secret hidden identity :ROFLMAO:.
    Some ways to lose her virginity. Fun yes, story good, MC factor yes .Much potential from the scenes in the bar, the photographer, in the church, the taylor :sneaky: in the severs witht the poor men etc.etc. I like it that the girls touch Rachel too if her clothes ripped. With the lasersword a new quest and don t forget shuriken;) .
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the work she is doing and the degradation of the protagonist, but I would like to see her become corrupted as the story progresses and come to enjoy the process and at the same time say No, and yes, well, it's complicated to explain but you understand what I mean.
    Developer, if you read this, keep it up, you're doing a good job :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game as a whole is well-developed, but there are problems with swords when you take the main swords, other purchased ones simply disappear into nowhere. It would be nice to work on this part. And the character’s inventory itself as a whole.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Copyright infringement issues aside, It's a decent game. It's not for everyone though, especially if you can't tolerate saggy titties. That being said, the english is comprehensible while not perfect, the gameplay loop is pretty fun.
    It's pretty much one of those ' how much trouble can i get the heroine into ' kinds of games, which I am a sucker for. If you like that, and like boobies that have some 'hang' to them, maybe give this a go.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna try not to be too negative since this game is still in production, and I can definitely see it improving, but there are some critisisms that I need to get off my chest. I'll cover what I didn't like first so that I can end this review by highlighting the things that I did and ending on a high note:

    My biggest problem with this game is the writing, and by that, I don't mean the dialogue, grammar or english, I'm used to playing bad MTLs and this is worlds better in that regard. But the actual storytelling, and character writing was just... Kinda disappointing, especially in comparisson to the original. I found Rachel/The Green Shadow's character to be very uncompelling and annoying in this game, and the writing for her character/story completely fail the premise, and the main reason I play games like these. I'm here to watch a strong, badass, determined heroine with a lot of pride and lofty ideals of justice get knocked down, raped, humiliated and gradually corrupted, I'm here to watch her be humiliated, broken down through her failures and circumstances, and that just isn't what we get here. This Rachel has none of what made the original so compelling, and I think nowhere is this more obvious than the opening scenes of both games.

    In the original Green Shadow game, our introduction to Rachel is her walking into a room with the top heroes like she's got the biggest dick in the room. She's blunt,stoic and badass, and even manages to trade banter and barbs with totally not the Hulk. Her reputation precedes her, and though her backstory is kept intentionally vague, we're informed that she's already a trained ninja and an accomplished, respected hero. This scene is simple, but establishes Rachel's two most important traits; her confidence and arrogance. This is a game centring on humiliation above all else after all. Compare that to this games introduction, where all of the mystique is immidiately stripped away and we just jump into the plot with no fanfare. She's not depicted as particularly proud, confident or arrogant, she has no reputation whatsoever and outside of one line in her backstory, no indication as to her dedication to justice. Simply put, we get nothing, and then when we finally have control of Rachel, literally everything we can do with her makes her feel shallow and utterly uncoordinated and aware, not like the badass, jaded superhero we get at the start of the original. This Rachel is depicted as vain and petty, obsessing over her weight and pics of herself, being giddily excited at the prospect of becoming famous and being more than willing to throw away her shame at the drop of a hat, right at the beginning. This has the unfortunate side effect of making all of the humilation, corruption and defeat hit way less than it should. Cause she's not depicted as a badass ninja superhero, she could be any girl doing cosplay and it would have much the same effect. The way she's written is just kinda lame, and that REALLY takes me out of it. Character flaws and a bit of naivety are fine, and honestly integral for helping us suspend our disbelief, but without the character strengths and their ideals, the humiliation and corruption that are central to this game just don't land. But I digress...

    Gamplay is my next big issue, although its something I'd normally be willing to forgive if that writing/story was good. The combat is fine, honestly not that different from the original save for the exclusion of the insta-kill ability which made the game a hell of a lot more playable, but we do have a lot more toys to play with at least. No, the problem comes from navigation and progression, which is honestly kinda unbelievable since the original nailed this! Long story short, navigating the overworld in this game SUCKS! The building short cuts take longer to use than just walking, and the map is just a pain to navigate. There are no signs or directions, no real logic to anything and for the most part, we just walk through incredibly large, empty, totally irrelevent areas looking for the one place things can happen. Its so slow, tedious and aggrivating just getting from A-B, and god forbid you have to find something hidden or tucked away. Finding quests or events is also a pain in the ass, cause asides from the quest chain you get from the start, everything else is scattered around and you're given no indication of where. It took me ages to find out that you could get quests at the hero building cause the game just never tells you, and there seem to be a lot of quests that require you to talk with specific NPCs or interact with specific spots or objects. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but it should not be this tricky or tedious just to progress the game. The original used the phone and computer as a hub for all of our quests and side-jobs and that worked perfectly!

    Also, and I'm sure its been said before, but having your outfit and weapons taken every time you lose to a thug just sucks and isn't fun. Having your hero costume stolen once or twice in the original was fun, it led to some exhibition content, and it gave you a solid motivation to work at the jobs and unlock more scenes, but here it just seems to be to discourage you from fighting and punish you, since money is so hard to obtain, especially without clothes, since for some godforsaken reasons, most of the scenes and activities in this game are linked to what you're wearing. WHY DOESN'T THE HOODIE OR ATHLETE WEAR COUNT AS CASUAL CLOTHES?! This just leads to what feels like softlocks where it just seems impossible to progress or do anything, which just isn't fun. I constantly feel like I'm being punishied just for trying to see and enjoy the games content, which is the opposite of what it should feel like.

    My final problem with the game is a relatively minor one, but at the start, I chose to not see blood and gore, since that's just really not my thing and makes me mad uncomfortable, and the fact that I had that choice was great, and something the original REALLY needed, but uh... It didn't actually work, and I'd still see scenes of blood, gore and death, like when I fought the mudman and he blew my stomach open after I made a single attack. Now I don't like gore in general, at least not in my porn games, but if its gonna be in there, it should at least be telegraphed and avoidable, and not something that can just happen out of nowhere... Especially when you specifically selected not to see it. I'd also just really like to have an option to disable character death since those sort of bleak bad ends are just unpleasant to me. I'm here for rape and humiliation, and these death scenes are taking up space that I think those could fill, but that's more personal preference than an outright critique.

    Luckily this game isn't fully without its pros and charms, although they aren't quite enough to salvage the game for me personally. But a lot of the actual indiviual scenes are very hot and decent written. There are a lot of fetishes and scenarios and I can only imagine many more in the future, and even if they aren't all something I'd enjoy, I'm at least glad that the developer(s) aren't holding back. Also, this game has pregnancy mechanics, which I always love! I'm not sure how in depth they are yet, or even how they work in this version (I didn't get that far) but its always a welcome addition and something I think the original game would have benefitted from immensly!

    I know this review probably seems very harsh, but that's honestly just cause I have such high hopes for the concept and I want to see this project be the best that it can be, cause despite its flaws, I can see the potential! The writing and characterization need to be worked on and improved a lot, and the map/navigation and quest system need to be either majorly tweaked or re-build from the ground up, but if these issues are addressed, I can see this game hopefully becoming something really special. Its just that at the moment, it isn't living up to its potential or my expectations. Anyway, that's all the rambling I have in me, at least for now.

    2/5 - I've played worse, but this could be so much better!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like this game for what is it, a great homage to the original Green Shadow Ranger.

    While I still prefer the OG what we have here is a game with a lot of great ideas held back a little by the art style / model quality as it is a direct comparison to the OG which was a little cleaner and more HD (more realistic vs cartoon).

    Still lots more kinks and scenes here than the original and scenes seem to be constantly updated to high hopes here.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    ver 0.9
    At first I wanted to say that English is not my native language but I believe it will be understandable.
    It's very good and promising game.

    * I love battle system-skills, provocation, undressing, groping while fight etc- variable depends on heroine state, it's really exciting and so hot.

    * I don't wanna leak scenes here but most of them are really good with details and so hot.

    * Game has already a lot of scenes and it's still in develop it has around 4000+ pictures- of course because of complexity of the game ( clothes state, heroine state etc) pictures are repeated depends on state like (topless, panties, naked etc).

    * Huge potential, creativity of dev- after every update I can't wait for another. I feel there is still a lot of exciting scenes and ideas of dev, I believe there will be more wrestling/ fight events maybe in other place too, I'm sure because of complexity of the game there are still a lot to do!

    * RPGm engine- this is my favorite games type that makes more playable for me!

    * Characters, enemies, story, quests- of course this is not finished game but plot of game looks promising too, characters- I really can't wait when dev will add new enemies form wanted posters, there are also side quests that makes game more interesting.

    * Very good contact with the creator and frequent posts about progress.

    I started support Roshi few months ago and I don't regret it, I like this content and it's worth supporting such creators.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's see, there are people who don't know what kind of game this is, that it's a tribute to an existing game, or that all they want is to discredit and criticize the author's work.

    First of all, although there are some Patreons, there aren't many, and the work being done is practically without receiving anything in return. We're talking about over 4000 images in version 0.9.

    We all have our preferences and physical tastes, but we should respect the preferences of others. If you can't stand a particular author's standards, nobody is forcing you to play. But criticizing and saying it's terrible for that reason doesn't seem right to me. You don't like it, but your opinion is equally valid as mine, or at least it should be.

    The last review I saw (k2ren) also left me amazed. It says it's version 0.9 but it doesn't correspond to mine...

    First, it criticizes that the clothing easily tears... well, NO ONE is forcing you to fight with the thugs; it's INTENTIONAL if you want to look for those types of scenes and see the HUGE AMOUNT of scenarios that happen after losing your clothes. If you want to earn money and complete the missions, simply DON'T FIGHT WITH THE THUGS, or change your clothes as secondary clothes don't have the risk of getting damaged or stolen...

    I understand that you don't like the game; we all have our own tastes. But criticizing the author and telling them that what they're doing is crap annoys me, because people like you can make the author stop developing this game that others, like me, consider great and different from what can be achieved. So, I would appreciate RESPECT, and if you don't have anything good to say, then please keep your mouth shut.

    The game has improved and grown since it was developed. Numerous scenes have been created, fights have different endings, and there is a wide variety of scenes and conclusions possible (I repeat, over 4,000 images).

    Is the English not perfect? Possibly. English is not my native language, but it is more than understandable.

    The opening has changed, and the game has a guide, as they explain to you in the early stages. The mobile phone tells you what you have to do, not only at the beginning but at all times.

    And for God's sake, it's a GAME; it doesn't seek realism; it seeks... what these types of games seek.
  10. 2.00 star(s)



    considering how unplayable it is, i cannot give more than 2/5 so far. there were many patches already so there is no excuse. if your clothes get destroyed, you are locked out from many places (obviously, since you cannot go in naked) but... it costs a LOT of money to repair your clothes and they get destroyed VERY EASILY. so in beginning if you fight some enemies, your clothes will get destroyed, you will be locked out of quests to get money until your clothes are fixed.. but you need money to fix your clothes... same thing with your Green Shadow heroine outfit, which costs even more(200g) and you cannot even finish the quest naked to get a measly 50 gold... so yeah, it's unplayable.

    this dev is a great disappointment. i played in the first version, it showed a lot of promise. the model had very ugly saggy tits, that was kinda fixed, still in some scenes she has weird looking ufo watery tits. but it's mostly fine. he removed the middle-fight rape scenes where you get autodefeated if molested too much... that was bad decision as well... and multiple other things were removed, but all the decisions were just braindead.

    i get it you want it to be realistic that if your clothes get destroyed you have to buy a new one it wont autorepair... ok but how is it realistic that clothes get destroyed so fast, plus lots of times they dont even get destroyed, they are just taken off you, and even if you kill the enemy, somehow those clothes are just GONE... how is that realism, it's just bad game design and no logic by the dev.

    so all in all, this game showed lots and lots of promise, but dev is talentless so this is a very low tier trash game. 2/5 because there are still some scenes which are hot, but it won't save this mess.

    even in intro, which is there since like a year, there are still a LOT of typos and critical grammatical errors. although the beginning was changed multiple times, at least in earlier versions you had some early guidance what to do, now you are just wandering around aimlessly if you didn't play the previous versions.

    so all in all a very bad game. it will need like 2-3years until it MIGHT resemble something decent, but until then i suggest you spend your time on something else because this is a dumpster fire.

    edit: i dont know what the above reviewer(FallenAvatar) is smoking but he is delusional or knows the dev so he defends him. when there are gamebreaking things which make you stuck, it's a bad game design, and not "just dont fight them lol" it's basically saying "just dont use part of the game which makes it gamebreaking"... it still doesn't address the fact that it indeed has gamebreaking stuff in it so he is delusional both about his rating and his reaction to criticism.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Currently, it is not as good as the original. However, it has great potential.

    Please fix some rendering issues and try to complete events before releasing the game. No one wants to have to restart the game repeatedly

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow i was blown away! I thought this was a remake or fan fiction of the original (which i found to be quite light in content), but its huge and hits all the tags perfectly!
    The scenes are very very hot and show a lot of creativity.
    There is even a whole pregnancy sequence and extra milking after!?! Were did that come from, amazing. I thought i was at the end of the content following the main questline but some of the side quests were long, detailed and erotic as heck.
    If you enjoy the tags (humiliation, blackmail, rape etc) dont miss this.
    I turned of scat and watersports if that helps anybody. i didnt see any and I am not sure what role they play but they were uneeded in my playthrough.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is good, but the graphics for CG doesn't look good enough because it looks like this game is used for the alpha version, and it doesn't look like the Combination CG version and all of the character were designed to look terrible.

    No disrespect and no offence. It is just the game that designs the character looks awful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Both this game and the original one focus on scene setting.
    Various situation make the female super hero have sex with various lewd people.
    No grinding or long boring story lines teasing forever.
    Just let go the hot imagination.

    For the new one.
    In game quest guide is somewhat inadequate.
    Some scenes make me feel underdeveloped.
    Some of them just tease and leads to nowhere.
    Some charater just fuck once and never appear again.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good.

    Green Shadow was a very well, but it was a short Erotic RPG. What I liked about the first game was it being in two main parts, civilian adventures, and green shadow alter ego.

    It was definitely not for everyone but if you liked a more brutal corruption game it was pretty good.

    This new game by a different author seems to be a nice remake that is more of a re-imagining of the original game. However, it so far keeps the game play and basic premise similar but expands greatly with ton of new scenes and content.

    Even now it has;
    • Battle sexual harassment
    • Battle loss sex
    • Start of daily job sexual harassment – corruption
    • Start of prison scenes
    • Some graphic game overs
    It is an excellent early version. Hope to see continuation of many of the routes as well as additions of water sports and other such more brutal features from the original.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Can't go wrong with more green shadow. The dev has a decent grasp of the tone and style of the original, however the original was much more fleshed out and intricate. As of now this is basically a gallery hunter, which can be fine. The battle rape definitely has more promise than the original though.

    Update 0.8 - game is developing suprisingly quick. There's a lot of good scenes in here, but unlocking them still doesn't feel nuanced like the original. Some things are definitely done better now, like the combat sex. Other scenes are good, and in my opinion better than the original, but they just happen so fast in comparison. Maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing though. I would rather recommend the developer to continue on with what they think is right instead of scrutinize them.

    Now to judge the game on its own and not compare it to the original. It's starting to get a good amount of scenes with no signs of slowing down, which is great. Somehow the game still feels very fast to me though, but maybe that's because it's still very early on. Since the combat is such a huge bonus compared to other turn based rpgs, it might be cool to have an excuse to do more of it and add more variety there.

    Anyways, because of the developer's consistency and their subscription price, I definitely recommend supporting them if you like their game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Off to a great start... much better rape scenes than last game... and I love the fact you can turn off scat and urine... biggest turn off of the last game... I also hope it's mostly combat rape Rather than blackmail... the story with the nerd last game was horrible... and yeah biggest complaint is the saggy tits please fix the saggy tits... she should be ripped... nice and fit makes for a more dignified warriors heroine... and the more dignity for her to lose when she is defeated

    Never liked the Scat, Urin, and decapitation/gore of the last game... love the direction this game is going with more combat rape, and hopefully game over enslavement. Might be harder to story Board but unmasking blackmail rape "on the path to Game over" would also be nice, I just hope the blackmailers are all real villians jacked criminals nd not some stupid nerd. I see there is a prison also, good opportunity for some lesbian rape (very underserved fetish)... one request is that instead of QSP engine maby make it RPGM... if it's RPGM it can be ported to Android better and the PC RPGM can be played on Android with Joi play app