
Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
I wanted to make it the case that once Debbie had appologised to Lucy she would no longer try to stuff her in the locker. Hence the jump to patrol event 3. Before this either way to catch debbie misbehaving invloves her bullying lucy so the appology does still make sence even if you haven't see her stuffed in the locker. However, if we saw the locker event after we had told Debbie to appologise to Lucy that might be even more confusing. I'll just have to hope that people would have seen the patrol events before then. I could increase the priority of the locker event to make this more likely

The other bugs you've pointed out I have now fixed. I'm sure you are right that there are better ways to code the game. This is the first and only bit of code I've ever made and I'm completely self taught. At some point I plan to hire someone to overhaul the code (I'm already speaking to someone about this). However, I don't really have the funds for it at the moment. The current system works well enough for now in any case.
The game actually runs very stable, but from looking at the code I fear that it might become harder to manage the code once you add more events and students. There is a lot of duplicated code in the 7 days-cycle, so for example every change has to be done 7 times (for each day) or 21 times (for 7 days a 3 time periods). This makes it easy to create bugs and hard to eliminate bugs or test code.

Another bug from the intro (most players won't run into).

The computer in the office during intro is different from the computer on the following days. You can talk to Miss Chang during intro to get the quest and then try to use the computer in office and it will crash when using the construction menu.

                "Upgrade science facilities (500 credits)" if science_upgrade1 == False and chang_spoke == True:
                    if money <=499:
                        mt "I don't have enough money."
                        jump construction_menu
There is no label "construction_menu" to jump to.


Game Developer
Jan 5, 2019
The game actually runs very stable, but from looking at the code I fear that it might become harder to manage the code once you add more events and students. There is a lot of duplicated code in the 7 days-cycle, so for example every change has to be done 7 times (for each day) or 21 times (for 7 days a 3 time periods). This makes it easy to create bugs and hard to eliminate bugs or test code.

Another bug from the intro (most players won't run into).

The computer in the office during intro is different from the computer on the following days. You can talk to Miss Chang during intro to get the quest and then try to use the computer in office and it will crash when using the construction menu.

                "Upgrade science facilities (500 credits)" if science_upgrade1 == False and chang_spoke == True:
                    if money <=499:
                        mt "I don't have enough money."
                        jump construction_menu
There is no label "construction_menu" to jump to.
It is a little bit of a mess to be honest. Someone has already sent me a demo of how to do it better and I'm studying it at the moment. Revamping the code to run more smoothly and to avoid potential issues down the road will be a medium term goal over the next few months once I've been able to expand my team.

Yeah, there are a bunch of issues with the intro. The punishment system for Debbie is also completely different and needs to be updated. I'm hoping to find time to update the intro before the next release. Thanks for the heads up.


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
I wanted to make it the case that once Debbie had appologised to Lucy she would no longer try to stuff her in the locker. Hence the jump to patrol event 3. Before this either way to catch debbie misbehaving invloves her bullying lucy so the appology does still make sence even if you haven't see her stuffed in the locker. However, if we saw the locker event after we had told Debbie to appologise to Lucy that might be even more confusing. I'll just have to hope that people would have seen the patrol events before then. I could increase the priority of the locker event to make this more likely
I would consider something like the following :
See the event at least once in game and see it always when in replay.
See the event at least once before Debbie's apology.

label patrol2:
    if patrol2_last == True and replay == False:
        $ patrol2_last = False
        jump patrol3

    if debbie_sorry == True and patrol2_done == True and replay == False:
        jump patrol3

    if replay == False:
        $ patrol2_done = True

label debbies_apology:
    if replay == False and patrol2_done == False:
        jump patrol2
Since the scene with Lucy is actually the payback for her role in the day 1 event with Claire, you could also make this event automatic so that HM will always run into it at day 2 when entering the classrooms.


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
On some days it is possible to get more than one girl on the punishment list, but after class in late afternoon, only one girl appears for punishment while the others are dropped. This is probably caused by the usage of "elif" instead of "if" in the punishment_game code (see below).

It would be nice to be able to "punish" more than one girl per day after class. This would also allow to give more public punishments (cleaning job).

label punishment_game:

    if rachel_punish == True:
        jump rachel_punish

    elif amy_punish == True:
        jump amy_punish

    elif cass_punish == True:
        jump cass_punish

    elif debbie_punish == True:
        jump debbie_punish


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
    if rachel_punish == True:
        jump rachel_punish

    elif amy_punish == True:
        jump amy_punish

    elif cass_punish == True:
        jump cass_punish

    elif debbie_punish == True:
        jump debbie_punish
About coding :

Imagine you have a school with 100 or more students.

Instead of variables "name_punish" for every student which are evaluated and reset every day, you could use a (global) punishment list where all the wrongdoers are added during day and which is reset each morning. For punishment you would step through the list and call each student.

If the students are added as class objects and have an individual punishment method (or label), the student objects should be able to call their own punishment method (or punishment label).
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 31, 2019
Guys I can't upgrade science facilities. When i click the upgrade menu i get this error. Same shit on my replay menu too. Can anyone help me with this ?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1974, in <module>
NameError: name 'chang_spoke' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "monday.rpyc", line 2570, in script call
  File "monday.rpyc", line 1757, in script call
  File "script.rpyc", line 1973, in script
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1564, in execute
    choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 885, in menu
    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1944, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1937, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1974, in <module>
NameError: name 'chang_spoke' is not defined

The Headmaster 0.4.3
Fri Jul 19 00:26:54 2019


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
Guys I can't upgrade science facilities. When i click the upgrade menu i get this error. Same shit on my replay menu too. Can anyone help me with this ?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1974, in <module>
NameError: name 'chang_spoke' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "monday.rpyc", line 2570, in script call
  File "monday.rpyc", line 1757, in script call
  File "script.rpyc", line 1973, in script
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1564, in execute
    choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 885, in menu
    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1944, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "C:\Users\sezay\Desktop\TheHeadmaster-043-pc\TheHeadmaster-0.4.3-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1937, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/script.rpy", line 1974, in <module>
NameError: name 'chang_spoke' is not defined

The Headmaster 0.4.3
Fri Jul 19 00:26:54 2019
Can you give more details?
Did you continue a savegame from older version or started anew?
Do you use a modded version?
Did you skip the intro?
How many (ingame) days did you play?
Can you roll back to avoid the error?

I played twice with current version (incl. intro) and had no problems with upgrading.
The variable chang_spoke is defined in script.rpy.

label start:
$ chang_spoke = False
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 31, 2019
Can you give more details?
Did you continue a savegame from older version or started anew?
Do you use a modded version?
Did you skip the intro?
How many (ingame) days did you play?
Can you roll back to avoid the error?

I played twice with current version (incl. intro) and had no problems with upgrading.
The variable chang_spoke is defined in script.rpy.
label start:
$ chang_spoke = False
I continued from the older version, should i start from new game ? And nope i don't use any mod and i didn't skip intro... I am in 6 day or sometn. When i get error, i can't roll back.. I can only ignore and continue from there


Engaged Member
Dec 21, 2018
I continued from the older version, should i start from new game ? And nope i don't use any mod and i didn't skip intro... I am in 6 day or sometn. When i get error, i can't roll back.. I can only ignore and continue from there
I would start a new game ... and save the game on a new page to not get in conflict with older saves.
You can test the construction menu in office on day 2, so you can see early if your problem with chang_spoken is still there.

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
I continued from the older version, should i start from new game ? And nope i don't use any mod and i didn't skip intro... I am in 6 day or sometn. When i get error, i can't roll back.. I can only ignore and continue from there
When you continued from an older version, did you skip a period when you first loaded your save?
If that didn't work, try starting again to see if that fixes it.
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Apr 29, 2017
Hey, I finished Debbies and Sallies quest, but I still got only 7 out of 9 support to change the rules, in the quest it says I also need to convince Ruth, how do I do that?

Josh Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
Wait, devs can actually be given advice on how to make their code less clunky and run better in the future...and USE the advice and NOT get angry and cut ties like a whiny child?
  • Wow
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
After the Miss Chang event, she could not get white underwear, so she went commando.
After enjoying commando, she probably stopped looking for new white underwear.
When horniness goes up, maybe she will go commando in her room, too, with more dialogs with Harriet and Emily.
But the thing is, going to her room after that, show her wearing white, even if it's an error, it's there.
I'm going to be shooting some more scenes for Liz's room in the next update and I'll fix this inconsistency. It's just the case that some of the images were from the intro (before the liz ruined all her panties) and I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.
Oh, I figured/assumed that, but it's more fun to have a reason for it. It's only an inconsistency if you want it to be one. It could be that she did replace them, but is going commando by choice. She was made to do it, found she liked it, and since she was allowed to do so, she was just using the excuse. ;)
To me, it's a lot more exciting to have them doing it because they want to.
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