#4 Yeah, I know people like Claire, and maybe they are hoping for a way to reconcile, the abuse, but yeah, from my PoV, this is a really bad idea this soon. She needs a lot of work to get to that point.June Poll - Final Results
So, the patreon poll just closed, and I though I'd share the final results here. I've highlighted the option with most votes. But remember, this is just an indicative poll that Altos will use to guide the development of the game. It's doesn't mean the "winning" vote will actually happen (particularly if the vote was close). I've also put some comments in red.
1. Rachel's tail should be a butt plug or strapped to her waist?
1 - a) Butt plug: 315
1 - b) Strapped to her waist: 39
1 - c) I want full neko (bonus choice please choose A or B as well): 118
It looks as if poor Rachel's about to be getting that butt plug up her. Well, that should start to "stretch" her.
2. More volleyball games or more football (soccer) in version 0.9?
2 - a) Volleyball: 297
2 - b) Football: 49
Gee... tshirt and shorts, or bikinis... I think I can work out why this one won. I guess most patreons felt the less clothes the better, right?
3. The blue cardigans, on or off as default in version 0.9?
3 - a) I like the cardigans, keep them for now: 99
3 - b) The less clothes the better: 247
Told you
4. Who should punish the twins through the punishment system, the headmaster and Sally or the headmaster and Claire?
4 - a) The headmaster and Sally: 72
4 - b) The headmaster and Claire: 267
Claire's a fan favorite, so I can understand why this one is the winner. Although from a stroy point of view this one will be interesting, considering what Claire did to poor Mary...
5. Who needs after school punishment training with the headmaster and Amy more: Debbie or Claire?
5 - a) Debbie: 65
5 - b) Claire: 37
5 - c) Both of them together: 265
Because two girls are always better than one
6. What are your feelings about girls with tattoos/piercings?
6 - a) Tattoos rule: 124
6 - b) Piercings rule: 100
6 - c) I don't care for either: 180
This one's a little closer but looks as if most people prefer without either. For info, Altos had already said that this wouldn't be a punishment option.
7. I've aimed to have a mix of girls who are shaved/bushy/trimmed etc in the game. What do you think about the amount of pubic hair the girls have at the moment?
7 - a) More shaved girls please: 148
7 - b) More bushy girls please: 35
7 - c) You've got the balance about right: 179
Closer but most people seem happy with what Altos is currently doing. I certainly think an entire school of shaved girls might look a little weird... although it might be a fun school rule to implement.
8. Would you like to see more scenes with the girls being embarrassed in front of male strangers on campus
8 - a) I'm happy to see the girls publicly humiliated more often in front of other males: 84
8 - b) I'm fine with that occasionally if the story demands: 225
8 - c) I don't want other men on campus for any reason (even knowing they won’t touch the girls): 47
One of the more controversial questions, but it seems most people are happy with it to some degree. Altos will probably be happy with this, as he'd previously said he had a couple of fun storylines he was thinking of that would involve this.
9. Would you be interested in an optional storyline involving pregnancy?
9 - a) Hell yeah: 143
9 - b) I wouldn't mind a pregnancy storyline but it’s not my thing: 102
9 - c) Please no: 115
Closer and again a more controversial question. It looks as if we might be getting a pregnancy storyline, but Altos has already said that if he did this, he'd ensure there was an equally fun "no pregnancy" route. Having two good separate paths will probably be good news to everyone... except the poor guy updating the walkthrough.![]()