I have no idea why people are so eager to declare games to be dead and abandoned. Happens all the time for no reason whatsoever. Worst I have seen is a free open source game, which had an active forum, posts with screenshots of new features like every second week, public facing github hosted source code, which was updated multiple times each day and a very much alive discord server. After releasing a new version, the thread announcing the release was met with talk about development being dead, or maybe not as dead as expected since there was a release.
People should really bother to invest at least a few minutes to figure out when the last indication of activity took place before announcing something to be dead. It's actually insulting to the people working hard to tell them that they aren't doing anything at all. Sure sometimes releases can be overdue, but at long as there is announcements and screenshots once in a while, it makes no sense to declare something to be dead. Overdue releases usually have a pretty good reason for being overdue. It can be hospital, shark attack (yes some software library stopped releasing for BeOS like 20 years ago because the guy who was supposed to do that was attacked by a shark while surfing in Australia), but other reasons can be that the release was just not ready in time. Sometimes it makes no sense to release before reaching some milestone or fixing a bug regardless of how long it takes to finish. There is a commercial visual novel, which cancelled the release just days before the announced release date. They never said what precisely was wrong, but when they released a month later, they announced the bug was found after producing the discs so everybody had to download an update. They hinted at the unpatched version could corrupt savegames and that the patch would fix it, but the fix wasn't savegame compatible with the unpatched disc version. In other words a perfectly valid reason for not releasing as planned and completely unrelated to development stalling/dying.
Now we get to relax for a little while longer until we get the release and while doing so we will get more entertainment from death announcements from people not reading the thread prior to posting.