"Candy" if charles_no_candy == True and candy_discussed == False:
$ candy_discussed = True
m "So, how was your night with Candy?"
show charles annoyed
cw "Well, the girl was absolutely gorgeous. Young and pretty with large breasts, just how I like them."
m "She sounds great."
cw "Thing is though I can't really remember anything that happened."
m "What do you mean?"
cw "Well, I remember thinking about taking some of those pills you gave me and the next thing I know I'm waking up in bed."
cw "Candy was there in a state of undress telling me how great I am in bed. No surprises there."
cw "Only I don't really remember sleeping with her. It was the strangest thing."
m "Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that Charles. Still though, I lived up to my end of the bargain."
cw "You did indeed. Candy was both young and beautiful and I must have had a great time, I just wish I could remember it."
if replay == False:
call c_log(charles) from _call_c_log_35
# pass the flag for whether we've seen this scene before so that we only add the point once (False will allow the add, True will block it)
influence +2 if not candy_discussed
cw "I shall live up to my end of the bargain as well and I will provide you with whatever support you need at the school board."
m "Good to hear it Charles."
cw "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
n "You've reached the end of Charles' storyline for this update."
jump charles_chat