Patrol during the weekday. You will see Maxine is collecting money to save some rat, give her 100. She will meet you in the office next morning.Anyone resolve the Maxine events not triggering?
You can use my save ,it finished all event in 13.2 and NEW Maxine event just begin.Okay I'm pretty confused at this point. I have a 0.13.2public save from October22. I've cycled through several weeks in-game but nothing new is happening. Things I've tried or noticed:
* I keep getting the "Anna talking outside of Chang's classroom" event while patrolling. Like, a lot. Sometimes I've gotten it twice in one day. Usually I get it every day. In fact, I get that one, usually the other will be the windy skirts scene. A handful of times I get the "group studying outside at a table" event. *Once* I got crying girl on bench outside; once out of probably a couple of dozen patrol events firing off.
* I've done a couple of weeks with nothing but patrols, morning and night. Same on weekends.
* I've done two weeks where it's nothing but classes.
* I did a week with classes morning and football in the afternoon.
* I've summoned every girl available from the "pick one to punish" menu. Some of them generated the new "quest log update" screen which is why I went through them all, thinking a flag wasn't set or something. Nothing.
* I've spied on every dorm window and the showers multiple times.
* I checked all classrooms (not every day), I did paperwork and graded papers in the office, I went to the cafeteria during the day, I went to the lake on the weekend both Sat and Sunday. Dove in the water with Amy on Saturday. Played D&D, watched the TV show, did movie night several times, baked a cake with Priti, body-searched every girl, checked Harriett at the Friday staff meeting twice in two weeks.
* I saw the "patch" file above, pulled that down, copied my 0.13.2 public folder, deleted the lib and renpy folders as instructed and copied the patch file's contents, and have done several more weeks (full patrol, full teach, a handful of other things). Still nothing.
The quest log shows Maxine's new quests under Student Quests, and says to donate generously to unlock her quest.
Still not getting anything new. Supposedly there's, like, I don't even remember but Altos was banging on about how there was SO MUCH new content. SO MUCH new story. A really long story it had taken him five months to write. Nada. I did find the message screen that says the one thing I've been waiting for several updates now isn't there (the staff training with Amy), but nothing else. No group class punishments, no Maxine, no new school uniforms, zippo.
What am I doing wrong? Is this a Beta bug, or am I going to have to redo my game *again*, which I already did back in October. Though, at the time, I actually wanted to. Right now, I have lots of other things going on and really don't want to plow back through old content.
If it matters, this save has maxed (150) Grades and Discipline, and starts with 75-ish Popularity. 18 Horniness. I don't believe I cheated anything in it, just played it straight.
Helpful advice appreciated.
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