This is a very well made and thought out story and style that I greatly like.
I won't do a review or support it yet, do to there is still so much left in the air on the game.
But I like how all the girls feel like their own person and how it's made not only to be about corrupting the girls ((Hope we can do the same to all the staff as well)) but also how it's you the player who will become corrupt as well do to the power.
so I think this really cool to see and we would get an idea for both sides.
I don't know what is ALL plan in the future as in fetishs and character traits, status or what we can change at the school and girls.
but I hope we can get deep info on all the girls such as in number time of sex and among other character numbers.

And I know there are TONS of fetishs out there... but I can't lie the pregnancy or at lest the girls fear of it and/or wanting it would be greatly enjoyable. :3
But I want to say is you do you and what you want to do with your game... but if you don't mind me complaining about one thing.
it's about Ruth Thomas... I don't mind her being the "Pain my Ass" character... but what I didn't like is that.
I didn't get the pick if I was a "Religious" person or not.
Even when the game lets me name my player and is not a set made character.
I feel this should be changed and even can be something to talk with Ms, Thomas.
I really didn't enjoy how she calls you a heathen out of nowhere as if she just some crazy christian zealot.
I DON'T want to come off as some damn SJW. <.< but it just felt like a attack against Christians and/or religions people then just building a character.
((I just think the character and wording can do some work there))
Thank you for taking the time to read and again do as you please with your game.
I just want to help in my own way and I WILL be looking forward for more future update releases!