This is a mixed bag. On one hand, the dev is not afraid to craft a story that doesn't fall squarely into some preconceived genre conversions. It explores certain themes like BDSM, coming of age, religious polygamous cult-like societies, predatory film industry, and high society sex clubs in a somewhat grounded and mature way. On the other hand, the writing and pacing suffers greatly from drab and mundane everyday events and conversations.
The game is LONG. I've churned through about 90% of the current release and skipped the rest. It's long, but it's also incredibly monotonous and rather boring. There is just not much excitement in between all the day to day activities.
Hearing the internal monologues of certain NPCs has a negative impact on the story, imo. Gregory's character is one that suffers from any lack of suspense because we are reading his straightforward sexual predator thought process. He could have been an ominous and mysterious character who the players could suspect was up to no good,but had no definite proof of. Instead, we know exactly what he is doing which makes the MC and the other characters debating his trustworthiness rather farcical.
The visuals are passable. The sex scenes are on the short side. Not fappable, imo.
The coding is pretty limited. Maybe 1 out of 10 choices will set a flag to be used later. All other choices are flavor text or scene selection choices that will not be tracked by the game. Most of the flags that do get set don't usually do much either. It alters a few dialogues here and there. There was only one choice that really meant anything so far. So this is mostly a linear VN, in case that is a significant issue for you. I try not to be too harsh on linearity since it is a design decision to keep the developmental bloat in check, but it does lead to a worse final product in most cases.
While the game presents some interesting scenarios, it is ultimately mired by the repetitive and monotonous day to day progression.